Monday, April 13, 2015

A Big Weekend

For most churches, Easter Sunday is the biggest day of the year (the crowds, excitement and focus), but I believe we surpassed last weekend.  It was one of those special Sunday's.  To begin with, we had four people respond to the lesson.  The attendance was good.  The singing was uplifting.  Many of you encouraged me about the sermon.

I have been looking forward to this new series - The Untold Story.  The parables of Jesus are masterpieces.  We got off to a good start by studying "The Parable of the Fig Tree" (Lk. 13:1-9).  Based on your comments, I know the Spirit of God was working.  All praise and glory goes to Christ for anything positive that came from this sermon.  Next week we will study "The Parable of the Older Brother" (Lk. 15:11-32).  That is not a typo.  We know what happened to the prodigal son.  The untold story is about his brother.

To top off our Sunday many of us met at Round Island Park.  We told everyone to use their discretion, based on the weather.  Well, it didn't rain a drop!  It rained at my house and at the church, but not the park.  I'm not going to say God kept the rain off of us, but I am more than happy to give Him the credit.  It has been so hot the last couple of days and the overcast skies and breeze made it a very nice afternoon.  Many of you brought your kayaks and canoes.  Several of us took advantage of the nature trails.  Some of you sat at the pavilion enjoying each others company.  Here are some pictures that speak louder than words.

 Lonnie doing what he does best - catching mullet
Joel doing what he does best - teaching young people

David doing what he does best - making children row for him

Bill doing what he does best - getting lost (where is Linda?)

Some of the scenery
I love manatees

 We ended the night with a devotional thought about God's creation and worry
Go out today and share the light of God.  We serve a great King who pleads for us before the Father.  Open yourself up to the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control the Holy Spirit offers to followers of Christ.  How do these live out in your life?  Take time to meditate on God's Word.  Find a quiet place and speak to the Father.  Take time to offer up the names of the people in this church you know are struggling - physically, emotionally, spiritually.  Who sits around you that hasn't been to worship in a while?  Call them.  Invite them to lunch.  Send them a card.  Whatever you do, let it be done in love.

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