Monday, September 23, 2013

A Great Day of Visitors

Sunday morning we had several visitors in our worship services.  I'm not even sure if I was able to meet all of them, but I seriously tried.  Of course, it's always nice to know many of you make sure everyone gets greeted, whether I miss them or not.  Continue to roll out the red carpet to our visitors.  Take someone to lunch with you, make a contact, introduce them to others, or anything you would like done for you if you were looking for a church family.

Our "Forgotten Virtues" series continued with a lesson on loyalty.  One of those virtues that is easier to see in others than ourselves.  Go out today with a new attitude, if needed, and be that loyal person of God.  Don't just proclaim loyalty but prove it in every area of your life - friendships, family, spouse, the church, and the Almighty God.  Next week we will be looking into the virtue of integrity.  BIG topic.  I'm really excited about beginning this study this morning.

Sunday night continued with a lot of great areas of service.  The Lynn Center and HeBrews Coffee Shop was filled with people involved in all types of works.  Several of the youth headed out to mow grass at homes who needed the assistance.  "The Dock" classroom had a host of helpers, young and old, getting that room ready for our children's ministry.  The teacher's supply room is getting a much needed, and major cleaning out.  Many helped with the little kids so the parents could be involved.  Visits were made, cards were written, and prayers ascended.  I would say that is a pretty good Sunday night.  Be patient with the leadership as we try to work out all the kinks.  As with any program, in its early stages, it takes time to turn it into a well oiled machine, if you will.  The important thing is to focus on the positives and there were many!  If you have any ideas to help make this night of service better please let the leadership know as we talk about this program each week in our meetings.

Joe Wild is in Houston and had his scan, blood work and x-rays yesterday.  Glenda reported that everything went well.  Today he will meet with the oncologist.  I will put reports on my Twitter (@TracyMoore1971) and Facebook pages throughout the week if you would like to stay up with what is happening.  The main thing we can do is to pray.  Pray that this cancer is gone.  Pray for inner peace for Joe, Glenda and the family.  Pray for the doctors and nurses caring for him.  Some of you can think of many other things to pray about as well, but the important thing to do is go to the All-Powerful Creator of this human body and Savior of the soul.

Add to that anyone you know who is struggling right now, whether physically or spiritually.  Reach out to those around you and extend the love of Christ.  Who was missing yesterday that normally sits around you?  Who do you work with that you know is struggling?  Be an ambassador for the Messiah in your life today.

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