Yesterday, the plans were laid out for our Mission Sunday. The goal is $65,000! The purpose is to support mission works in several spots throughout our world. This is 9 times our average contribution. You may be in a position to do more and some less, but if everyone's reach stretches out to help us obtain this goal, I have no doubt we can reach our goal. You may not be able to give the full amount this Sunday and you would like to stretch it over 52 weeks. For some, this will allow them to pledge more than if you were to try to give the one time. Just make sure you indicate what you will give before and then fulfill it.
Speaking of Mission's Sunday, Dominic Dos Santos will be speaking for us this Lord's Day. He is an energetic, intelligent, full of the Holy Spirit preacher of Christ. His wife and teenage son will also be with them. Let's make sure we roll out the red carpet for he and his family. That being said, the Dos Santos family will be flying in Friday night and will be with us until the following Thursday. He will be doing all services Sunday morning, the Tuesday morning Bible class, Horizon Bay Tuesday night, and the teenagers on Wednesday night. It is possible he will also be speaking Sunday night at Gifford.
Dominic and his family will be staying with my family this week. If you would like to take he and his family out for breakfast, lunch, or supper, please let me know ASAP. I will be keeping a list at the office for those who would like to take advantage of this opportunity. I had the privilege to stay with this family a week in October and the pleasure was all mine. Personally, I enjoy every opportunity I am able to have with them, but I want to share the blessing of having them a part of your life as well.
Speaking of food, we will be having another one of our famous pot luck luncheons Sunday morning. More information will be coming. And, as always, we will not have our 2:42 groups that night since we will be eating together after services.
This Wednesday we will cover "Outrageous Psalms" in the Coffee Shop. Very interesting stuff. What do we with those psalms that pray that God would slap their enemies and stick a javelin in their eye? Should they completely disregarded or is there a place for this type of prayer?
I'm hoping everyone will have a great week. As usual, don't forget to pray for our sick. Willie Teague is one we need to bring before the throne of God daily. Think about those who were unable to be here Sunday and give a call or send a card. Do something for one of our shut-ins this week. Live the life of Christ before those you work with or meet on a daily basis.
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