Monday, October 27, 2014

Sunday Happenings...And There Was A Lot Happening

Sunday morning we completed our sermon series on Strapped with a lesson on "Putting God First".  As a preacher, I hate preaching on money and contributions.  Most ministers feel the same way as certain televangelists have given the rest of us a bad name.  Yet, despite that fact, it is a Biblical subject that needs to be taught... properly.  My prayer is this was accomplished.  It's all about being better.

Next week we begin our next series - The End is Near?, dealing with the 2nd Coming of Christ.  So many different versions and concerns arise from this subject.  We will be doing our best to understand the Biblical teachings from I Thessalonians 4 & 5, as well as II Peter 3.  The first weeks lesson is entitled "No One Left Behind".  This is another great opportunity to invite others to attend.  Most people are very interested in a topic like this.

Speaking of visitors, we had MANY Sunday.  Several of you introduced or helped point out folks you met.  That is so helpful.  Continue to seek out guests each week.  If you can, take them out to lunch.  Get their information so you can send them a card.

As far as Sunday morning was concerned, I need to apologize to Steven Wilson.  He read from Galatians 5:14 for the Lord's Supper, which speaks of loving your neighbor.  Great verse, but not exactly the focus on Christ that is needed at that time.  Steven did a pretty incredible job making it all tie in with Communion.  Sitting in the pew I realized I had left out a very important thing...the dash.  It was supposed to be Galatians 5:1-4 which begins by saying, So Christ has really set us free.  Now make sure that you stay free, and don't get tied up again in slavery to the law...  Sigh.  Next week I will double check.

Sunday night was our not so scary "Truck or Treat" for our children.  I'm not sure who had more fun, the kids or the adults.  You will see from the pictures below some of the great stuff going on.  Thanks to everyone who decorated their vehicles, handed out candy, and just had fun with the children.  The scariest part of the night was Joel's piƱata.  Fortunately no one, including Joel, was hurt.  We appreciate David Paladin for getting it all planned, even though he looked like something from Star Trek (the 60's version).



After seeing these pictures, I guess I need to wrap it up.  Don't forget about our sick and shut-ins.  In fact, there are many things going on this week we need to be praying about.  Today Michael Scott is having an ultrasound on his gallbladder.  Peggy Stephens is having outpatient surgery to have polyps removed.  Diane Williams is having outpatient surgery on her hand.  Pray a special prayer for Michael Kolinar (a.k.a. "Mad Money Mike") who is struggling with life in general.

Be Christ to your world.  Continue to find ways to be better in your walk with the Lord.  Pick up your Bible this week and read.  Lift up your voice and offer thanks to our Heavenly Father.

Monday, October 20, 2014

No Burden, Just Better

Yesterday we completed our third lesson in our series called Strapped.  Our main thought is "we don't serve money, we serve God.  Money serves us as we serve God." It is about getting better.  This series isn't to see how much guilt can be dumped on us, but ways to get better... out of financial bondage.  The reception of these lessons have been very positive and I appreciate all of the encouragement.  We have one more lesson to go - "Putting God First." Don't miss this important lesson.  By the way, I saw this car in town the other day and had to get a picture!

Along those same lines, I am putting up the new posters for our November series.  It was supposed to be on II Peter, but after praying and studying through the book it changed to one of its major themes - the Second Coming of Christ.  When we sent out surveys, a few months ago, this was a topic recommended.  In fact, money management was another suggestion, which is why we are in our current series.  I'm really looking forward to this study.

Yesterday I noticed several of our "regulars" out of town, but the house still seemed to be full.  I met a few people from our community and few folks from other places.  Either way, it is great seeing a steady stream of visitors come our way.  I appreciate those of you going out of your way to meet and greet others.

Tonight is our Celebrate Recovery.  Monday is a good time to meet people who may have hurts, hang ups or habits they want to overcome.  Those who serve in this ministry offer two convenient times - 7 & 8 PM.  If you know of someone who is interested let us know and we will put them in touch with someone from the program.

This coming Sunday night is our "Trunk-or-Treat".  If you haven't participated before, it is a time we decorate the trucks of our cars and allow our children to go around and have a safe venue to get some candy.  The kids really enjoy this and will bring friends to participate.  We only ask that we keep things... uh.... not so frightening.  Such as a bloody zombie hanging out of your trunk or you dress up with a fake ax going through your head.  We want children to come back to our church, not run as far away as possible.  We encourage the adults to dress up as well, but nothing immodest.  The last thing we need is for one of our members to dress up in the sexy French maid costume.  I realize it might cause some visitors to come back, but not exactly the way we want to "draw people to God." You know what I'm talking about.  Never had a problem with this, nor do we anticipate any problems this year.  We will do this immediately after our Sunday night classes.

One more thing.  I found out last week that A'Lana Cutshall has been helping out with our website.  I failed to mention her with the list of volunteers we have helping the church office right now.  I knew she had built the site but did not realize she was still working with it.  I was glad to hear this as A'Lana has great creativity.  Keep looking to our website as it gets better and better all the time.  If you click on the "Events" window, at the top, you can find a calendar of all of our upcoming events.  Just go to

Praying everyone has a great week.  Continue to remember those on our prayer list and let the church office or elders know if someone needs special attention.


Monday, October 13, 2014

It's Monday, Monday

It is a busy Monday, Monday of things to report.  We will begin with Sunday happenings.  After several weeks, the kids in the Aquarium finally sang loud enough to interrupt my class, across the hall.  David Paladin, their leader, has asked me each week if I heard them, and each week I have said "no".  You could see the disappointment on his face.  But this week it finally happened.  If your children came home with sore throats and strained vocal cords... you know why.  More to come from this group.

Sunday worship was also a positive experience.  Great song service, a heartfelt talk about the Lord's Supper and the many prayers for one another.  Opal Powell came forward for prayers for her grandson, Stephen Brooks, and the fact he is going blind in one eye.  Stephen is a former member of this church who now lives in Hawaii.  This family has dealt with many loses over the last few years.  Continue to pray for them.  Along those same lines, Dewey Hall is also dealing with something similar with his eyes.  Vision is a beautiful gift of God.  Pray for each of these this week.

Let me also comment on my sermon from yesterday morning.  People continue to appreciate the topic.  Many of you have shared many kind words.  Although yesterday was some of my favorite.  One of my children came home and asked Missy, "Is dad going to sell Max?! (family dog)".  It is always good to keep your children on their toes.  Someone told me about another father who told his kids that he would sell them before he got rid of their dog.  One person went to an elder to ask, if they are not in debt can they still get their nails done?  And my favorite, and most frequent comment, "where can you get 12% interest?". As I said yesterday, I'm a sanguine, I don't do math, so the examples I used I found.  Either way, it was great listening to everyone.  This weeks sermon, "The Buck Starts Here".  I can't wait to hear what you have to say this Sunday!

On a sad note, Judy Gauntt lost her mother-in-law Doris Gauntt.  They were very close and she has taken care of her for a long time.  Funeral arrangements will be made today.  Do me a favor and send her a card.

Judy Gauntt
514 4th Place SW
Vero Beach, FL 32962

This weekend the children's ministry did a special day for the girls, G.A.L. (girls acting like ladies).  The Soops hosted a day of swimming and crafts for the girls.  Bella told me she had a great time.  I appreciate all the adults who helped out with this.  Look at these smiling faces.

I also want to give a shout out to Lisa Brackett.  She has been volunteering to help with our website and Facebook accounts.  She is really doing a great job with both of these.  Check out our website sometime  Also, those of you who follow the churches Facebook page, "share" upcoming events on your own site to spread the news.  Recently Lisa has been dealing with migraines again, so let's say a special prayer for her this week.

While we are on the topic of volunteers.  The ministers cannot thank the ladies who have been coming in each week to help out in the office - June Hansen, Ethel Meadows, Sue Mora, Helen Rathel, Gay Stanley and Teri Swinford.  If you have called the church office recently you have probably talked with one of these ladies.  Not only do they answer phones, but they check emails, compile lists, work on the computer, clean out clutter (although David's office is a challenge), fix us coffee, prepare our lunch, wash our feet (well maybe not those last few things).  Seriously, the greatest thing they do each week is come in with a smile on their faces.  David, Joel, and myself couldn't do it without them.

We have so many who need prayers and attention this week.  Please read your bulletin and watch for updates throughout the week to see a more complete list.  Think about those who may have missed seeing yesterday and give them a call or drop them a card.  Be patient with the people in our world and shine the light of Christ.  Be the church!

Monday, October 6, 2014

The Fall

No I'm not referring to the fall of man, but the most awesome season of the year.  It was a great feeling Sunday morning.  Bella told me, "It feels like Christmas."  Nothing like Christmas in Florida with 65 degree lows.

Speaking of fall, wouldn't it be awesome to see the debt of our Christian families "fall"?  We had a great start to our new series, Strapped.  Many kind comments about how excited they are about learning more.  I am really excited about a congregation full of Christians who take these lessons to heart.  Remember, this series isn't about guilt, but learning how to do and be better.  To move from the love of money to a love for God.  To move from "keeping up with the Jones'" and be in a situation you can help the Jones'.  To see our money serve us instead of being in bondage to debt.  This week we will look into the three essential values to becoming debt-free.  Don't miss any of these lessons and PLEASE invite others to join us for this series.  If the statistic is true, that 76% of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck, it shouldn't be a difficult invite.

Sunday night was another one of our Circle-Up Singing.  A great night of singing some old favorites and working on a couple of new songs.  We sang, we laughed and we enjoyed each other's company.  For the second month we celebrated the birthdays that "fall" during this month.  Each one received a small gift and, of course, birthday cake.  Just look at this group!

Sunday morning we also announced a congregational fast for Wednesday.  A day of prayer and fasting for our global missions.  The elders have many decisions to make concerning our missions, as they do every year, but they want to have everyone involved in petitioning the Almighty for guidance.  As I stated yesterday morning, this is not about asking for more money, but to use the funds we have in the wisest means possible.  Personally, I commend our elders for seeing the value of the Biblical fast.  I know how much they ask God for help in the decisions they make and this is an added means of calling on the Father.

So what do I do?  Not eat?  Fasting is really anything that helps you take your eyes off of the physical and enter into a more direct focus upon God.  The most common Biblical fast is a food fast.  My only caution is to those who have diabetes or something similar that has to have food to regulate their system.  However, in our day and time, maybe the most needed and possibly the most difficult for some, would be a fast from media.  I'm talking about TV, radio, social media, etc.  If you prayed about our missions every time you had an urge to pop out your smart phone to check updates, status, etc., you might be surprised how often you would be talking to God that day.  But why limit yourself to one type of fasting?  You can do a food fast and media fast at the same time.  The important thing, is find something that you enjoy doing (habit even), and deprive yourself of it to focus on the God who knows our yesterdays, todays and tomorrows.  Personally, I am excited to find out the decisions that will be made from this spiritual event.

Continue to check on those who normally sit around you.  Send a card to a shut-in, someone struggling, or just randomly to another Christian as a means of encouragement.  Be the church.