Monday, August 24, 2015

Back to School

Another school year begins in Indian River County.  To all our students, we pray you would be delivered from temptations and evil - bullying, drugs, judging, cursing, immoral thoughts, etc.  We also pray you could be able to reach your greatest learning potential, not only for your betterment, but also of society and to the glorification of God.  To our teachers, we pray for patience, energy, and a clear mind to mold the minds of this generation.  You will never be paid your worth, but we pray that one changed life will make up that difference.  Thank you for all you do.

Speaking of students, my house was filled with our youth group last night.  (Unfortunately I can't post pictures again.  I worked on this for a couple of hours last night and I cannot get the blog site to contact me.  I may have a new blog soon!). I love being around your young people.  Some played basketball, jumped on the trampoline, sat inside and talked, and swam.  It was a blessing to join them in the devotional.  We sang several songs and Joel delivered some good thoughts.  My favorite part was being there for Bella's first youth activity, since being promoted to the youth group last week.  She is still young enough to want to sit by me and sing.  Micah... well, he has a girlfriend.  Fortunately he doesn't deny my existence.  Missy and I are proud to report that all of our young people were well behaved.

Let's back up a few hours to talk about our worship.  One of my favorite comments came from someone visiting from out of town.  He mentioned how much better our song service is since the last time he was in town (a year ago).  When the singing is good, my sermons seem better (even if they're not).  It's a win-win.

Speaking of sermons, we ended our summer series, Amazing Jesus.  In two weeks we will begin a new series called I quit.  Here are the topics we will cover through the month of September.
  1. "I Quit Making Excuses"
  2. "I Quit Complaining"
  3. "I Quit Living in Fear"
  4. "I Quit Comparing"
This is a good series to invite others who have no church home.  You have a couple of weeks to start building it up.

As far as next Sunday, Ed Holmes will be preaching.  You may know him as the son of the Bradley's at the Gifford Church of Christ.  He is a fantastic speaker.  I only wish I could be here to take part.  Missy and I will be flying out Saturday morning for Tuscaloosa to conduct one of my personalities seminars.  I will be speaking for the Northport Church of Christ.  This is the congregation our group stayed when we helped with tornado relief a few years ago.  And no, this was not planned very well, as Alabama doesn't begin their football season until the next week.  Oh well, I know of some great eating places.

We are down to our last week of classes, which means we have some new ones beginning in September.  Steven Wilson will be teaching Being in a World Obsessed with Doing.  Our lives are filled with tasks, jobs and obligations.  They take our time, energy and focus, and end up sapping our souls of the Divine creative energy.  This class is designed to help us see through this haze and create a life that is centered, empowered and transcendent.

On Wednesday nights I will be teaching The Journey's based on the missionary journeys of Paul.  It is a great follow up from our sermon series on Jesus.  The church has begun and the Good News is being taken into the world.  There were many ups and downs but the journey is amazing.

As we finish, think about all the ways Jesus is amazing in your life.  Live in the Gospels and let them live in you.  It will change you.  It will empower you.  It will breath fresh air into everything you do.


Monday, August 17, 2015

One More Week

We are down to the last week of our Amazing Jesus sermon series.  The fact is, the death and resurrection of Christ would have been a great place to end.  The story never gets old and the longer I linger on the facts the softer my heart becomes.  The love and grace of God is just amazing!  This Sunday we will conclude with the "Amazing Restoration" of Peter (Jn. 21).  It is one of my favorite stories of Jesus.

So what's next?  Starting the first week in September, we will begin a new series called I Quit.  Next week I will give a more detailed account of our study.  (I had a really nice picture to place here, but for a second week in a row, my blog site isn't downloading my pictures.  I am in contact with the company hoping to get the problem fixed.)

Back to the news.  Everyone is doing such a good job with our new song "Shout Hallelujah."  What a great song of praise!  We are fortunate, not only to have talented song leaders, but also a group of Christians who participate in our song service.  If you ever want to learn more about singing parts or you want more singing on Sundays, David Brooker has a singing class on Sunday evenings at 4:15.  They would love to have you.

Moving on to Sunday night.  Joel Soumar did a great job giving a presentation of the youth work week.  I was fortunate enough to observe this group last week.  They worked hard and played hard.  It is encouraging, for the present and future of this church, being around them.  One week doesn't begin to define all they do in a year for others.  By the way, the starting quarterback for our high school is none other than Mike Dean.  For all you Gator fans, he reminds me of Tim Tebow.  For you FSU fans, he is built like a rock who can also throw a football and loves Jesus.

Sunday night also showcased our children's program.  The work David Paladin and his team of teachers put in every year is impressive.  And the kids... isn't it encouraging to see how much they learn?  Yesterday we had a couple visiting from out of town.  They brought their grandchild to our children's room (The Aquarium).  The lady made a sarcastic, judgmental and inappropriate remark about our kids program.  She said, "Do they just play or do they actually get a Bible lesson?"  If she could have been there Sunday night I believe she would have changed her mind (maybe).  She didn't like the look of the room, but it is an important part of the process of the kids learning.  Children get excited about coming.  As for her grandchild, I asked him later how he enjoyed class, his face lit up and he told me he loved it!  As a parent, I love it.

As for our teachers, I appreciate all of them.  We had our annual "Teacher of the Year" award and it went to Brittany Wells.  A couple of years ago she was in our youth group.  She has been so dedicated to the program.  The "Work Horse" award went to Rachel Leon, another one of our young adults.  The future is bright for this church.  I know of places where the "young adults" are in their 50's.  I hear of places that are disillusioned by their 20 somethings because they will not get involved.  We are blessed.  Yet, we have so many others, of varying ages, who help out with our children.  It is a beautiful thing to watch.  Let's keep it going.

As for our adult classes, we appreciate everyone who teaches.  This quarter we have seen everything from a young adult (Matt Woodson) to the really old (Joe Wild).  Seriously, we have had many help teach.  We appreciate them all, although I get this feeling that I may be hearing from Joe.  As far as the next quarter, beginning in September, here is the lineup.
  • Sunday morning - Being in a World Obsessed with Doing - Steven Wilson
  • Wednesday night - The Journey's (Paul's missionary journeys) - Tracy Moore
Let's finish.  Wake up each morning with an appreciation for the sacrifice of the Son of God made for our sins.  It is humbling.  Then walk the rest of your day in the resurrection of Jesus.  It is here we find the hope needed to make it through the trials and difficulties before us.  It is here we find genuine joy and inner peace of the Spirit.  I love Jesus.  I want other people to know about Him.  Isn't He amazing!?

Monday, August 10, 2015

Another Great Day

Let's begin with the big news - Kadi McFall made the decision to trust in Jesus and be baptized.  She has been talking about this for a couple of weeks and studied with her mother and grandparents.  I was privileged to be apart of this moment in her life.  I had a couple of pictures to add but my blog site isn't letting me.  Hoping I can put them in next week.

Kadi wanted Ethel Meadows and Helen Rathel to be with her in the baptistery, as well as her two church friends - Bella Moore and Blair Soop.  I love the positive influence our elderly ladies have had on our young girls.  After services Ethel and Helen took the three girls out for pizza.  They also spent the night at Ethel's house.  These two ladies are only a couple of our older generation that has reached across their age group.  It isn't always easy, but when you watch one of those kids being baptized you suddenly understand what it's all about.  We are not "a younger church" or an "older church", but one that enjoys every generation of believers working together to serve Christ.  I would hate to think we were either or.  I love this church.

Lately we have been given a crop of visitors from our community.  A few studies are in progress and some still want to view from a distance.  Either way, make sure you look for these people each week.  A simple smile, friendly greeting, and a few kind words go a long way.  Please seek me out if I haven't met someone.  I try to get around to all our guests but occasionally I will miss a couple of folks.

Sunday afternoon, about 13 of us spent a couple of hours celebrating the 56th anniversary of the Gifford Church of Christ.  I had a few pictures to share, but...  The thing that made me most proud was the church talking about the help and support they received for our congregation, especially Bob Brackett.  It was mentioned, this relationship began with us in a time race relations were bad in our country.  Praise God!

We are down to our last two weeks in our series "Amazing Jesus."  This Sunday the lesson is on the death and resurrection of Christ, what I am entitling "Just Amazing."  This is such an important part our faith.  It is here true life begins.  Please keep me in your prayers this week as I search for all the amazing aspects of these three days in history.

Last week I began thinking about what I want preach in September.  It was a let down.  Where do you go from a study of the Son of God coming to the earth?  Usually I am ready to begin a new series, especially after one has gone this long, but not this time.  With the help of the elders and ministers, I believe I know what we will study, but keep it in your prayers.

Go out today and love your enemies.  Say something kind or do something for them.  No one said it would be easy, only that it is in line with Jesus.  If you have created enemies, work them out.  If our Lord could be humble enough to wash the nasty feet of Judas, surely we can humble ourselves to apologize for wrongs we have committed toward others.  Grow and mature in the love of God.  Read and reflect on this Jesus.  Pray the Spirit would help you overcome, so your enemies can see Jesus.


Monday, August 3, 2015

A Really Good Sunday

The way my Sunday began I wasn't sure if it was going to be a good day.  My alarm clock didn't go off and I woke up a hour late.  I like routine.  When you do something the same way for many years it provides comfort, calm, and a system of making sure everything goes right.  For me, my Sunday begins with breakfast, look over Bible class, practice sermon, get ready for the office, get the sound room set up, double check PowerPoint, and finally a moment of devotion and prayer before going to the coffee shop to talk with people.  When your alarm doesn't go off... chaos.  The positive is watching the Spirit fill in all the holes.  God is good.

Most of us do like routine, which is why Sunday's sermon can be difficult.  We like to rest on the things we have always believed and been told.  We like for our Christianity to be comfortable.  That doesn't mean we are not given the peace of God, but we must continue to study and know more about this Jesus.  We have learned so much from other students of the Bible in the past, but don't place the Lord in a box built by others, rather come to the Gospels with open minds and open hearts to the text.  The life of Jesus teaches us God refuses to be placed in box.  At times He could be wild.  At times He makes us uncomfortable.  When He does so it is for a reason.  I appreciate all the kind comments from yesterday's lesson.  You never know what to expect when you preach on a subject like this, but you were very encouraging.

Speaking of our current sermon series, we only have three more weeks.  This Sunday we will deal with the "Amazing Love" of Jesus.  But be prepared, it is the most difficult love of all - the love of enemies.  The Lord didn't just command it - He also demonstrated in the most amazing ways.

Last night was a lot of fun, for what has become an annual event - Caribbean Night.  We had a GREAT turnout.  Thanks to everyone who came and sported your best flowery prints.  I'm sad to say I forgot to take pictures.  We did several things within an hour - we sang some familiar songs, we learned a new song, we sat through a boring presentation (well you sat through it, I was the one doing the boring), and then we celebrated August birthdays.  It was a great night.  By the way, the Caribbean music you heard coming in was a group called "The Conch Fritters".  One of the guys in the band is the nephew of Fran Mooney.  They are even better in person.  Also a quick shout-out to David Brooker for teaching us the new song.  I know I sometimes sound like a broken record, but I can't tell you what a blessing it is to have someone with his musical knowledge, especially when learning songs.

I want to brag on a couple of our teenagers.  Last week there was a need to find some folks to help unload a truck.  When we got the call they needed help within the hour!  I contacted Mike Dean to see if it was something he could do.  I was surprised when he told me he would do it and find a couple of guys to help him.  Mike, along with brother Nick and Gage Brackett, did the work.  It took an hour and half to complete.  Not only was Mike willing, but he took the initiative to handle getting extra help.  None of the boys complained and did a good service on short notice.  The future present is bright for the church!  Thanks guys.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT the adults begin a new video series to finish out this quarter.  I love the topic: "Jesus Throws the Best Parties" by Jonathan Storment.  This class will meet in the Hebrews Coffee Shop.  Also, my personalities class with start back up after taking a break during the men's and women's classes.  Same time - same place.

Let's wrap this thing up.  Go out today and find something to be thankful for in your life.  Put a smile on your face.  Open doors for others.  Use your extra change, for the person in front of you, so they don't have to break a dollar.  Or if you really want to do something cool, pay for the person in line ahead of you and tell them Jesus loves them.  Just be filled with joy, nothing fake, but the joy that comes out when you sit down and really focus on the Savior.  Be a light to people who may have gone through some dark times this weekend.  Pray on and off all day.  Christians have so much to offer the world.  Many in our country are frustrated.  They listen to bad, depressing news all the time.  We have Good News to share.  It begins by showing people the impact the Good News has on our lives.

Ok, I didn't have any pictures this week so I leave you with this cartoon.  Now wear that smile when you go out.

Monday, July 27, 2015



If you haven't heard, my little girl was baptized Sunday morning, which is why my blog this week is called Bella.  If someone sang off key, I don't remember.  If someone said something mean-spirited, I didn't hear it.  If I made mistakes in my sermon, I didn't catch it.  My girl was baptized.  That is what I remember about yesterday.  So for Missy and I, July 26th was a great day.

Although one thing I said I thought about later.  No one said anything to me, but I'm not sure how it came across.  I'm referring to the statement of "denying" Bella baptism for the last couple of years.  First of all, salvation is a personal issue between an individual and God.  The Lord never made me the judge of those who should be saved or not.  That being said, as a parent, you know your children better than anyone.  You know where they are in understanding, maturity, and even motives.  Sometimes kids get caught up in the idea of baptism.  Although, it didn't stop me from using these opportunities to help further her growth and love for Jesus.  I believe children are innocent.  At some point they reach, what I have heard called, "the age of accountability".  Not a biblical phrase, but we know their has to be a sense of faith and turning away from sin.  So what is the "age of accountability"?  It depends on the child.  Over the years I have talked with adults who want to be rebaptized because they didn't think they knew what they were doing when they were young.  We will talk and ultimately I will rebaptize them if they still feel strongly about it.  My philosophy is, if they didn't need it they just got wet.

FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH: If you have a children who want to be baptized here are a few things I have learned with having children.  First of all, ask lots of questions.  Such as, "Why do you want to be baptized?"  If they say "to wash away my sins", then ask what sins they have committed.  Don't let them be general about sin.  Sometimes they will talk about the sins of others.  These are good indicators of where they may be at this time.  Secondly, don't discourage them.  Don't make them feel like their answers are wrong.  They are being honest.  Encourage them.  The last thing you want to do is drive them away from future talks.  Next, talk to them about Jesus... always.  Whenever that time comes, you want your children to be in love with Jesus not an act.  Read some of those great stories in the Gospels.  I begin in Genesis.  Those years Bella wasn't ready, we talked about what happened in the Garden of Eden, the faith of Abraham, and the nation that brought Jesus into the world.  Finally, when the time came, I wrote down everything we talked about, Scriptures we read and put her answers in quotation marks to show what was asked and how she answered.  In my experience, those who want to be rebaptized do so because they can't remember what they were taught and conclude they didn't know what they were doing.  I had Bella sign her name to what we studied.  I am going to give her a copy and keep one for myself in case she questions this day later on.  Also, we are planning to add other Scriptures and topics we study.  It is important you continue study with your child about the Father, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, faith, love, sin, grace, etc.  I told Bella Saturday night, "Baptism is the beginning, not the end."  That being said, I'm not perfect on this subject.  There are things I am doing with Bella that I have learned with my other kids and years of ministry.  Some of you have done much greater things.  This is just one father sharing his experience with other parents.  Besides, it is their mother who has always been the spiritual rock.  Sometimes I feel like the guy who drove the last 5 miles of a 500 mile trip.  Most importantly, it is the Lord who deserves all the credit.  Missy and I are mere instruments in His hands.

This is one of the pages Bella signed for the future

SOMETHING NEAT: When Bella was ready to do this, I asked her who she would like to go up with her.  The first people out of her mouth, beside Missy, were Ethel Meadows and Helen Rathel.  She mentioned a couple of her friends but it was these older ladies she thought of first.  Sometimes our elderly wonder if they can impact the church today or the younger generation.  I'm here to tell you they/you do!  So why these ladies?  They included her.  When they would arrive early to prepare the Lord's Supper, it was these two who allowed Bella to help.  They loved her.  They encouraged her.  They didn't sit back and expect to be admired, because they were older, but they engaged Bella.  They didn't act annoyed when she acted like... well... a child.  It doesn't mean they never corrected or helped her improve, but they made many deposits of love that built a trust and respect.  It reminds me of the passage in Titus 2 of the older women training the younger women.  Bella loves the "Golden Girls".  She has mentioned Rebecca Ledford, Christin Paladin, Bible class teachers, etc.  These are people who have invested into her life.  Missy and I feel blessed to be at church where Bella has so many Christian ladies who influence her.  On behalf of Missy and myself - thank you!

Sunday was a great way to launch me into the week.  I have been out of pocket the last couple of weeks.  This isn't something I like doing but scheduling was tough.  The Caribbean Lectures were two weeks ago.  Which reminds me, this Sunday night we will do some singing and give a report on our trip.  And yes, we have Bob Brackett pictures you will want to see.  Wear your favorite Caribbean clothing.  Last week I spent a few days in Jacksonville, Florida to celebrate my parents 50th anniversary.  There were 19 of us crammed into a six bedroom house.  The house itself was 100 years old.  I can't remember seeing my mom and dad so happy.  Here is a picture of the family.

And then there was this... the "80th birthday party" for two 40 year olds.

Bill being Bill

George Blanton with the photobomb


Next Sunday: We begin the last month of our sermon series by looking into the fact Jesus was "Amazingly Unpredictable."  Just another reason to love this Savior.  I will stop here because I know I've gone beyond the average attention span.  Thank you for letting me share this time in my life.


Monday, July 20, 2015

A Blog of Questions

How about a Monday Morning blog with lots of questions?  What do you think?  In honor of the sermon topic Sunday I thought I would try.  Speaking of the sermon, isn't Jesus amazing?  Doesn't His questions demonstrate brilliance?  Concerning next week, what about a lesson on the amazing stories of Jesus?  He was the master storyteller.  Do you want a good topic to invite others?  Bring them this week.

Who is celebrating 50 years of marriage this week?  My parents.  Did they want their kids to throw them a big party to invite all their friends?  Nope.  All they wanted was all of their children and grandchildren to be together a few days in the same place.  So we are in Jacksonville, Florida.  Us kids pitched in and rented a house that could sleep 18 (with a couple of air mattresses) until Friday.  I hate being away right after the Caribbean Lectures, but it was the only time everyone's schedule worked out.  After that I only have one more speaking engagement for the year, the last Sunday in August.  Here is a picture of the happy couple.

On Sunday night, August 1st, we will have our Caribbean Night.  Do you have any tropical clothing?  Wear them.  We will do some singing, show a few pictures from the Caribbean Lectures and tell you about next year.  Speaking of the lectures in St. Thomas, Iguanas' were everywhere.  In one spot I counted 18 of these huge lizards.  Some of you like puzzles so I thought I would include this picture.  How many iguanas' can you find?  Answer: 8.

Are you interested in demolition?  We have a project for you.  This church is taking on a much needed remodeling project for the Family Homeless Center August 1st.  David Paladin and John Pickerill are heading up the job.  They are asking for those who would be willing to give a couple of hours to help... well... rip up the place.  This is my gift.  I can't fix anything, but I am very good at tearing things up.  I'm planning to be there, who's with me?  Let David or John know if you would like to help.

Are you ready for me to wrap this up?  Me too.  So we will end with a few more questions.  Do you have people in your life who oppose you at every turn?  Have you ever tried using good questions, like Jesus, to make them think and possibly see your way of thinking?  Have you ever asked yourself questions about arguments people have made about you?  Maybe something you need to change.  Jesus is the only One who never needed to change.  It doesn't mean we should do a 180 on everything, but allow good questions to challenge you.

Final questions: Do you know of someone who sits around you that wasn't here Sunday?  Do you know of someone who needs prayers or maybe even a kind gesture, who is going through some difficult times?  What have you done for others?  Actually the better questions is, what have you done in the name of Jesus?  How have you served others because you want them to see the Messiah?  Who have you demonstrated the love of God to in your life?  How have you grown in your love for the Lord?  Too many distraction?  Solitude, prayer, Scripture reading and meditation, even fasting, are the way to clear the worldly mind to focus on the spiritual.


Monday, July 13, 2015

Monday Morning Report - St. Thomas Edition

Here is my view this morning as I begin my blog.  From my balcony.

Not my typical blog spot.  It is one of those once in a lifetime moments that you never want to forget.  This place is so spiritually invigorating.  The lectureship is icing on the cake.  It is one of the times I am glad I get up early because no one is out of their rooms.  It's like having the resort to yourself.  Sunday morning I went to the terrace overlooking the city across the water just me, my Bible, a cup of coffee, and God.  Here was my view.  The Lord knows I need these moments of silence while surrounded by His amazing creation.

Our group arrived safely Saturday afternoon.  We were greeted at the airport by the Christians in St. Thomas.  We were given bags with snacks and cold juices.  The best part was the friendly smiles and kind words from the people.  It is a big deal for your island to be chosen for the lectures.  To them it is like being selected to host the Olympics.

The banner in the airport

The welcoming committee

We checked into the resort, ate supper together, and went through registration.  We all received two nice bags with tourist items and lectureship information.  And yes, we were greeted with big smiles.  This is my third year so I get hugs!  The rest of the group will get them before the end of the week.  Caribbean people are some of the nicest people in the world.  They genuinely love you.

Supper Saturday evening

Sunday at the lectures is always interesting.  We begin with singing (which is the best), listen to our first speaker, take a 15 minute break, have more singing, Lord's Supper, and another Sermon.  I know it sounds like the typical Sunday but when we look to the right we can see these big windows overlooking the island.  Amazing.


Scripture reading by one of the boys

The view

After worship the hotel provided lunch for everyone attending the lectures.  It was delicious!  And again, look at that view.

After that we had free time until the nightly lectures.  We were going to go into town but everything is closed on Sunday's.  It was sort of a bummer because we were looking forward to seeing the shops but also encouraging because Sunday is still a sacred day in other parts of the world.

Sunday night is always crazy at the lectures.  It begins with opening ceremonies.  Many speeches, guest speakers, national anthem (which was ours this year), etc. etc. etc.  It's long.  Imagine what it would be like for a bunch of preachers and politicians getting up to speak.  It is encouraging hearing the senator of the island, head of tourism, and hotel representative talk about God.  After that we had some singing, and a lecture.  After another prayer, song, and introduction we go into the second speaker.  It was a LONG night.  We came into the banquet room at 7 pm and didn't leave until almost 10 pm.  But again, we only had to look to the right and see the town lit up from our seats.  Beautiful.

Last night at the lectures (2nd sermon)

The view from the window (it doesn't do it justice)
The founder of the Lectures - Ken Dye (45 years strong)

The senator of the island

As I am finishing this blog I can hear the singing get started.  It's time for another full day.  We will have many class choices this morning and another sermon before we break for lunch.  After lunch our group has a tour of the city and hopefully some time to rest.  Then we come back again at 7 pm for more singing and two more sermons.  By the time we leave we will be physically and emotionally broken down, but we will have already begun our process of spiritual revival.  We will all leave with new friends and hug and talk about seeing next year in Tobago.  It's what we do.  The singing is one of my favorite times and the preaching is great, but it is the Caribbean people that keep coming back every year.  I love these people and they love me.  Those coming for their first time will tell you the same.

One more thing.  I received an email during your worship yesterday telling me what an amazing job Joel Soumar.  By the afternoon I had heard from others.  Sometimes I feel guilty being away like this.  I know I need it but I just love my church family at Vero and hate to be away.  Knowing Joel (and David), will be there to serve you gives me a sense of peace.  Tell these guys how much you appreciate them this week.  David also covered my Sunday morning class.

Ok enough, I've got to get into the lectures.  I can't wait to get back and share the things I learned and experienced.  If you are trying to get in touch with me via text I'm not getting them, but you can send messages to my email  See you Sunday.


Monday, July 6, 2015

What Happened to June?

I'm not sure what happened to the month of June but it is in the rear view mirror.  The summer is moving fast and it doesn't look like it is going to slow down anytime soon.  This Saturday 10 of us will be flying out of Fort Lauderdale for St. Thomas, US Virgin Island.  It will be my third year in a row to attend the Caribbean Lectureships.  In my opinion, it is the best kept secret in the brotherhood.  The singing and preaching is amazing.  Christians from these islands are so loving.  And then there is the location, which is a different island each year.  We do ask that you pray for safe travels and spiritual enrichment for our group.  Here is a picture of the resort the lectures will be held.  Not a bad place to do some spiritual reflection.

It was a nice fourth of July weekend.  Our auditorium was filled with visitors from the community and those who came from out of town to enjoy our beautiful beaches.  The singing was good.  I love the way Bill lead us before the Lord's Supper.  The sermon series, "Amazing Jesus", continued as we looked into some of the miracles of Jesus and His display of "Amazing Power."  For the second week in a row the preacher has been long winded.  I will try to do better.  To be honest, I get lost in the subject each week.  If I could just preach from the Gospels and the Psalms, the rest of my life, I would be most content.  That isn't to say the rest of the Bible isn't important.  I just love being in these books.  Next Sunday Joel Soumar will be in the pulpit looking into the "Amazing Compassion" of Jesus.  Talk about a powerful subject.
Speaking of Joel, a big thanks goes out to him for coordinating the move for David Ward.  This has been an ongoing process for a few months.  Based on David's situation, there is a lot that has to be done, on the forefront, in order for a move like this to happen.  I appreciate all Joel has done in order to help David make this move.  Also, Joel has had some good help, especially over the last couple of weeks.  Brenda Chappelear packed up his house.  Merilyn Yergler left this morning to drive his belongings to San Antonio, Texas.  Jim Warren is driving David to the airport.  Rick Higgins took him around town to get important paperwork done.  Susan McGee, Carlene, Troy, and Faith Wiley, Garrett and Madison Dean, Mike and Nick Dean, Grady Brackett, Chris Dutton, Sasha Chisholm, and David Paladin all helped with loading and cleaning his apartment.  I hope I didn't miss anyone.  You get the idea, it is a big process.  David Ward also wanted me to let this church know how much he has appreciated all the help.  Many of you have assisted him in his time here by cleaning his house, giving him rides, and many things I don't even know about.  I know I would miss someone if I tried to name them all.  Personally, I want to say thank you to all of you who helped him in any way during his stay in Vero.
Last night was really special to me.  It was our monthly singing in the Coffee Shop.  We are blessed with some good song leaders in this church.  However, last night we had some first time leaders step up - Danny Brackett, Neal McFall, and David Ward.  Jerry Cutshall has lead on a Sunday night before, but it has been a while since his physical struggles.  Lonnie Ledford has become my right hand man on these nights.  I can honestly say it was an enjoyable night.  Our white board was filled with the songs people requested, and we came close to singing them all.  We keep everything upbeat - we sing, we laugh, and occasionally we pitch a song right (not me, of course, the others).  Afterwards we celebrated the July birthdays - Bob Brackett, John Manry, and Gay Stanley - which means we ate birthday cake!  A big thanks to Stephanie and Sasha Chisholm for taking care of refreshments each month.  Anyway, it was a good night.
Go out today and live in the power of Christ.  Live as if He is still in control of this world, even during the storms.  Our Jesus is amazing!  He cast out demons, healed the sick, walked on water, calmed storms, etc.  Read these stories over and over again and let them build up your faith.  Don't live like a people who have no hope.  We have the greatest hope of all!

Monday, June 29, 2015

A Special Day

Sunday was one of those days it seemed like everything was a blessing.  We had so many visitors from the community and other places.  Our singing was uplifting.  Steven Wilson did an excellent job presiding over the Lord's Supper.  Many of you had kind words after the sermon topic.  Isn't Jesus amazing?  Is it possible to read John 8 and not walk away in awe?  This coming week we will dive into the amazing power of Jesus, as we study some of His miracles.

Before worship I had the privilege of teaching the young adults.  It seems like every week we gain a few more people.  We are bringing in chairs.  I believe they have enjoyed being together.  For this ageing preacher, the blessing is mine.  It has been very encouraging.  Sunday evening some of them took a trip to the beach to ride horses.

It was great having our teens back after spending the week serving others in West Virginia.  I'm not going to steal Joel's thunder, as he is hoping to get a slide show together to tell us more about their trip.  My 15 year old came home excited.  They worked with other groups in this effort, which means they were able to meet other Christians from all around.  Here is a picture of everyone working that week.  Good luck picking out our teens.

I want to briefly address the Supreme Court ruling this past week.  It has been a very difficult weekend for most Christians.  Some things to remember: 1) We shouldn't be surprised by the ruling.  We have all seen this coming.  One thing is for certain, sinners are going to act like sinners. (I Pet. 4:12)  It still hurts, especially for those of us raised in a much more conservative society.  2) Stop reading everything the media puts out about this ruling.  Because we believe in God's design for marriage we will be called bigots, racists, and a few things I cannot repeat.  Looking at these things, or reading the comments from these articles will only make you mad and depressed.  Don't forget, sinners are going to act like sinners. Think on wholesome things (Phil. 4:8-9).  3) Don't get involved in the hateful speech.  One of our first inclinations is to fight fire with fire.  People are lost and need Jesus.  Don't represent the One who can save them/change them with hate and anger.  We are called to represent the Christian hope with gentleness and respect (I Pet. 3:15-16).  4) Don't stop associating with unbelievers who agree with the ruling or are homosexuals themselves. Read I Corinthians 5:9-10.  5) Stop judging those outside of Christ, only One is given that job.  Read I Corinthians 5:12-13.  Stand for holiness but do so without getting into judging wars.  6) Stop walking around as if we are a people with no hope.  This may be the most disappointing thing I saw this weekend.  Christians who see this ruling as the end of the world.  Will it create many problems for believers?  Yes.  But we should be the most joyful people on earth.  The Book of I Peter is addressed to Christians suffering persecution for their faith.  They were living in a society with morals worse than our own.  But listen to the words of I Peter 1:3-12; 3:14.  7) Live your life for Jesus.  Live in such a way that it would shame those who persecute you.  (I Pet. 3:16-17)  Clean out those logs that sometimes get lodged in your eyes (Matt. 7:1-4).  Be Jesus to your world, because He can still amaze the most hardened of sinners.  8)  Keep praying.  Whether we realize it or not, God is still in control of the nations.  He will do what He wants to do.  Elijah once sunk into a depression when his nation, which was God's holy nation, had fallen so far from God.  Evil rulers.  Corrupt priests.  Weak followers.  But Jehovah knew some things Elijah didn't know, even as a prophet.  (I Kgs. 19:18)  God gave him one of the most powerful displays of His work.  He isn't always in the big loud things in the world, sometimes it is in those still small whispers we tend to ignore.  (I Kgs. 19:11-13)  9) Pray for those in authority.  I have seen a lot of words being posted to social media about how Christians feel about this latest decision, but I have yet to see those words formed into a prayer.  I'm not saying it isn't being done, but it seems we have spoken more to those we disagree with than the one who can change the heart.  (I Tim. 2:2)  10) Finally, and also goes with I Timothy 2:2, we are to live in peace and quietness with the rulers of our world.  It is time we stop attacking our government.  Does this mean you like these sinful decisions being made?  No way.  But we should live in peace as much as it depends upon us.  Don't antagonize.  You can still go to the voting polls, but nothing will have a greater influence than living like Jesus and pointing others to Him.  Let's stop talking about Supreme Court decisions and start talking to others about the Supreme Being.  Maybe that is why our nation has gotten to this point, we have stopped sharing Jesus.  This is just my two cents.  Joe Wild is still teaching on the subject of homosexuality on Wednesday nights.  This is a proper place to discuss these issues.

Ok, so there has been a lot of depressing pictures on social media lately, so I thought I would share something that should cheer you up (or give you a good laugh).  I found this jewel last week.

Now that you have a smile on your face, share it with others.


Friday, June 26, 2015

Father's Day Extra

Here are the other responses that were not read Sunday.  I had asked people to tell one thing about their dad that amazed them.  By the way, I don't know who wrote them as we receive these surveys anonymously.

"Playing wiffle ball in our front yard was a common evening activity for us when we were little.  All of the normal baseball rules applied, except for a few extras - if you stood on the plate while batting, it was an out; and if you threw your bat (instead of dropping it) when you got a hit, it was an out.  When we started little league softball/baseball, none of us ever had to be taught not to stand on or too close to the plate while hitting, and the on-deck batters were never in danger of getting hit with our bat as we threw it after getting hit.  It wasn't until I was a little older that I understood why my dad added those extra outs in wiffle ball.  It was easy learning when we thought they might result in outs!  Planning and thinking ahead is a trait that has always impressed me about my dad (possibly because it does not at all come naturally to me.)  This is just a simple story, but it shows that even when we don't realize it, my dad is usually thinking ahead of the rest of us."

"My Grandpa could do everything.  And he was always doing something, making cast net, fixing a car, or building an addition onto a home.  Grandpa was also frequently in the kitchen helping Grandma create the next meal too.  Early every morning, as soon as the train sounded, he would be the first person up and start the coffee brewing before breakfast.  He loved to fish and with his freshly-caught bounty from the Indian River, we had many family meals over a Fish Fry dinner.  As far as I knew, there was nothing he couldn't do, even make my Grandma a little coo-coo. :)"

"To say dad is amazing is an understatement!  One example I treasure about my dad is his example of being a Godly husband.  Most parents put their kids on a pedestal and he always made sure we knew that was mom's place, not ours.  I must say, as a kid, I didn't always care for the reminder.  But now as an adult, it's engraved in me and I appreciate it so much today.  I'm looking forward to 'irritating' my kids one day when letting them know their requests are not number one ;)  Thanks, dad, for that example!"

"Growing up we played a lot of wiffle ball in our front yard.  One night while playing my brother (who was probably 6 at the time) got a nose bleed.  My dad stopped the game and immediately took him inside.  They both returned a few minutes later, my brother with cotton balls stuck up each nostril, and we continued the game like nothing happened.  My dad was always very good at keep his priorities in line. :)"

Thanks to everyone who participated.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Father's Day

Father's Day is one of the best and worst days of the year, depending on your situation.  For me, it is a great time.  As a child, I am blessed to have been raised by a good dad that I can call any day of the week.  As a father, it is a blessing to hear from all my children on the same day.  Add to that, I had KFC for lunch ("preach the Word and eat the bird"), watched some baseball, took a nap, ate at Sonny's for supper, had a gelato from Rita's, and watched the sunset on the beach with the family.  A truly blessed day.

This picture reminded me of our text yesterday.

On the other hand, Father's Day is dreaded for others.  It brings up the pain of good father's who have since passed away.  For many, that pain exists throughout the year, but on this day it intensifies.  Even worse, I know some fathers who have lost children due to a premature death.  This day is just another awful reminder.  On the other hand, there are others who struggle with a different kind of pain.  They are the ones who were abused, neglected, or abandoned by their fathers.  They even struggle with the Biblical concept of God as a Father.  Some fathers have lost their children to a sinful way of life.  There are dads who still have children alive, but they might as well be dead, because they never hear from them.  To you, I pray for the peace of the Spirit within your soul.  In times like these, lean on our amazing God.  He loves you more than you can ever understand.
Speaking of an amazing God, we studied one of the touching moments of Jesus.  He really does care about us and our families.  Even in times we do not completely understand.  This Sunday we will look into the Amazing Grace of God, as we study the woman caught in adultery.  Do you know people who struggle with their sins?  Do you know people who just cannot believe God can forgive them for their past?  The fact is, we all need this story, whether we are the one who needs to be forgiven or the one who needs to forgive.

Go and Sin no More
Speaking of worship, I thought the singing was outstanding yesterday.  David Brooker did a really good job.  He lead one of my favorites songs he has taught this congregation - "How Deep The Father's Love".  The crowds were good, especially since we have some away on vacation or on the youth work camp in West Virginia.  It was good to be in this place.  Praise God!
Father's Day has come and gone and now I hit the rough part of my summer.  Lex left early this morning, for the airport, to go back to Oklahoma.  He will leave out Thursday for Swaziland for his mission trip.  I ask you pray for him in his travels and what the team is setting out to accomplish.  Missy and Bella also left early to take their summer pilgrimage to Alabama to see Missy's mom.  She will return in a couple of weeks before we head to the Caribbean Lectures.  Bella, on the other hand, will be there a month.  Micah is away on the youth trip and will get back at he end of the week.  But at least they left me with Max, our family dog.
Now to wrap things up.  Don't stop being amazed at Jesus.  As you come to His feet, don't just be amazed, be transformed.  We will never be perfect, but we can become more like Him.  Care for people the way He cared for them.  Reach out to others who hurt.  Make a difference in their life.  Help ease their pain, even if you cannot perform miracles.  However, you do know the One who can.  Have a great week.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Back from the Keys

Since March, I have been reading the Gospels as many times as possible.  The goal: to know Jesus better.  There isn't a parable or miracle that is unfamiliar, but I am looking for something more - to engage all my senses into these stories.  To put myself into the sandals of those first century witnesses.  After the first few weeks of reading a theme developed - the people were absolutely blown away by Jesus.  Even before they understood He was the Son of God.  Even those who were only looking for a handout.  Even those who wanted to kill Him.  And certainly those who believed.  What was it about Jesus that amazed them?  It was a variety of things, from what they saw, heard, felt, etc.  All the senses were engaged.  I want to feel that too.  I want to know what they knew.  For five days I was been able to relax in the Florida Keys with no deadlines or work related issues.  My phone on vibrate and the daily alarms turned to off.  After a few days my mind relaxes.  Now I can really sink into a book.  A simple pace with times of reflection while surrounded by one of God's most beautiful creation.  I didn't even finish the Book of Mark.  There is still much to be learned, but enough to be amazed by this Savior.  I cannot wait to get back in the pulpit Sunday.  This week we will be studying a fathers encounter with Jesus.  Amazing!

Speaking of fathers, this Sunday is Father's Day.  Invite your dad, children, or grandchildren, to worship with you this week.  Take them out to a nice lunch or enjoy a meal together at home.  I enjoyed spending some time with my children this week.  When we moved here, over six year ago, all my kids were home and took vacation with us.  Now, we are squeezing in a shorter vacation to take advantage of Lex being home before he leaves for Africa.  Noah is back in Alabama working a couple of jobs and unable to attend.  We only have two children left in the nest.  Time flies, but I enjoy these moments.  I am 44 years old and cherish the moments I have with my dad.  I'm blessed.

Ok, that's enough.  Preachers get all mushy after a few days of R&R.  So I will end with a few pictures from the trip.

I will save you the other 500 pictures from the trip.  Lex isn't pictured in the family photo because he stayed back at the house and worked on a school paper.

Monday, June 8, 2015

A Great Beginning!

Sunday was a day of beginnings, for one, our new sermon series.  I don't normally begin with my preaching, but today I will make an exception.  Yet, it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with the topic - Amazing Jesus.  If our Lord was amazing people in the womb, a few days after birth and at the age of 12, imagine how much more astonishing He will be when His ministry begins!  My goal isn't for you to have a greater head knowledge of the Christ, but a greater love and appreciation for Him.  I want you to walk away each week saying, "I am blown away by Jesus!"  This Sunday is all about Messiah being the amazing God, as seen in His Transfiguration.  This story is a statement of who He is.

Staying with the topic of new beginnings, several Bible classes are underway.  Really it began Wednesday night.  I have had a couple of people ask if we still have space in the personality class.  Absolutely.  If you are interested come on.  The only thing you missed was the personality test, which you can take at home.  This week we begin with the first temperament - the sanguine.  I have heard good things about the other classes going on as well.  I am pretty excited about teaching the young adults this summer, which is also on personalities.  We had a good number Sunday morning.

Speaking of young adults and new beginnings, they began a summer of activities last night.  They had over 20 go bowling.  It sounded like everyone had a good time together.  If you know of anyone, in this age group, who would like to get involved, let one of the ministers know.  They do not have to go to this church, they could be a neighbor or someone you work with, etc.  In fact, yesterday we had several young adults visiting with us.  It was really encouraging.  Here are a few pictures.

 Yes, Mya is one of the young adults

Staying with the topic of young adults, it was great having my oldest son lead singing yesterday.  Before I moved here, my dad would occasionally lead for me.  I know it doesn't mean anything to you guys, but it's kind of special to me.  However, the real reason to mention Lex is he filled in for us during a pinch.  It's summer and our song leaders are on the go.  They need a break too.  Lex didn't have a lot of advance notice to pull things together.  He also helps with the singing where he attends in Oklahoma City.  It is great to have him home, even if it is for a short time.  And yes, momma got a picture.  Although, it wasn't like he graduated from elementary school.  If you were here yesterday you know what I'm talking about.  If not, I'm not going to tell you as punishment for missing.  :)

Keeping with the subject of singing, last night we had our monthly "Circle-Up Singing" and birthday celebration.  We went "Old School" by allowing anyone to request a song.  Lonnie Ledford and myself were the only song leaders, but we knocked out all of them but 2 or 3.  Fortunately we had two of our young girls to take charge of writing out the songs and page numbers on the whiteboard.  They also found the time to have a message for me on the other side when we finished.  What is most impressive is they drew this upside down.  I've always wanted my name in lights, but I guess a whiteboard will have to do.  Seriously, I love how these girls want to get involved.

Kari and Bella

Last, but not least, one of our own, elder Joe Wild, was named Coach of the Year for the Treasure Coast.  This is a big accomplishment and we know he couldn't have done it without Glenda.  Word on the street is Joe wore an ear piece while Glenda gave instructions from the stands.  At least that is the rumor Glenda started.  Seriously, something the papers will not report is the Christian influence Joe has on these kids.  Those players were never cussed out.  They never watched their coach get mad and go into a tirade.  They never put his character in question.  For that alone Joe should be named Coach of the Year.

Let's end with that idea.  Go out and live a positive influence for Christ in your world.  Even if everyone else in your industry tries to get results by using profane, abusive speech, you choose a different path.  Even if others feel like lying and cheating is the way to get on top, you live a life of integrity.  It is a choice.  Allow the Spirit of God to guide your life.  Make bold decisions.  Live for Jesus, because what He has promised us is AMAZING!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Let the Summer Begin!

We live in Florida, it always feels like summer, but we officially begin our summer activities.  Here are some of the things beginning this week.

Wednesday Night offers two opportunities.
  1. Homosexuality is a 6 week study in the Hebrews Coffee Shop.
  2. Me and You and the People in the Pews (personality class) will be offered again in the Lynn Center #105.  There is a 25 person limit.  We will take the personality test this week.
Sunday Morning offers 2 classes.
  1. God According to God in the Auditorium.
  2. Me and You and the People in the Pews for YOUNG ADULTS in the upstairs Lynn Center.
NEW SERMON SERIES begins this Sunday called Amazing Jesus.  When God put skin on He walked among His creation amazing them every step of the way.  I have been looking forward to this series for a few weeks now.  The purpose is to awaken us to the majesty of Christ.  This Sunday we learn He was amazing people before His ministry ever began.  Invite your non-Christian friends,  those who are struggling, or people who are looking for something greater in life.

NEW YOUNG ADULTS PROGRAM:  Besides the new Bible class on Sunday mornings, David Paladin has put together some activities for the summer as well.  If you are a young adult or have any in your home, please let us know if they would like to get involved.  Also, we want to hear from them as to the kind of things they are interested in.

Sunday was an uplifting day for me.  First of all, I got to teach out of one of my favorite books of the Bible (II Samuel) and one of my favorite characters (David).  If you were in class I apologize for going so fast, I could talk about David and Absalom for weeks.  After that, I was blessed to preach from another couple of my favorite books (Psalms and I Samuel).  Such power messages are found within those pages.  Finally, my oldest, Lex, came in that afternoon.  It was a good day for this preacher.  Now to focus on my other favorite books (the Gospels) and ultimate character (Jesus Christ) in Scripture.

Let's take our joys and share them with others.  I'm not talking about bragging about how great our lives are, but a spirit that brings a positive and joyful atmosphere to others (especially if their life isn't so wonderful).  Start reading through the Gospels.  You might want to commit to only reading Matthew, Mark, Luke and John through the summer.  Take a single story and meditate on it.  Put yourself in that place.  Feel the emotion of seeing Jesus, smell the Sea of Galilee, taste the loaves and fishes, see the miracles, hear the response of the crowds.  Let God's Word come alive.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day Edition

Today is a day to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our country.  War is a terrible thing.  I hate it.  It is the result of evil and sin that involves the lives of the innocent.  The men and women who died in battle did so trying to preserve the freedoms we enjoy in our country.  As the saying goes, "Freedom isn't free."  The cost is much greater than what is calculated on a ledger but paid in blood.  I am not trying to rain down on your Memorial Day activities, because it was the sacrifice of others that allows us to have a day with our family and friends.  The goal is to help you take a very small portion of your day to remember the fallen.

Yesterday we celebrated another memorial day, as we do each week, remembering the ultimate sacrifice of the Son of God for all humanity.  Jesus died but He wasn't wearing the uniform one country or group of people over another.  The blood He shed was for everyone.  The freedom we enjoy in Christ far surpasses the freedoms of our country, or ever could offer, the freedom from sin and death.  This is what the emblems of the Lord's Supper represent - the body and blood of our Savior.  His death and resurrection unites us with believers on every continent into one kingdom - the Kingdom of Christ.  A Kingdom that is filled with peace, love, joy and life beyond human comprehension.  Praise God!

Sunday was a great day with God's people.  Memorial Day weekend always shuffles Christians around.  In other words, we always have several who are out of town while we enjoy the company of those who have come to town.  I tried to get around to everyone.  We had many visiting with us from other places, and a few from our city.

We also saw another Sunday with our parking lot under construction.  Maybe I'm not getting around enough, but everyone seems to be handling this temporary inconvenience amazingly well.  It's hot!  People are having to park further away.  Several of our guys are standing out in the heat to make sure everyone knows where to park.  Yet, I hear no complaints.  Believe me, I know it will get to a point where it will be frustrating.  Construction always takes longer than our patience allows.  But for now, I really appreciate your attitude.  On behalf of the leadership I want to thank you.

This Sunday we will complete the third and final lesson on prayer in the Psalms.  The truth is, we could take the entire year to study the Psalms and it wouldn't be enough.  My hope is the time we have spend in this book has been a blessing in your life.  If so, thank God.  This week David writes a hymn of worship despite being in a low place in his life.  I love this Psalm (I know I say this a lot).

Beginning June 7th, we will engage in a sermon series that will last through the summer.  It is all about the Amazing Jesus.  As you go through the Gospels, you cannot help but see the amazement of those who encountered the Messiah.  After Jesus finished speaking, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, (Matt. 8:28). The disciples just sat there in awe... (Matt. 8:27).  The crowds marveled. "Nothing like this has ever happened in Israel!"... (Matt. 9:33). The crowd was amazed.  (Matt. 12:23).  This is just the beginning.  We will learn of His amazing grace, compassion, power, love, and many more things about the One who left the glory of heaven to come into our world.

Today is a national holiday so use this as a day of rest and recreation.  We all need those times to recharge from the daily routine.  Take a Bible with you and read some passages from the Psalms.  It doesn't have to be heavy reading, but a simple reflection on a chapter or single verse.  Read a few stories about Jesus and let this fill your mind.  Some of my favorite times is setting up the hammock and reading as the sun starts to set.  Don't be surprised if you find your mind drifting in and out of prayer.  Don't be surprised if you dream about spiritual things that night.  And don't be surprised if you wake up Tuesday morning mentally refreshed!  Have your cook-outs and enjoy your outside activities, but take a few moments to recharge your mind with God's Word.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Sunday Funday

Sunday was one of those crazy, but fun, kind of days.  It was the first Sunday without our parking lot on the east side.  We understand the inconvenience but I am happy to report we didn't hear one complaint.  Most preachers call this a miracle. Seriously, we appreciate your patience.  A special thanks to David Paladin who designed and marked off the parking on the west side of the building this week... in the heat of the day.  Also a big thanks to our parking attendants.  Nothing like getting in a good sweat before Bible classes.  And of course, we can't forget about those who loaned us the golf carts to get people back and forth to their cars.  Personally, I think some of you were having too much fun on the golf carts.  Here are a few pictures of the craziness.

Here are a few of our parking attendants who made for a smooth Sunday

A herd of teens walking from the farthest parking lot
Everyone did a great job parking... except this guy.  I'm not going to mention names but he could have been the writer of I and II Timothy or a Dean of a college.

Sunday night was another part of the Sunday Funday with our graduates.  We are proud of each of them.  Joel did a good job putting this together.  A special thanks to those who brought food, decorated, or came out to support our seniors.  Here are a few pictures.  Unfortunately I was running the sound and did not get good quality.

Joel with Brett Chappelear and Jake Thistle sitting on this back row (sorry Jake)

Joel and Halla

Sunday morning we met with anyone interesting in going to the Caribbean Lectures in St. Thomas.  If you were unable to attend the meeting or absent, but would like to go, please let me know this week and we will send you information.  The deadline will be this Sunday, May 24th.  You can reply by email, call me or Missy directly, or see us next Sunday.  We will need the following information to book our reservations for flights and hotel: 1) Name on your drivers license and date of birth (for flight), 2) how many will be in your hotel room and their names (the more in a room the cheaper the price per person) 3) If you would like to upgrade to an ocean view room ($100 extra per night - YIKES!), and a partial downpayment. We will leave on Saturday, July 11th and return on Thursday, July 15th.  We will be flying on Spirit Airlines (from Ft. Lauderdale).  There is a great benefit to going with fellow Christians on a trip to the Caribbean, but the real appeal is the singing, preaching and the Caribbean believers.  It is a true spiritual enrichment.  Here is a picture of the hotel we will be staying as well as the location of the lectures.

Sunday morning we started a new series on prayer from the book of Psalms.  I heard many kind comments about the study with the exception of one lady who didn't like me talking about people who dress up their dogs.  Hahaha, she hugged me anyway.  I am really excited about this weeks Psalm.  David says some things that will give you the WOW factor.  We will be looking into a prayer of protection from Psalm 56.  A quick overview: Murder, David goes into acting, a special bottle God keeps things, and the fact that God is for me.  I can't wait to tell you about this prayer.

Let the Lord dominate your life.  Talk to him daily... several times daily.  Express your love for Him.  Tell Him your innermost thoughts and stresses.  Ask Him for personal needs.  Ask Him for needs on behalf of others.  Read the Psalms until you find one that speaks to you and meditate on it.  Let it improve your prayer life.  Underline a word or phrase that jumps out to you.  Let it change your heart.
