Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Uplifting Sunday!

Where do I start?  Sunday was such an uplifting day all the way around!  Since it was Missions Sunday I will begin with our contribution.  We set a goal of $65,000 and completely outdid ourselves by giving $75,000!!!  I can't tell you how proud I am of this church.  You have always hit the goal, even though some have been hit by the economy over the last few years.  But yesterday you reached beyond your normal generosity and did something special.  Praise God!  May He stand behind this gift and bless the hands of those who will receive it.

But we cannot leave out our guest speaker, Dominic Dos Santos.  So many of you have expressed to me how much you enjoyed his presence.  His lesson was outstanding!  Some of you indicated to me that he influenced the gift you gave for our special contribution.  You know he is something special when the youth tell you how much they loved hearing him.  They are excited about him speaking for their class Wednesday night.  Some have already indicated they want to have Dominic back again.

Along those same lines, Dominic spoke for the Gifford congregation Sunday night.  We had about 25 of our own people who wanted to hear him again.  The singing was outstanding!  The fellowship with our brethren was even sweeter.  Dominic once again knocked it out of the park.  So much so they spoke with him about coming back in August to hold a meeting for them.

Brother Dos Santos is one of the best kept secrets in the Caribbean.  His personality is contagious and is preaching is powerful.  He will be speaking at 10 am tomorrow morning in our Coffee Shop to talk about evangelism.  One of the things he will be talking about is their prison ministry, which is very impressive.  Afterwards, we will all be going out to eat.  Tuesday night he will be speaking for the Horizon Bay group at 6:30.  I know they would love to have your singing voices to make it a special night.

I want to thank everyone who helped with the set up and clean up of our fellowship meal.  It is really encouraging seeing so many serving in this way.  Also, a big thanks to all of you who cooked.  The food was great!

Wednesday night we will continue in our Psalms class with part one of Christ and the Psalms.  Next Sunday we beginning a three part series called "TXT".  The world's new approach to Christianity is to discredit God's Word.  But can it be trusted?  Is this some outdated ancient book or something that we should hold in high esteem?

Don't forget to check on the sick and shut-ins.  Pray for David Paladin as he will be away for a few days in Memphis for his masters program.

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