Monday, March 16, 2015

Here I Am To Worship

Here is a picture from my seat Sunday morning.  It was taken as the talented Hartman Road song leaders lead the church in "Here I Am To Worship." That definitely summed up that moment.  It is always a blessing to fellowship with these brothers and sisters in Christ.  They always find a way to encourage me.  Of course, I was there because of the preacher swap.  Brother Jackson was brought in to inspire you for our Mission's Sunday and I was to inspire Hartman Road for their upcoming day of service.  After a two hour worship service and a battle with allergies, I was wiped out Sunday afternoon.  No complaints, it was a good day.

Speaking of good days, Mission's Sunday is always a special time for this church.  We raised around $66,000!  This is a little short of our goal, but we also anticipate some, who were not able to be here, to give.  So we feel confident the goal will be reached.  I want to thank everyone who participated.  The Lord will use this money to spread the Good News in many places throughout our world.  Also, a special thank you to everyone who cooked, helped to set up, clean up, or served in any capacity.  If you were unable to be here and would like to give you can bring your donations by the church building or give to Bob Brackett or Tim Dean.  I wasn't able to be there to take pictures, but I found this one on Facebook with a caption I thought was very uplifting.

Last night our young people had a surprise party for Joel Soumar.  It wasn't his birthday, it wasn't a special anniversary but the youth wanting Joel to know how much they appreciate him.  As a parent, and a co-worker, I also appreciate everything he and Ann do for our youth.

Construction on the "Surf Shack" is under way in our preschool department.  Our crew of artists, handymen, and the like, are doing what they do best - creating.  The other rooms they build - the Aquarium, the Boat, and the Dock, continue to bring smiles to the faces of our kids and amazement from our visitors.  We are all anxious to see this building completed.  Here is a glimpse into what is coming.

Wednesday David Paladin and myself will be traveling to a soul winning workshop in Oklahoma.  We will return Saturday.  We ask for prayers for safe travels, spiritual renewal, and a wealth of information that would help us in our ministries.  I'm looking forward to being back in the pulpit next Sunday.

This week count your blessings.  Look around you and be thankful for the small things, as well as the big things.  Things like running water, a house with air conditioning, enough clothes in your closet you have to make a choice in the morning, etc.  Thank the Father for those blessings.  It doesn't have to be a long prayer, it can be short ones throughout your week.  Who knows, it might become a habit.

Do something nice for someone.  It can be someone you know or someone you have never met.  Smiling is free and you can give those out all day without it costing you one cent.  Allow the love of God to overflow in your life to people you encounter.  Do you know someone in the church who has had a difficult week?  Find a way to encourage them.  I can tell you I was a recipient of encouragement from many of you this week and it was a much needed blessing.


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