Monday, August 26, 2013

The Tennessee Monday Report

Greetings from the Great Smoky Mountains.  It is currently 65 degrees (although it will warm up to 85).  If you do not know already, I am speaking this week in a conference in Sevierville, Tennessee (hometown of Amanda Kross).  I have been fortunate to be asked to speak on personalities over the last four years.  Each year I have seen this conference (Polishing the Pulpit) grow.  This year they surpassed 3,000.  It is made up of preachers, elders, deacons, and church members who enjoy the wide range of topics, multiple classes and, of course, the beautiful area.  They have classes throughout the day for children of all ages, teenagers, and ladies.  Personally, I enjoy the singing each night when over 3,000 voices are raising the rafters.  It also gives me some personal time to reflect on the work at Vero, to meet new people, and sit in the "pews" to be fed.

Saturday night was my first class: using personality to match deacons to their works.  This afternoon, I teach a second class on "Understanding Myself" which is a basic lesson on the temperaments and how they apply to Scripture.  Tomorrow, I will be teaching teenagers about using their God given personality to serve the church.  Wednesday, I speak that morning to teens on overcoming temperament weaknesses and then that night to adults on marriage and personality.  Then I get up Thursday morning and make the 11 hour drive back to Vero, Lord willing.

This Sunday my plans are to preach on an ending to our Summer class (In the Beginning...).  I got started on it last night and I'm pretty excited.  Then the next week, September 8th, we will begin a 5 week sermons series on "Forgotten Virtues."  Also, on the 8th, we will be starting back the "Coffee Connection."  Start praying about this now as it can be a powerful avenue to reach our visitors.  Also that night, I will begin the "Vero Beach 101" class for visitors and new members.  It is a great way for others to understand what we are about, what we believe, and what the Lord expects of us.  If you know of anyone who has ever said, "What do I have to do to be a member?" or "What do you guys believe in?"... invite them to come.

These are just a few of the many new classes, opportunities of service, and activities that begin on September 8th.  Look to your bulletin, the website, and announcement boards to stay up to date.  This should be a great year.

Monday, August 19, 2013

A Great Day

Sunday was a great day.  One of the highlights for me was the Darrel family visiting with us.  This is the couple who lost their 9 year old son, Jordan, to drowning a few weeks ago.  Being that the funeral was in our building, I know their minds were flooded with the memories of that day.  When Bill started leading the song "I Am Mine No More", tears began to flow from this struggling father's eyes.  That afternoon he and I were texting each other and he told me something that is even further proof God is in control of the outcome of my sermons.  He said, "Good lesson today and yes, I thought about him through most of it. The grief can be overwhelming at times. If anything ever epitomized doing the hard things, this is it for sure."  The sermon was focused on doing the hard things in your service to God, but my belief is God's Spirit took that lesson and spoke to this father on an even deeper level.  Please pray for Ray and Kara Darrel.  Pray for strength, the love and grace of God, and that they may find His family at this church.  Pray for me that I may be able to find the words to make a difference in their lives and lead them to the Chief Shepherd.

I would like to thank all of you who came around and greeted our visitors Sunday.  Most of you had no idea who the Darrel family was when they came through our doors.  We usually have no idea what brings visitors to our worship service.  It's easy to assume they came because of a friend or they are vacationing in the area, but I find that many people in the community come because of a need, a hurt, or a longing for something greater.  Keep that in mind each week when you see new faces.  Your friendly face may be the very thing that helps them through another day.  Most importantly help them find the Prince of Peace so they can encounter the Spirit of Peace.

It was also encouraging to me to hear the many kind words about the Bible class.  There is something that fascinates us about fallen angels intermarrying human women and having giant children (my opinion) that keeps us on the edge of our seats!  It was a longer study for me than normal but also enjoyable.  I am planning to write out both views and corresponding Scriptures from the study.  I had a few people ask me about notes and verses after the class and some requests on Facebook in other places (I had posted the topic that morning).  So if you are interested let me know and I will make sure you get a copy.  Because of the length of the research I wasn't really able to put it down in written form.  I was working from scribbled notes, highlighted research, and memory to present it in class.  I'm not exactly sure when I can have it out, as this will be a very busy week trying to get ready to speak multiple times at a conference all next week on personalities.  But I will get it out ASAP.

Speaking of personalities, I want to thank many of you for your comments about the sermon.  The idea of serving isn't the most popular subject, but one we are called to fulfill.  We can get comfortable in our "going to service" rather than serving.  Sunday night, the elders will be discussing upcoming opportunities to live out a life of service.  Be here.  I am very excited about the things coming up.

Do not wait for Sunday night to find ways to serve in the name of Christ.  Check up on our sick, shut-ins, or anyone in the church who may be hurting.  Do good for the people you meet this week.  Think outside of yourself.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Coming Home

The Moore summer vacation is in the books.  We packed up this morning and headed for Vero.  As I write this I am getting in one last cup of coffee while overlooking Manatee Bay.  A beautiful view, but I'm ready to get back to work.  I feel refreshed and those creative juices have begun to flow again.

If you are wondering what we did this week it consisted mostly of fishing and snorkeling.  In fact, the water is so clear here we were able to dive to find the fish we were looking for.  We ended the week with a fishing charter.  Once we threw the first hook in the water I couldn't remember a time someone wasn't hooked up with a fish.  Not all were keepers, but lots of fun.  We had some nice baked Spanish mackerel and grilled redfish for our "last supper."  Great way to end our trip.

We did see some beautiful sunrises and sunsets.  Being on an island, the sun came up on the bay behind the house and the sun set on the beach, which was a 3 1/2 block walk from our rental.

Now back to business.  This Sunday will be a lesson on using the talents you have been given to serve the Lord.  This isn't about "just get busy" type of sermon, but using our God-given gifts.  I'm really excited about this study.

Enough for now.  I've got to get started on this lesson and prepare for an elders meeting tonight.  I am looking forward to seeing everyone Wednesday night.

Monday, August 5, 2013

Signing Off

I am going off the grid, so to speak, this week.  It is a time of renewal and refreshing for myself and the family.  That being said my phone will be off.  David and Joel will be back from Oklahoma tomorrow night if you were needing to get in touch with a minister.  Also, our elders are always willing to help out with any spiritual needs you may be having.

That being said, almost every rod and reel in the garage has been packed, along with my favorite fishing magazines, and coffee.  Everything is loaded and ready to go.

Despite being down in numbers, I felt we had a great day of worship.  The singing was great, we completed another sermon series, and we enjoyed another group of visitors.  I can only speak for the upstairs Sunday night service, but we had some powerful discussions on prayer.  Things are getting better and better all the time.

August is officially in full swing as it leads up to many new things coming in September, which is when our year officially begins.  The elders will be presenting the plans in a few weeks.  I can tell you about a sermon series that will begin September 8 - Forgotten Virtues.  It is a 5 week journey to restore forgotten virtues in our world - honor, purity, loyalty, integrity, and gratitude.

Speaking of sermons, the Sunday I return from vacation I will be preaching a lesson on finding your place to serve.  It will focus on being the most effective in our work for Christ.  We will be dealing with your personality and the best fit for you.  Love to Serve will be a major emphasis over this coming year, not so much in words but in deeds.

Well, I have already taken enough of your time, as well as my own.  Have a great week!