Monday, February 2, 2015

A Super Sunday

I appreciate what Adam Chrzan said before the Lord's Supper, "This is our Super Bowl."  There is no greater victory, in the history of mankind, than the Good News of Jesus Christ.  When the Messiah died on the cross it seemed to be a terrible defeat, at least in the eyes of the world.  It was all part of the predestined plan of God.  Three days later sealed the win for the ages.  Talk about your come back victory... Jesus came back from the grave!  Praise God today for our victory in Christ!

YESTERDAY was a great Sunday.  We continue to see more and more visitors attending.  The gods at war series seems to resonate with many.  The Church 101 class, for new Christians, is one of the most encouraging times of my week.  The overall attitude of the church continues to rise.  Yes, Sundays are super.

WEDNESDAY is Oasis.  On the menu this month are casseroles.  The blood mobile will be here to siphon anyone who wants to give to a good cause.  Our gods at war video/discussion classes continue.  It all begins at 5:30 PM.

SATURDAY night is the annual Teen Banquet.  This is always a special night for our youth.  They put in many hours to make this happen.  The purpose: to raise money for our teens to go to Winterfest.  This is not a night where we encourage you to invite others for a free meal.  If you invite someone to come they need to know it is a fund raiser.  We stress this because of the expense to rent a bus to Tennessee, stay in a hotel, and registration costs.  Without this fund raiser some would have no way of going.  It should also be stressed this is not a ski trip but the biggest spiritual event they attend all year.  So please, think about that this week as you think about what you can contribute.

SUNDAY NIGHT is our Circle-Up Singing... Hartman road style.  We have invited the brethren from the Hartman Road Church of Christ, in Fort Pierce, to join us.  I will be joining with three of their GREAT singers for an uplifting period of time.  It is one of those nights if you want to sing, sing, if you want to sit back and listen, sit back and listen.  There will be some different songs.  There will be songs you know that will be sung differently.  There will be others that may be exactly as you know them.  One thing is for certain, it should be uplifting time filled with passion and soul.  We will also honor our February birthdays that night and we are including those from Hartman Road.  Super Bowl Sunday is nothing compared to the time we are going to have that night.

As you can see, it will be a big week.  Continue to remember others who sit around you who may have been absent this week.  Give them a quick call.  Send a card to someone you know is struggling.  Take someone for coffee or a meal that you want to know better.  Invite your non-Christian friends to worship with us Sunday.  Do something good for others.  Go outside, on one of these beautiful days we will have this week, and read some Psalms; go through the life of Christ in the Book of John, and take some time to meditate on a couple of key thoughts.  Live for Jesus every moment.  Pray to the Father often.  Take comfort in the Holy Spirit and rely on Him for direction.  It is going to be a great week!

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