I added this one of Troy and Faith embracing. As a preacher I must say that is a great metaphor of this night - Troy embracing faith.
Now, moving from Gatlinburg to Vero (which is about 50 degrees warmer). We had a great day of worship. We finished up our sermon series on gods at war. Thanks to everyone for the kind comments about the study. I had some good material to use. It has been challenging but important. As Christians we should always be ready for a new challenge from Christ. We know we can never be perfect, but He wants to help us in our journey to perfection. It is a journey filled with ups and downs, lots of forgiveness, and ultimately a closer relationship with the One who saved us.
Next Sunday I am beginning a two part series on Building Bridges which is a proclamation of the Good News of Christ Jesus. This is exactly the kind of series you need to invite your non-Christian friends to attend. Take them out to eat afterwards, demonstrate a genuine love for them, and help them understand the greatest bridge ever constructed for mankind.
This week we will release the Bible classes for this next quarter, which begins Sunday morning. I believe we have a great lineup. I'm excited about teaching Wednesday nights in the Coffee Shop on the books of I & II Timothy and Titus. It is about the work of the preacher, the leadership of the church, what needs to be important and what isn't. It talks about sound doctrine and false teaching. It was specifically written to young preachers and their call to be Warriors of Christ.
It is also time for us to start thinking seriously about our Missions Sunday. This year it will be one March 15th. This is the day we raise all the money for our missions for the year. Last year was amazing, as we raised $75,000! You will be hearing more about this in the days ahead. But let us start thinking how we can sacrificially give to the cause of Christ throughout our world.
Moving on from Vero, we head to Sabastian. Some of us had the privilege of hearing Melvin Otey this weekend at the Sabastian Church of Christ. He preaches as well as teaches law at the Jones School of Law (Faulkner University in Montgomery). Ironically, he also helped to start the congregation I did the marriage retreat for last weekend. Here are a couple of folks I ran into while there Sunday afternoon.
This is a picture of me with Brother Otey. He said it was his first selfie. :) You will notice there is a lot of shine coming off those heads.
Speaking of the marriage retreat I did last weekend. People have asked me if I made a snowman. I did and some wanted me to share the picture. In my defense, the preacher told me the snow was too light for it to stick and make a good snowman (that's my story and I'm sticking to it). Missy added the stick arms of a tyrannosaurus rex, although she doesn't want to take claim for any part of this beautiful creature. I know, sad, but it was fun.
Ok, I'll stop now. We have many who need your prayers this week. They also need your love. Send a card, prepare a meal, give an encouraging email or text, or anything that would brighten someone's day. Live your life so when others see you, they are seeing Jesus. Pick up your Bible and read. Pray that the Spirit would guide you in those studies. Be a better person this week than you were last week. Wear a smile on your face. Open a door for someone. Stop and help someone in need. Whatever you do, do it in the name of the Lord.
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