Yesterday, the plans were laid out for our Mission Sunday. The goal is $65,000! The purpose is to support mission works in several spots throughout our world. This is 9 times our average contribution. You may be in a position to do more and some less, but if everyone's reach stretches out to help us obtain this goal, I have no doubt we can reach our goal. You may not be able to give the full amount this Sunday and you would like to stretch it over 52 weeks. For some, this will allow them to pledge more than if you were to try to give the one time. Just make sure you indicate what you will give before and then fulfill it.
Speaking of Mission's Sunday, Dominic Dos Santos will be speaking for us this Lord's Day. He is an energetic, intelligent, full of the Holy Spirit preacher of Christ. His wife and teenage son will also be with them. Let's make sure we roll out the red carpet for he and his family. That being said, the Dos Santos family will be flying in Friday night and will be with us until the following Thursday. He will be doing all services Sunday morning, the Tuesday morning Bible class, Horizon Bay Tuesday night, and the teenagers on Wednesday night. It is possible he will also be speaking Sunday night at Gifford.
Dominic and his family will be staying with my family this week. If you would like to take he and his family out for breakfast, lunch, or supper, please let me know ASAP. I will be keeping a list at the office for those who would like to take advantage of this opportunity. I had the privilege to stay with this family a week in October and the pleasure was all mine. Personally, I enjoy every opportunity I am able to have with them, but I want to share the blessing of having them a part of your life as well.
Speaking of food, we will be having another one of our famous pot luck luncheons Sunday morning. More information will be coming. And, as always, we will not have our 2:42 groups that night since we will be eating together after services.
This Wednesday we will cover "Outrageous Psalms" in the Coffee Shop. Very interesting stuff. What do we with those psalms that pray that God would slap their enemies and stick a javelin in their eye? Should they completely disregarded or is there a place for this type of prayer?
I'm hoping everyone will have a great week. As usual, don't forget to pray for our sick. Willie Teague is one we need to bring before the throne of God daily. Think about those who were unable to be here Sunday and give a call or send a card. Do something for one of our shut-ins this week. Live the life of Christ before those you work with or meet on a daily basis.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Monday, February 17, 2014
Bitter Sweet Sunday
If you were unable to attend Sunday morning you may not have heard that Bill Raikes is taking a sabbatical from the eldership. He's not sick, upset with the other elders, or many other things that can go through the average members mind. He needs a break, plain and simple. Bill has been doing this for over 20 years. I've been around elders my whole life, starting with my grandfather who served the church for 50 years! Not to mention I have served various congregations and worked closely with many elders. It is difficult work, even those who serve in great congregations. There are always issues to be resolved, meetings to attend, people to see, and the list goes on. Not only that, most elders today have secular jobs and families they are trying to tend to as well. That being said, Bill is not having a mental breakdown (while I'm surprised more elders don't), he just needs to step away for a time to be recharged. Personally, I believe every eldership should take turns taking sabbaticals every so often. It helps them to get recharged and do the Lord's work more effectively. Even Jesus, the head Shepherd (I Pet. 5:4), would sometimes get away 40 days at a time and that was during a 3 year ministry. Personally, I hate Bill won't be in our meetings for a while. If it hadn't been for Bill I wouldn't be at this congregation. Nothing against any of the other men, but Bill was my main contact and we hit it off from the beginning.
So what does it mean when an elder has a sabbatical? For Bill, at least for a year, he will no longer have responsibilities as a shepherd of this church. That means, if you are having an issue don't contact him. Even with other church work, give him enough time to clear his mind. If you don't like something going on, go see one of the other elders. We want to give him time to recharge. So what can you do? Take he and Liz out to eat or have them over to your house and just enjoy their company. If you want to say anything about church work, tell him how much you appreciate the work he has done over the years and that you are praying for him. And yes, pray. Pray for rest, spiritual renewal, time with his family, and a non-stressful year. Lord willing, Bill will come to the end of his year itching to get back to this ministry.
In other news, I'm happy to announce our young people made it back from Winterfest around 11:30 last night. Despite the winter storm that area encountered, prior to our youth leaving for Gatlinburg, they made the trip without any problems. We are fortunate to have Joel leading our youth as well as his chaperones helping to care for our children. Welcome home.
Say a prayer for our sound system. Yesterday we had no control over volume, the camera, or anything to do with the main board. We think it may have been hit by lightening despite our surge protectors. Hopefully it can be fixed and we won't have to put it down.
On a positive note, our Missions Sunday is only two weeks away! Our goal is $65,000. It is going to be a big day. Our speaker, Dominic Dos Santos will be here from Trinidad to speak to us. He has an amazing story. No, he isn't here to raise support, in fact, he is one of very few churches in the Caribbean who is self-supporting. Not only that, but they support other churches in the islands. They raised $65,000 in October for their missions. Believe me when I say it will be a privilege to hear Dominic speak. Next week, I will tell you all the times and places he will be speaking while he is in Vero, as well as opportunities for you to take him and his family out to eat or have them in your home. I spent a week with this family and can promise you the pleasure will be yours. Start thinking about what you can give to reach our goal.
We still have a lot of sick and shut-ins, so send out a card, make a call, or go by and visit with them. Who knows, it may be you one day. Pray for them and with them and if you see they need additional help, contact the elders or church office.
So what does it mean when an elder has a sabbatical? For Bill, at least for a year, he will no longer have responsibilities as a shepherd of this church. That means, if you are having an issue don't contact him. Even with other church work, give him enough time to clear his mind. If you don't like something going on, go see one of the other elders. We want to give him time to recharge. So what can you do? Take he and Liz out to eat or have them over to your house and just enjoy their company. If you want to say anything about church work, tell him how much you appreciate the work he has done over the years and that you are praying for him. And yes, pray. Pray for rest, spiritual renewal, time with his family, and a non-stressful year. Lord willing, Bill will come to the end of his year itching to get back to this ministry.
In other news, I'm happy to announce our young people made it back from Winterfest around 11:30 last night. Despite the winter storm that area encountered, prior to our youth leaving for Gatlinburg, they made the trip without any problems. We are fortunate to have Joel leading our youth as well as his chaperones helping to care for our children. Welcome home.
Say a prayer for our sound system. Yesterday we had no control over volume, the camera, or anything to do with the main board. We think it may have been hit by lightening despite our surge protectors. Hopefully it can be fixed and we won't have to put it down.
On a positive note, our Missions Sunday is only two weeks away! Our goal is $65,000. It is going to be a big day. Our speaker, Dominic Dos Santos will be here from Trinidad to speak to us. He has an amazing story. No, he isn't here to raise support, in fact, he is one of very few churches in the Caribbean who is self-supporting. Not only that, but they support other churches in the islands. They raised $65,000 in October for their missions. Believe me when I say it will be a privilege to hear Dominic speak. Next week, I will tell you all the times and places he will be speaking while he is in Vero, as well as opportunities for you to take him and his family out to eat or have them in your home. I spent a week with this family and can promise you the pleasure will be yours. Start thinking about what you can give to reach our goal.
We still have a lot of sick and shut-ins, so send out a card, make a call, or go by and visit with them. Who knows, it may be you one day. Pray for them and with them and if you see they need additional help, contact the elders or church office.
Monday, February 10, 2014
The Fields Are White
In anticipation of the people of a Samaritan town coming out to Him, he told his disciples, ...vast fields are ripening all around us and are ready now for the harvest. (Jn. 4:35) This is the way I feel right now about what is happening here. The Lord is sending a load of visitors. I know of a couple of studies beginning this week with the potential for more on the near horizon. The last three weeks, especially, we have be blessed with several guests. Coffee Connection is booming again and people are excited. I'm having trouble getting around to all our visitors (not complaining), which is why each one of you are important. Thanks to so many who make a effort to meet and greet our guests. Keep inviting others to attend. Bring them to Coffee Connection. Introduce them to others. Pray God would continue to bless us in this way.
Last night we officially began our 2:42 Group studies. My group actually consists of two groups (parents and the teens). We had 51 people pile into the Wild's house. 24 adults, 24 teens, and 4 kids. The adults met in the living room, the teens in their bonus room, and the kids outside. One adult commented to me, "I got to know people more in one night than I do in weeks of just coming to church." That is the intent. If these numbers continue or increase we will have to talk about splitting into a third or fourth group. I'm anxious to hear how other groups made out. The study of David, a man after God's own heart, should be a beneficial study to all.
Tomorrow, Willie Teague will be having serious surgery. Some of you already signed up to pray for him. As we do with any major surgeries, we are looking to have every time slot filled while Willie is under. We want to bring his name before the throne of God the entire time. This goes back to the sermon yesterday morning about being a part of a community of people who love one another, encourage one another, and pray for one another in times like this. A'Lana will be sending an email out shortly with time slots still needing to be filled. Just reply with your preferred time. As always, the Fireside Room will be open for your use.
Also, Christin Paladin has been readmitted to the hospital after her blood pressure spiked again. She is still preeclamptic and they want her observed until she is stable. I know the family would appreciate your prayers.
Let me give you another reminder of our Missions Sunday coming up in a couple of weeks. Please be praying about what you can give. This one contribution is for our foreign mission works for the entire year. Our goal is $65,000. We can do this!
Don't forget to check on others who were unable to be with us yesterday, as well as our sick. Give one of our shut-ins a call or send a card. Let us be that community the Lord intended for us to have when He established His church.
Last night we officially began our 2:42 Group studies. My group actually consists of two groups (parents and the teens). We had 51 people pile into the Wild's house. 24 adults, 24 teens, and 4 kids. The adults met in the living room, the teens in their bonus room, and the kids outside. One adult commented to me, "I got to know people more in one night than I do in weeks of just coming to church." That is the intent. If these numbers continue or increase we will have to talk about splitting into a third or fourth group. I'm anxious to hear how other groups made out. The study of David, a man after God's own heart, should be a beneficial study to all.
Tomorrow, Willie Teague will be having serious surgery. Some of you already signed up to pray for him. As we do with any major surgeries, we are looking to have every time slot filled while Willie is under. We want to bring his name before the throne of God the entire time. This goes back to the sermon yesterday morning about being a part of a community of people who love one another, encourage one another, and pray for one another in times like this. A'Lana will be sending an email out shortly with time slots still needing to be filled. Just reply with your preferred time. As always, the Fireside Room will be open for your use.
Also, Christin Paladin has been readmitted to the hospital after her blood pressure spiked again. She is still preeclamptic and they want her observed until she is stable. I know the family would appreciate your prayers.
Let me give you another reminder of our Missions Sunday coming up in a couple of weeks. Please be praying about what you can give. This one contribution is for our foreign mission works for the entire year. Our goal is $65,000. We can do this!
Don't forget to check on others who were unable to be with us yesterday, as well as our sick. Give one of our shut-ins a call or send a card. Let us be that community the Lord intended for us to have when He established His church.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Murphy's Law Sunday
Sunday was one of those days where everything seemed to go wrong. There was a mix up with the bulletin, one of the songs, and of course, my Moon Pie Award (I didn't have the Moon Pie!). Add to that, my tablet slid off the front monitor to the floor right before I was to get up and preach (thankfully it is made of titanium). Those things happen occasionally, yet it didn't stop a great day. David Brooker did an excellent job maneuvering through the songs service, despite the errors, and the congregation responded accordingly. We had a slew of visitors again, some of which were repeats from our Friends Day! Our Coffee Connection was full. God is good!
Last night we kicked off our 2:42 Groups with an organizational meeting. Bill Raikes did a good job explaining what these small groups are all about and why we do them. We had a good turnout and people seemed to be excited about getting started. If you want to be a part of group but didn't sign up it isn't too late. Talk to Bill Raikes, Mike McGee, or call the office to be assigned a group.
We are officially one month away from our Missions Sunday. Each year we raise money for our mission works. This one Sunday determines what we will be able to do by way of world missions. Our goal is $65,000. It seems like a lot but when everyone does their part it is not only possible, but a goal that can be exceeded. In October, I watched a congregation in Trinidad raise $65,000 with a membership less than our own and in an economy not as strong as the US. We have some wonderful mission works we support. More to come.
Speaking of our Missions Sunday, I am excited about our special speaker, Dominic Dos Santos. He is the preacher at the San Fernando church of Christ in Trinidad. One word - dynamic! Not only is he a great speaker but an amazing person. The congregation he preaches is not only self supporting (almost unheard of in the Caribbean), but they support several other works throughout the islands as well as run a preaching school. He will be coming in on a Friday night and returning on the following Thursday. He will be speaking for us on Missions Sunday, teaching our Tuesday morning class, and speaking to our teens on Wednesday night. We are lining up a couple of other speaking engagements as well. He, is wife Annie and son Paul, will be staying at my house through the week. If you would like to take his family out for a meal or have them in your home, let either myself or Missy know, as we will be filling his schedule. You may just want to take him out to see something he can't see in Trinidad (btw they have an ocean).
Enough for today. Keep checking on our sick and shut-ins. Make contact with those who haven't seen in a while. Best of all, spread the love of Christ to all.
Last night we kicked off our 2:42 Groups with an organizational meeting. Bill Raikes did a good job explaining what these small groups are all about and why we do them. We had a good turnout and people seemed to be excited about getting started. If you want to be a part of group but didn't sign up it isn't too late. Talk to Bill Raikes, Mike McGee, or call the office to be assigned a group.
We are officially one month away from our Missions Sunday. Each year we raise money for our mission works. This one Sunday determines what we will be able to do by way of world missions. Our goal is $65,000. It seems like a lot but when everyone does their part it is not only possible, but a goal that can be exceeded. In October, I watched a congregation in Trinidad raise $65,000 with a membership less than our own and in an economy not as strong as the US. We have some wonderful mission works we support. More to come.
Speaking of our Missions Sunday, I am excited about our special speaker, Dominic Dos Santos. He is the preacher at the San Fernando church of Christ in Trinidad. One word - dynamic! Not only is he a great speaker but an amazing person. The congregation he preaches is not only self supporting (almost unheard of in the Caribbean), but they support several other works throughout the islands as well as run a preaching school. He will be coming in on a Friday night and returning on the following Thursday. He will be speaking for us on Missions Sunday, teaching our Tuesday morning class, and speaking to our teens on Wednesday night. We are lining up a couple of other speaking engagements as well. He, is wife Annie and son Paul, will be staying at my house through the week. If you would like to take his family out for a meal or have them in your home, let either myself or Missy know, as we will be filling his schedule. You may just want to take him out to see something he can't see in Trinidad (btw they have an ocean).
Enough for today. Keep checking on our sick and shut-ins. Make contact with those who haven't seen in a while. Best of all, spread the love of Christ to all.
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