Staying with the topic of new beginnings, several Bible classes are underway. Really it began Wednesday night. I have had a couple of people ask if we still have space in the personality class. Absolutely. If you are interested come on. The only thing you missed was the personality test, which you can take at home. This week we begin with the first temperament - the sanguine. I have heard good things about the other classes going on as well. I am pretty excited about teaching the young adults this summer, which is also on personalities. We had a good number Sunday morning.
Speaking of young adults and new beginnings, they began a summer of activities last night. They had over 20 go bowling. It sounded like everyone had a good time together. If you know of anyone, in this age group, who would like to get involved, let one of the ministers know. They do not have to go to this church, they could be a neighbor or someone you work with, etc. In fact, yesterday we had several young adults visiting with us. It was really encouraging. Here are a few pictures.
Yes, Mya is one of the young adults
Staying with the topic of young adults, it was great having my oldest son lead singing yesterday. Before I moved here, my dad would occasionally lead for me. I know it doesn't mean anything to you guys, but it's kind of special to me. However, the real reason to mention Lex is he filled in for us during a pinch. It's summer and our song leaders are on the go. They need a break too. Lex didn't have a lot of advance notice to pull things together. He also helps with the singing where he attends in Oklahoma City. It is great to have him home, even if it is for a short time. And yes, momma got a picture. Although, it wasn't like he graduated from elementary school. If you were here yesterday you know what I'm talking about. If not, I'm not going to tell you as punishment for missing. :)
Keeping with the subject of singing, last night we had our monthly "Circle-Up Singing" and birthday celebration. We went "Old School" by allowing anyone to request a song. Lonnie Ledford and myself were the only song leaders, but we knocked out all of them but 2 or 3. Fortunately we had two of our young girls to take charge of writing out the songs and page numbers on the whiteboard. They also found the time to have a message for me on the other side when we finished. What is most impressive is they drew this upside down. I've always wanted my name in lights, but I guess a whiteboard will have to do. Seriously, I love how these girls want to get involved.
Kari and Bella
Last, but not least, one of our own, elder Joe Wild, was named Coach of the Year for the Treasure Coast. This is a big accomplishment and we know he couldn't have done it without Glenda. Word on the street is Joe wore an ear piece while Glenda gave instructions from the stands. At least that is the rumor Glenda started. Seriously, something the papers will not report is the Christian influence Joe has on these kids. Those players were never cussed out. They never watched their coach get mad and go into a tirade. They never put his character in question. For that alone Joe should be named Coach of the Year.
Let's end with that idea. Go out and live a positive influence for Christ in your world. Even if everyone else in your industry tries to get results by using profane, abusive speech, you choose a different path. Even if others feel like lying and cheating is the way to get on top, you live a life of integrity. It is a choice. Allow the Spirit of God to guide your life. Make bold decisions. Live for Jesus, because what He has promised us is AMAZING!
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