Monday, January 27, 2014

Awesome Friends Day

Personally, I believe it was one of the best Friends Days we have had since I've been here.  Thanks to many of you, we have several good prospects to share the Good News of Christ.  That's what it's all about.

The Coffee Connection wasn't packed out like we had envisioned.  There were only four visitors and one was looking for a church home.  We average that on a regular Sunday.  Don't get me wrong, I was thrilled to have the one, which made it all worthwhile.  Our greatest numbers were when our services were flipped.  There is something about having Coffee Connection after worship that appeals to visitors.  Something to think about for the future.

As far as worship was concerned we had many visitors with us.  The final count was 298.  This is really good when you begin to think of everyone who wasn't able to come due to sickness or being out of town.  It was encouraging to say the least.  Best of all was all the people who were either looking for a church home or had no church family.  The leadership wishes to thank all of you who were able to bring someone or at least tried.

That being said, let me mention a couple of things that need to happen now.

  1. Contact those who came with you this week.  If you can make a one-on-one contact that is best.  Take them to lunch, stop by to see them or at least make a phone call.  Also, if you know of others who were able to make connection with them, give them your friends address so they can write a card.
  2. Invite your guests to other things we have going on that may be of interest to them.  Our Celebrate Recovery on Monday nights.  The Psalms class on Wednesday nights.  Other Bible classes or happenings.  If you think they are ready for a small group, contact Bill Raikes or Mike McGee so they find the right group for them.
  3. This Saturday night, call them to see if they would like to come back this Sunday.  Mention to them about the series that will be continuing.  By the way, this Sunday is "One Friend Away."
  4. For the rest of us, roll out the red carpet for those who come back this week.  Don't stand back and wait for someone else to do it.  Don't get so caught up in your own relationships with others that you neglect those who may be seeking that type of fellowship.
  5. Finally, whether you brought a friend or not, continue to reach out to people you know who are looking for a church home or have no church home.  Every Sunday should be treated like Friend Day.  Let us not get into the mindset that we invite people once a year.  Let this be a kickoff for the rest of the year.
Personally, I would like to thank everyone who participated in our Friends Day to make it special.  From the staff doing those extra things this week to get the building ready, to those who came early Sunday morning to set up and stayed late to clean up.  Thanks to everyone who brought food.  Not only was it outstanding but we had plenty to go around!  Also, a big thanks to everyone who participated in our worship.  Not only was it well done, but I thought the comments made were very appropriate for the day.  Once again, thank you to all who invited others to come.  Without you it would have only been Church Family Day!  I am very proud of this body of believers.

Looking ahead.  This Wednesday night we will continue our study of the Psalms as we deal with prayer.  There is so much to learn.  It is something that has the potential to change your prayer life forever.

Have a great week and don't forget about those who are sick and unable to attend.

Monday, January 13, 2014

A Great Day for this Church

Sunday was a great day for this congregation.  If you missed last night, you missed a historic event for this church.  Mike McGee was appointed as an elder of this church with 98% of the congregations approval!  This is one of the highest percentages you will ever hear.  He joins a short list of great men to serve this congregation since its beginning.  Add to that, we are getting a godly elders wife who supports him in this work.

Yesterday we also had another "crop" of visitors from our area.  The Coffee Connection was packed out and one commented to me how friendly this church was to him.  He had sat outside while he waited for his family to arrive and was greeted by several of you.  This is the kind of thing the leaders love to hear!

Speaking of visitors, our Friends Day is in two weeks!  It is almost redundant to ask many of you to invite your friends and family for this day since many of you are doing this each week (as evidence of the guests we have been having).  But we want to fill the building.  There will be dinner on the grounds, in which the church will supply the meat.  Start inviting people today.

Before that happens the church will have a family night at Vero Bowl.  We have done this before and it has been a huge success.  It is a time for our church family to come out and enjoy being together.  Whether you like to bowl or not you should come out and enjoy the company.  I have seen some of you bowl and it is very entertaining.  Seriously it should be a great night.  We are reserved for 100 people.  $2 shoe rentals (if you don't have bowling shoes) and $2 per game.  Everything begins at 6 pm to give time for people to eat.  Although, the bowling ally has really good food.

I'm sorry to say that I will not be able to make it to the bowling night.  Next weekend I will be speaking for a youth conference in Orange Beach, Alabama called G.U.L.F.  Joel will be handling the second part to our series on "Love & Hate".  It is so nice to have capable ministers who can take over while I am away.  I will be in town until Thursday afternoon or Friday morning.

Continue to check on those who normally sit around you that wasn't there Sunday.  As always, let the elders or myself know if someone needs special attention.

Monday, January 6, 2014

First Report

It is good to be back at Vero after a week of Christmas vacation in Port St. Joe, Florida.  We rented a house with my parents, my sister and her family, and their dogs.  You heard me right - the dogs.  Port St. Joe, Apalachicola, Cape San Blas, and the other small towns along this "Forgotten Coast" not only allow dogs but encourage you to bring them.  They were allowed on the beaches, in stores, and even restaurants.  We had a great time, but it is good to be back.

Yesterday we had a great crowd!  Some were from out of town, but many were from our community.  The Coffee Connection was packed out.  I appreciate everyone who reached out to those who were visiting with us.  We want to make more of an impact on those searching for more in their lives in 2014.  Let me know if you bring someone who would like to study the Bible.  Better yet, let me know how I can help you study with someone you are talking with about Jesus.

We got the year started off with our annual lesson on "This is a Football."  A basic lesson on the Scriptures as a whole.  Next week we begin a two part series called "Love & Hate." It deals with those things God loves and hates.

Also, we are a couple of days away from the launch of the Book of Psalms.  I am very excited about studying this great collection of God's Word.  The intent is to give you more than head knowledge but to find the heart of the psalms.  Over the next three months we will try to learn of the depth of our worship - praying, singing, meditating, etc.  We will talk about some of those outrageous psalms we run across (like sticking a javelin in your enemies eyes).  We will learn more about the Father.  We will find out our Savior is all throughout this book and discover He used them during His ministry.  And what about the Holy Spirit?  Just a New Testament topic?  Nope, the Psalms speak of His work as well.  What is the background behind all these chapters?  We will meet in the Coffee Shop on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm.  This is a great class to invite someone you know from work, a friend, or family member.

Sunday night the elders will be hosting our annual meeting in the Coffee Shop.  There are so many important things they will be discussing so make sure you attend.  Also, bring a dessert to share.  We will provide coffee, tea and water.  Get there early to get a booth!

One more thing.  This is a good time to start planning for our Missions Sunday coming up the first Sunday in March.  In those New Years resolutions put money aside so we can reach our goals, more importantly, to support the works we have to carry out the gospel of Christ.  I received an email this weekend from Louis in India - a dozen more baptisms.  We receive reports like this often from our mission works that show God's blessings on many of these churches.  So start praying and saving for this special day.

It's a new year so don't forget to check up on others who may be sick or need attention.  Also, make sure you mention our Celebrate Recovery to people you know as many may be looking to make some major changes in their lives.  This is for anyone who has hurts, hang ups, and habits they are struggling with.  It begins tonight at 7 and 8.