Monday, August 24, 2015

Back to School

Another school year begins in Indian River County.  To all our students, we pray you would be delivered from temptations and evil - bullying, drugs, judging, cursing, immoral thoughts, etc.  We also pray you could be able to reach your greatest learning potential, not only for your betterment, but also of society and to the glorification of God.  To our teachers, we pray for patience, energy, and a clear mind to mold the minds of this generation.  You will never be paid your worth, but we pray that one changed life will make up that difference.  Thank you for all you do.

Speaking of students, my house was filled with our youth group last night.  (Unfortunately I can't post pictures again.  I worked on this for a couple of hours last night and I cannot get the blog site to contact me.  I may have a new blog soon!). I love being around your young people.  Some played basketball, jumped on the trampoline, sat inside and talked, and swam.  It was a blessing to join them in the devotional.  We sang several songs and Joel delivered some good thoughts.  My favorite part was being there for Bella's first youth activity, since being promoted to the youth group last week.  She is still young enough to want to sit by me and sing.  Micah... well, he has a girlfriend.  Fortunately he doesn't deny my existence.  Missy and I are proud to report that all of our young people were well behaved.

Let's back up a few hours to talk about our worship.  One of my favorite comments came from someone visiting from out of town.  He mentioned how much better our song service is since the last time he was in town (a year ago).  When the singing is good, my sermons seem better (even if they're not).  It's a win-win.

Speaking of sermons, we ended our summer series, Amazing Jesus.  In two weeks we will begin a new series called I quit.  Here are the topics we will cover through the month of September.
  1. "I Quit Making Excuses"
  2. "I Quit Complaining"
  3. "I Quit Living in Fear"
  4. "I Quit Comparing"
This is a good series to invite others who have no church home.  You have a couple of weeks to start building it up.

As far as next Sunday, Ed Holmes will be preaching.  You may know him as the son of the Bradley's at the Gifford Church of Christ.  He is a fantastic speaker.  I only wish I could be here to take part.  Missy and I will be flying out Saturday morning for Tuscaloosa to conduct one of my personalities seminars.  I will be speaking for the Northport Church of Christ.  This is the congregation our group stayed when we helped with tornado relief a few years ago.  And no, this was not planned very well, as Alabama doesn't begin their football season until the next week.  Oh well, I know of some great eating places.

We are down to our last week of classes, which means we have some new ones beginning in September.  Steven Wilson will be teaching Being in a World Obsessed with Doing.  Our lives are filled with tasks, jobs and obligations.  They take our time, energy and focus, and end up sapping our souls of the Divine creative energy.  This class is designed to help us see through this haze and create a life that is centered, empowered and transcendent.

On Wednesday nights I will be teaching The Journey's based on the missionary journeys of Paul.  It is a great follow up from our sermon series on Jesus.  The church has begun and the Good News is being taken into the world.  There were many ups and downs but the journey is amazing.

As we finish, think about all the ways Jesus is amazing in your life.  Live in the Gospels and let them live in you.  It will change you.  It will empower you.  It will breath fresh air into everything you do.


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