It was a nice fourth of July weekend. Our auditorium was filled with visitors from the community and those who came from out of town to enjoy our beautiful beaches. The singing was good. I love the way Bill lead us before the Lord's Supper. The sermon series, "Amazing Jesus", continued as we looked into some of the miracles of Jesus and His display of "Amazing Power." For the second week in a row the preacher has been long winded. I will try to do better. To be honest, I get lost in the subject each week. If I could just preach from the Gospels and the Psalms, the rest of my life, I would be most content. That isn't to say the rest of the Bible isn't important. I just love being in these books. Next Sunday Joel Soumar will be in the pulpit looking into the "Amazing Compassion" of Jesus. Talk about a powerful subject.
Speaking of Joel, a big thanks goes out to him for coordinating the move for David Ward. This has been an ongoing process for a few months. Based on David's situation, there is a lot that has to be done, on the forefront, in order for a move like this to happen. I appreciate all Joel has done in order to help David make this move. Also, Joel has had some good help, especially over the last couple of weeks. Brenda Chappelear packed up his house. Merilyn Yergler left this morning to drive his belongings to San Antonio, Texas. Jim Warren is driving David to the airport. Rick Higgins took him around town to get important paperwork done. Susan McGee, Carlene, Troy, and Faith Wiley, Garrett and Madison Dean, Mike and Nick Dean, Grady Brackett, Chris Dutton, Sasha Chisholm, and David Paladin all helped with loading and cleaning his apartment. I hope I didn't miss anyone. You get the idea, it is a big process. David Ward also wanted me to let this church know how much he has appreciated all the help. Many of you have assisted him in his time here by cleaning his house, giving him rides, and many things I don't even know about. I know I would miss someone if I tried to name them all. Personally, I want to say thank you to all of you who helped him in any way during his stay in Vero.
Last night was really special to me. It was our monthly singing in the Coffee Shop. We are blessed with some good song leaders in this church. However, last night we had some first time leaders step up - Danny Brackett, Neal McFall, and David Ward. Jerry Cutshall has lead on a Sunday night before, but it has been a while since his physical struggles. Lonnie Ledford has become my right hand man on these nights. I can honestly say it was an enjoyable night. Our white board was filled with the songs people requested, and we came close to singing them all. We keep everything upbeat - we sing, we laugh, and occasionally we pitch a song right (not me, of course, the others). Afterwards we celebrated the July birthdays - Bob Brackett, John Manry, and Gay Stanley - which means we ate birthday cake! A big thanks to Stephanie and Sasha Chisholm for taking care of refreshments each month. Anyway, it was a good night.
Go out today and live in the power of Christ. Live as if He is still in control of this world, even during the storms. Our Jesus is amazing! He cast out demons, healed the sick, walked on water, calmed storms, etc. Read these stories over and over again and let them build up your faith. Don't live like a people who have no hope. We have the greatest hope of all!
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