Monday, March 11, 2013

Sunday was another good day for this congregation.  It was refreshing seeing so many of our college students home for spring break.  As a father of a college student, I know how excited these families are to have them home.  David Paladin was also excited to have them back, as many of them have helped out with the Aquarium.

Once again we had several visitors.  One couple made it to our Coffee Connection before services.  They have attended worship a few times before and it looks like they are ready for the next step.  Very nice couple.  Before worship I met a family of 5 looking for a church home.  They have been looking since they came to Vero last July!  A guy I have been studying with was also in attendance as well as another couple that recently had a baby and has attended several times.  We had a few people from out of town, but most seemed to be in our community.  Make sure you look for our guests each week and find ways to make them feel welcome.  If you learn of information that may be helpful, please let the ministers know so we can follow up.  Never forget our mission: to proclaim the excellences of Him (I Pet. 2:9).

Speaking of visitors, we are two weeks from Easter Sunday.  Yes, we celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ weekly, and even daily, but this is a special time of year.  For one, it is the #1 time when people in our community will attend a service.  It is literally our easiest invite.  Also, it is always a positive when people are focused on the death and resurrection of Christ.  Here is the power of salvation and not in the fact there is a special day.  Mother's Day is great but a mother, as powerful as they are, cannot save.  The power is in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Because Easter is this month, I will lead a 6-week study called, "The Easter Experience."  It is part DVD - part discussion.  If you are interested in the class it will be held in LC #105.  I will give more details soon.

There will also be a new class in the Worship Center called "TEN", which deals with God's top ten, the 10 commandments.  Steve Hoskins will kick it off this Wednesday night.  It should be a great study.  The young adults will also study the same material in their classroom in the upstairs Lynn Center.

This Sunday will be a special lesson.  We have been studying the Book of I Peter and the fact we are "Not of This World".  In the introduction we looked at a brief history of the early church and things they faced under the Roman Empire.  But what about a modern day analogy?  What about a church that deals with the worlds influence today?  I believe you will find this Sunday both fascinating and encouraging.  I believe the study of the Scriptures should be both head and heart.  We need the knowledge (head) but we also need to see how it applies today (the heart).  Plan to be here this week.

This is more than enough for now.  For those of you who made it this far, thanks for reading to the end.  Don't forget to look around and call/visit those who were unable to be here Sunday.


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