Monday, April 15, 2013

Our Kids Program Tops

I learned something a long time ago in ministry...a top notch children's program results in adult conversions.  Over the years I have baptized many people because of the contact that had been made with their children.  Right now, Melissa and I are working on a family in our neighborhood with two kids.  We have invited them all to join us on a few occasions, but they always have other things going on and always talk about coming in the future.  We have gained enough trust they now allow their kids to attend.  Taking the youngest one to church last Wednesday I learned something...she had never heard the song "Jesus Loves Me".  We sang it to church and twice on the way back home.  She loved this timeless classic and wants to learn more.  Because of the top notch children's program we have, she is calling us to make sure we do not forget to pick her up.  Guess what, the parents are now bringing up the fact they want to attend.  They have started asking me Bible questions and have learned a few things from their 5 year old who is attending.  David and Christin Paladin have transformed a "schoolhouse" setting into a Bible wonderland.  How excited are the kids?  My 9 year old gets up early on Sunday morning so she can leave with me at 8 am so she can help out in "The Aquarium."  How do you compete with sleeping in, playing with toys, video games and watching Sunday morning cartoons?  David has found a way, but it has taken a lot of hard work.  He put in over 80 hours last week getting the newest addition to our children's ministry ready, along with his weekly duties.  In a couple of weeks the church will be invited to view it for themselves.  We are fortunate to have David on our ministry staff.

One of the things David does with our kids is to teach them to write letters of encouragement and thanks to many in this church.  If you have ever been a recipient of some of these you know how sweet they have been.  Here is what I would like for us to do this week: let's all send David letters of encouragement and thanks for the work he is doing with our children.  I am going to pull his email from this post so he won't know what hit him.  His address is:  610 16th Ave., Vero Beach, FL,  32962.

As far as yesterday goes, it was a very encouraging day for myself.  It's not easy preaching on submission, especially when it is something the world frowns upon.  Even Christians struggle with the issue, but always remember it all comes down to our submission to Christ, whether it is our submission to the elders, or to deacons over a certain area, or ministers in their given work, or the many other areas people have been asked to take a leading role.  Let us set the example for others to see that God always knows what is best.  Submit to the government, submit to your boss, submit to church leaders, and don't listen to those who try to undermine their God given appointment.  Let us live as if we are Not Of This World!

Let us continue to be mindful of those who came forward yesterday with concerns for their health (Trudy Teague and David Ward).  Let us also pray for our nation and how they handle the North Korea situation.  Maury and Terry Swinford have a son in the military that has been deployed somewhere unknown.  Chris Dean has a brother in South Korea.  If you were apart of a 2:42 Group last night you know the importance of prayer.  By the way, it was my groups favorite lesson so far.  Have a great week.

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