Tuesday, September 3, 2013


The office staff is off today for Labor Day, so you will not get the Monday Morning Report until Tuesday.  But after the last couple of months and weeks I am seeking a bit of normalcy.  This is one of the reasons I am working this Labor Day.  It isn't to prove a point or make others who took off this holiday feel guilty, it is what I need right now in ministry.  Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed my travels to Antiqua, Polishing the Pulpit, and especially a week off for vacation, but there is something about getting back into your routine that is comforting.  The Monday blog at Panera is one of my favorite ways to start my week.  It's pretty quiet with some classical music in the background.  Plus, I love sitting in a booth with a cup of coffee.  This is where my week begins.  Usually there is a stack of papers and Bible verses that will be highlighted, thought over, and eventually prayed about.  It is the weekly sermon preparation.  It is in this environment I begin to plan out my week, prioritize my time, and try to make sure something important doesn't slip through the cracks.  Most people hate Mondays, but for me I love them.  Okay, I have bored you enough.

Yesterday was unique.  We had several who were gone with Joel to Sonquest, leaving a big void in the auditorium and no doubt the overall spirit of the church.  It was great to have them back Sunday night and for Joel (and Halla) to give an encouraging report on the work they did with disaster relief in Oklahoma.  This month they have fulfilled our theme: Love God, Love God's Family, Love to Serve.

Along those lines, I have had several tell me about David Paladin and the children's ministry Wednesday night.  Having a child in the program I have been impressed with the knowledge of the Bible these kids have been getting.  Being in ministry over 20 years, working for several congregations in that time, I have never seen a children's ministry with this type of impact or knowledge.  Not to cut down what others are doing, but we are blessed at this church.  Think about these kids as they enter our youth program and eventually youth adults.

It is all about the process.  We have good people in place from our children to adults.  We have a young adults program that is now on its way up.  The leadership is working on ways to help people find their place to serve.  These are just a few ways we are seeing the progress of this church in a process to fulfill the Biblical theme of love.  Things are getting better and better all time.

Speaking of the process - we have some things in place to help bring visitors to a mature relationship with God.  This Sunday it begins as we bring back Coffee Connection during our Bible class hour and offer a Vero Beach Church 101 class on Sunday nights.  You are a part of the process.  Invite others, whether during the week or people you meet at our services, to attend these classes.  Feel free to come with them, if you believe that would help.  Either way, we want to help others learn about our Savior.

Finally, I just want to say I have enjoyed teaching the "In the Beginning" class this Summer.  To be honest, we could have spent an entire year on the subject.  This last week was special as we tackled the flood.  To be honest, I almost drowned trying to prepare for these lessons, especially having to speak several times last week in Tennessee.  I almost scrapped the Sunday morning sermon for one of the lessons I did at Polishing the Pulpit on Saturday night.  But I decided to go through with it and the Lord once again proved to me who brings the power to my lessons - Him!  Even I was amazed with what I was able to remember when I got up to preach.  But most importantly was the kind comments.  I was very dissatisfied with it Saturday night, but the Lord made sure it had the ability to connect.  You may still feel like it needed more work, but believe me, it could (should) have been much worse.  Anything good that came from Sunday's sermon came from God, I assure you.

I am so ready to start this new series this Sunday on "Forgotten Virtues."  You will not want to miss a single lesson.

Don't forget to check on the people who were missing this week.  If you know of someone who needs special attention let the church office or the elders know.

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