Sunday was one of those days where everything seemed to go wrong. There was a mix up with the bulletin, one of the songs, and of course, my Moon Pie Award (I didn't have the Moon Pie!). Add to that, my tablet slid off the front monitor to the floor right before I was to get up and preach (thankfully it is made of titanium). Those things happen occasionally, yet it didn't stop a great day. David Brooker did an excellent job maneuvering through the songs service, despite the errors, and the congregation responded accordingly. We had a slew of visitors again, some of which were repeats from our Friends Day! Our Coffee Connection was full. God is good!
Last night we kicked off our 2:42 Groups with an organizational meeting. Bill Raikes did a good job explaining what these small groups are all about and why we do them. We had a good turnout and people seemed to be excited about getting started. If you want to be a part of group but didn't sign up it isn't too late. Talk to Bill Raikes, Mike McGee, or call the office to be assigned a group.
We are officially one month away from our Missions Sunday. Each year we raise money for our mission works. This one Sunday determines what we will be able to do by way of world missions. Our goal is $65,000. It seems like a lot but when everyone does their part it is not only possible, but a goal that can be exceeded. In October, I watched a congregation in Trinidad raise $65,000 with a membership less than our own and in an economy not as strong as the US. We have some wonderful mission works we support. More to come.
Speaking of our Missions Sunday, I am excited about our special speaker, Dominic Dos Santos. He is the preacher at the San Fernando church of Christ in Trinidad. One word - dynamic! Not only is he a great speaker but an amazing person. The congregation he preaches is not only self supporting (almost unheard of in the Caribbean), but they support several other works throughout the islands as well as run a preaching school. He will be coming in on a Friday night and returning on the following Thursday. He will be speaking for us on Missions Sunday, teaching our Tuesday morning class, and speaking to our teens on Wednesday night. We are lining up a couple of other speaking engagements as well. He, is wife Annie and son Paul, will be staying at my house through the week. If you would like to take his family out for a meal or have them in your home, let either myself or Missy know, as we will be filling his schedule. You may just want to take him out to see something he can't see in Trinidad (btw they have an ocean).
Enough for today. Keep checking on our sick and shut-ins. Make contact with those who haven't seen in a while. Best of all, spread the love of Christ to all.
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