Monday, June 29, 2015

A Special Day

Sunday was one of those days it seemed like everything was a blessing.  We had so many visitors from the community and other places.  Our singing was uplifting.  Steven Wilson did an excellent job presiding over the Lord's Supper.  Many of you had kind words after the sermon topic.  Isn't Jesus amazing?  Is it possible to read John 8 and not walk away in awe?  This coming week we will dive into the amazing power of Jesus, as we study some of His miracles.

Before worship I had the privilege of teaching the young adults.  It seems like every week we gain a few more people.  We are bringing in chairs.  I believe they have enjoyed being together.  For this ageing preacher, the blessing is mine.  It has been very encouraging.  Sunday evening some of them took a trip to the beach to ride horses.

It was great having our teens back after spending the week serving others in West Virginia.  I'm not going to steal Joel's thunder, as he is hoping to get a slide show together to tell us more about their trip.  My 15 year old came home excited.  They worked with other groups in this effort, which means they were able to meet other Christians from all around.  Here is a picture of everyone working that week.  Good luck picking out our teens.

I want to briefly address the Supreme Court ruling this past week.  It has been a very difficult weekend for most Christians.  Some things to remember: 1) We shouldn't be surprised by the ruling.  We have all seen this coming.  One thing is for certain, sinners are going to act like sinners. (I Pet. 4:12)  It still hurts, especially for those of us raised in a much more conservative society.  2) Stop reading everything the media puts out about this ruling.  Because we believe in God's design for marriage we will be called bigots, racists, and a few things I cannot repeat.  Looking at these things, or reading the comments from these articles will only make you mad and depressed.  Don't forget, sinners are going to act like sinners. Think on wholesome things (Phil. 4:8-9).  3) Don't get involved in the hateful speech.  One of our first inclinations is to fight fire with fire.  People are lost and need Jesus.  Don't represent the One who can save them/change them with hate and anger.  We are called to represent the Christian hope with gentleness and respect (I Pet. 3:15-16).  4) Don't stop associating with unbelievers who agree with the ruling or are homosexuals themselves. Read I Corinthians 5:9-10.  5) Stop judging those outside of Christ, only One is given that job.  Read I Corinthians 5:12-13.  Stand for holiness but do so without getting into judging wars.  6) Stop walking around as if we are a people with no hope.  This may be the most disappointing thing I saw this weekend.  Christians who see this ruling as the end of the world.  Will it create many problems for believers?  Yes.  But we should be the most joyful people on earth.  The Book of I Peter is addressed to Christians suffering persecution for their faith.  They were living in a society with morals worse than our own.  But listen to the words of I Peter 1:3-12; 3:14.  7) Live your life for Jesus.  Live in such a way that it would shame those who persecute you.  (I Pet. 3:16-17)  Clean out those logs that sometimes get lodged in your eyes (Matt. 7:1-4).  Be Jesus to your world, because He can still amaze the most hardened of sinners.  8)  Keep praying.  Whether we realize it or not, God is still in control of the nations.  He will do what He wants to do.  Elijah once sunk into a depression when his nation, which was God's holy nation, had fallen so far from God.  Evil rulers.  Corrupt priests.  Weak followers.  But Jehovah knew some things Elijah didn't know, even as a prophet.  (I Kgs. 19:18)  God gave him one of the most powerful displays of His work.  He isn't always in the big loud things in the world, sometimes it is in those still small whispers we tend to ignore.  (I Kgs. 19:11-13)  9) Pray for those in authority.  I have seen a lot of words being posted to social media about how Christians feel about this latest decision, but I have yet to see those words formed into a prayer.  I'm not saying it isn't being done, but it seems we have spoken more to those we disagree with than the one who can change the heart.  (I Tim. 2:2)  10) Finally, and also goes with I Timothy 2:2, we are to live in peace and quietness with the rulers of our world.  It is time we stop attacking our government.  Does this mean you like these sinful decisions being made?  No way.  But we should live in peace as much as it depends upon us.  Don't antagonize.  You can still go to the voting polls, but nothing will have a greater influence than living like Jesus and pointing others to Him.  Let's stop talking about Supreme Court decisions and start talking to others about the Supreme Being.  Maybe that is why our nation has gotten to this point, we have stopped sharing Jesus.  This is just my two cents.  Joe Wild is still teaching on the subject of homosexuality on Wednesday nights.  This is a proper place to discuss these issues.

Ok, so there has been a lot of depressing pictures on social media lately, so I thought I would share something that should cheer you up (or give you a good laugh).  I found this jewel last week.

Now that you have a smile on your face, share it with others.


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