Monday, October 28, 2013

Crazy Week Ahead

Yesterday was a good day.  With the exception of a "new" song (Wonderful Grace of Jesus - written in 1918), the song service was great.  Actually, I gave Bill that song to sing Sunday morning so I'm just kidding.  It was a great day of worship and those of you able to participate really added to our songs of praise to God.  We finished up our series on "The Divine Compulsion" and now I will be preparing to preach those lessons again this weekend in Trinidad.

Speaking of Trinidad, I will be flying out Thursday evening.  This means I will be missing "Trick or Treating" with Bella (first time ever), so make sure you give her some extra candy if she ends up at your door.  She will be dressed like Priscilla Presley and our dog will be Elvis (yes, he has a costume).  Back to my trip to Trinidad, it is a conference for the Caribbean that also raises money for the preaching students at the school there.  I will be speaking Friday, Saturday and Sunday, as well as touring the preaching school and island on Monday.  Tuesday will be my flight back to Vero Beach, USA.  After this I will not be leaving Vero again until a couple of days after Christmas for some R and R.  Please pray for my family while I am gone, that they are safe and stress free.  If you have time, say a little prayer for me and my travels.

Speaking of prayers, this Friday Betty Pack will be having surgery for breast cancer.  As with Joe, we want a continual prayer to go up for her before, during, and after surgery.  We have seen the power of prayer.  We will have another day of prayer a few days later for Fran Mooney as she also will be having surgery for breast cancer.  We want to continue doing these for serious issues that arise with our members.  I would much rather this church be known as a praying people than that church who always has cool stuff going on.  We want to continue to improve every aspect of what we do here - congregational prayers, corporate worship, serving others, and our overall love.

Now let me tell you about a series that will begin when I get back from Trinidad.  It has a real catchy title - "Habakkuk".  One of the 12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament.  Three chapters - three sermons.  A great series for those who sometimes struggle with their faith.  It is especially helpful in those times that, well, God doesn't seem fair.  Such as, the wicked prosper when someone who loves God and tries to do right loses their job, gets sick, or dies an early death.  What do we do with that?  This book will not only be helpful to the people of this church but also those you know who struggle in this way.  Start inviting people now.  It begins November 10th.

If you missed Sunday night you really missed out on something special.  Bill Peoples spoke to us about the difficult subject of cancer.  But it wasn't so much about what to do when you, or someone you love gets cancer, but ways to prevent it from ever happening to you.  It was fascinating, to say the least.  A'Lana video recorded the lecture.  Bill also stayed around to answer questions many of you had following.  I appreciate the elders doing something like this for the church.

Think about the people who normally sit around who were absent.  Give them a call, visit, or card to make sure everything is okay.  As always, let the leadership know if it is something of a serious nature.  Continue to pray for our sick.  Wear a smile.  Be kind to people.  Be Jesus to the world.

Monday, October 21, 2013

A Day of Celebration

Sunday was a day that seemed to be a day of celebration.  So many of you gave it all you had in prayer for one of our shepherds.  The Father's great answer to those prayers had all of us filled with thankful hearts.  Over and over I heard things like, "Praise God"; "God is good", and many other things similar.  You have to love it when the Father does something that makes everyone sit back and say, "That could only God!"  It really affected our worship.  I don't know about you, but after spending so much time praying for Joe on Friday, my Saturday was filled with many moments of thanking God.  I guess you could call it the Divine compulsion.

Sunday night was another great experience. It was the first time I had an opportunity to go to the parenting class.  Joel did an outstanding job with a very difficult subject.  This congregation is fortunate to have him working with our teenagers.  The class went so well, it went over by 30 minutes and then decided to add one more week.

David Paladin headed out for a much needed vacation.  Pray that he will find refreshment.  He continues to do a great work for this congregation.

While we are talking about the staff, A'Lana did a great job keeping the church informed before, during, and after Joe's surgery.  Many commented to me Sunday how much they appreciated the updates.

It is going to be a busy week.  Keep praying for so many in this church who are dealing with physical issues.  Check up on those who sit around you during services and let the leadership know if there are those who need special attention.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Good to Be Back!

Some of you asked about my trip to Oklahoma Christian.  First of all, it was great seeing my son.  Even though he had classes and responsibilities with his job, we were able to spend some quality time together.  One day he decided to go jogging with me.  Actually, my routine is jog a little and walk a lot.  But Lex decided to reverse what I normally do and almost killed me.  I will say the school has an awesome trail to exercise.  It was nice seeing all the trees turning into their Fall colors.  I love being on a Christian campus.  One morning I walked to the cafeteria to eat breakfast and had forgotten my billfold.  A student, that I had never met, heard me say I was going back to the dorm to get it when she came up and paid for my breakfast.  More strangers greeted me with a smile and a "hello" than I can remember.  It was refreshing, to say the least.  Oh, and then there were the lectures, which is the real reason I went to OCU.  Dale Jenkins spoke one day, and did a great job talking about evangelism and social media.  A favorite, Curt Niccum, spoke several times on the Book of Philippians.  Curt helped translate the Book of Daniel from the Dead Sea Scrolls.  He is brilliant and knows so much about a text.  Then on Wednesday I was able to interview a student for our summer intern position.  Very promising.  I won't bore you with all the details, only to say it was a great trip and I appreciate the congregation allowing me to go to things like this.

Yesterday was a very memorable day.  It was great to see the flock surround one of its shepherds to pray for Joe's upcoming surgery and battle with cancer.  I have witnessed our elders praying weekly for the people of this church.  To see each of you respond in this way was touching and no doubt gave Joe more encouragement than any of us can really comprehend.  Don't stop the prayers!

Also, I thought our singing yesterday was great.  We began a new series of lessons, "The Divine Compulsion", and talked about how our lives prove the will of God.  This week we will be looking at an area many Christians may not think about on this subject.  As I've researched the subject this past week I am really excited to get writing this morning.

One more thing.  Sunday night I was able to be involved in several things going on.  After sitting down and doing a brief study, I headed to "The Dock" to see all the people working to get this room ready for the children.  Seeing they had plenty of help, I headed to the room where several were writing cards.  I will have to say they were having a good time.  I looked into the parenting class and it was packed out as well as the class on getting a job.  There were other things going on, but these are a few that I was able to witness.  Exciting times.

This week check in on those who sit around you and missed.  If it has been a couple of weeks be sure to give them a call.  Pray for our sick and those having surgery this week.  And, as always, let the elders or staff know if someone needs extra attention.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Oklahoma Christian Edition

Instead of my usual Monday morning blog at Panera I have moved locations a few hundred miles to a cafeteria with a mean omelet bar, as well as every other breakfast food imaginable.  The coffee is good as well.  I'm on the campus of Oklahoma Christian University, home of the fighting eagles and my boy Lex.  It is hard referring to him as my "boy" these days when I see how much of a man he has become.  His growth has been fun to watch, especially over this last year.  I'm looking forward to spending some time with him between his classes and job as a resident assistant.

If you are wondering, I'm attending the OCU lectureships this week.  It was almost 10 years ago I came to this lectureship for the first time, which was also my first time on campus.  I fell in love with the staff and the Christians who attended from this area and told myself then that I would bring my kids to this campus when they started looking at colleges.  I remember Lex not really wanting to go because he had his mind made up between two other universities.  Let's just say it was a good visit.

I flew out last night, after two delays, and landed in Oklahoma City around 11:30 eastern time.  I was exhausted, to say the least, but feel very revived this morning.  I'm getting ready to go to Dale Jenkins lecture in the next half hour, for those of you who remember him coming to Vero.  A great line up of topics over the next couple days.  Wednesday, my plan is to interview a potential summer intern for Joel, and fly back Thursday.  Somewhere in between I've got to prepare my sermon for this week.

Speaking of which, this Sunday we will begin a new sermon series called "The Divine Compulsion".  It is based on a workshop I will be doing next month in Trinidad.  The first lesson deals with the question, "Can we prove the will of God with our lives?"  Read Romans 12:2.

I would be amiss if I did not mention the sermon series we recently concluded, "Forgotten Virtues."  I want to thank everyone for the kind comments about these lessons.  First of all, God receives all the glory for any good that came from these sermons, and secondly, as a preacher, I appreciate the way these lessons were received by you.  Big topics.  Big messages.  Big changes.

Well I need to get going, but I wanted to stop to communicate with my favorite congregation on earth.  I love you all and Lord willing, I will see you Sunday.