Monday, March 9, 2015

Great Weekend

The strawberry pick finally happened Saturday morning.  The weather was still overcast but evidently missed the rain.  Sunshine or rain, they were going for the luscious treasures they found.  Here is a small pile of what they picked.

Sunday was a great day all around.  Our morning singing was good, the visitors were many, the Cope family placed membership and we completed our two part lesson on "Building Bridges." By the way, don't forget to make up a C.A.R.E. list (Co-workers, Associates, Relatives, and Everyone else) of those who need Christ Jesus in their life.

Sunday afternoon was a great time of singing and fellowship with the Hartman Road Church of Christ.  It has been a blessing getting to know this congregation better.  Also, I want to commend this church for helping represent our church family.  Despite losing an hour of sleep and the singing beginning at 3 pm, many of you made the trip. Huge thanks!

Some of the crazy people who rode the bus. Always fun times.

Our bus driver with the fancy sunglasses

A picture of most who attended

Our own Ladell Young, not only helped with the singing, lead "This World is Not My Home"!  Joel Soumar brought down the house with "Get Right Church."

THIS WEEK is our Missions Sunday!  Last year we raised $75,000 for our mission works.  This year the goal is $70,000.  Take time to pray about this day throughout the week.  Pray that the Spirit would help you determine what you can contribute.  Many souls will one day be with the Lord because of our support of world missions throughout the years.  All adults will be in the auditorium for Bible Class to hear a representative of Mount Dora, one of our mission points.  The sermon we be brought by Ervin Jackson of the Hartman Road Church of Christ.  He is a great preacher and motivator.  Afterwards we will have dinner on the grounds.  The church will supply the meat and drinks if everyone else will bring the sides and desserts.  A busy day but there will be no Sunday night services.

Take time out of your week to spread the love of Christ to those around you.  Do you know someone sick in your neighborhood?  Take them some homemade soup.  Do you know someone struggling financially?  Put a $20 (or whatever) on their stirring wheel.  Do you know someone having a hard time spiritually?  Meet them for a cup of coffee and just listen.  Find ways to serve others in the name of Christ.  Tell others of the goodness of God.  Study God's holy book and pray that you may grow closer to the one who saves us.


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