My brother, Slate, and I enjoyed time together
Here is the pavilion, at the Fairgrounds, where all the main events took place. And yes, it looks more like a medieval castle.
Here are a couple of the speakers. Dr. Kent Brantley (first Ebola case in the US) and Rick Atchley
Here is a sculpture being made of Christ as we sang songs about the Potter and the clay. It was later auctioned off and the proceeds went to a mission work.
Some of the fellowship I enjoyed with preachers, youth ministers, worship ministers, elders, a writer for the Christian Chronicle, etc. The bottom picture is a pie fellowship with some friends in ministry each night.
This is the Children's chorus on Friday night. These little guys put out some volume.
Ok, enough family photos. Moving on to Sunday. I had a refreshing talk with someone in our community about Jesus Christ during Bible Class. I can't give you details, but I do ask you to pray. It really seems as if the Spirit of God is doing something in this situation. I love the Good News of Christ Jesus. Don't you?
Sunday worship was another time of refreshment. Maybe some of it was coming back from Tulsa, but it just felt so good to be together with each of you singing praises to God. It was refreshing seeing Micheal Kolinar (a.k.a. Mad Money Mike) reading Scripture. He was so excited! He mentioned to me a couple of times, "This is my third time to get to be up there." He loves this church so much. Someone sent me a picture of him reading. If nothing else puts a smile on your face today, this picture should.
It was refreshing to not only see those who courageously stood before their peers, asking for wisdom, but also everyone who moved about or stood with those who wanted prayer. It was just a great day.
I am excited about the future of this church. We are moving and progressing in a positive way. Even negatives are turning into positives recently. The Holy Spirit of God is moving within His people. All I can say is continue to encourage others. Every time we meet together come in with an attitude of edifying someone. Don't just tell people you love them, really show it. Be considerate of others. Put a smile on your face and speak kind words, because it may be the only act kindness they receive all week. Everyone needs it. Let the love of God burst forth in every avenue of your life - church, work, home, neighbors, etc.
Some of you may already know about the college group from the University of Kentucky who came back to Vero to do service projects during their Spring break. That is refreshing! They did many things in our community as well as some projects around our building. They worked on our newest room in the Children's ministry (the Surf Shack). Here is a couple of pictures of some of the work.
We are only a couple of weeks away from Easter Sunday. Who is on your list of people to invite? Let us prepare for a great day.