Monday, January 19, 2015

A Great Kickoff

Yesterday was a great kickoff, and no this has nothing to do with NFL football.  The leadership has been planning, discussing, and trying to get things ready for our "gods at war" for the last few months.  Joel Soumar, in particular, has been taking the lead.  It was a great beginning to our six week study of this material.  We would like to thank all of you for making this a special day.  We had a slew of visitors, some of which told me they would be back.  We appreciate everyone who invited others to join us and went out of their way to meet other guests.

Also, a special shout out to those who helped set up, clean up, bring food, set out the food, or serve in any capacity.  Here are a few pictures of some of these special people, even though this in no way represents everyone.

One of our young adults serving up some chicken to this strange couple

The drink people working as fast as they can

Despite popular opinion, this couple can serve up more than soup
(This comment was approved by Steve Hoskins)

The singing was also beautiful yesterday as well.  It is always uplifting when you have a full house.  Add to that, Bill Raikes struggled with laryngitis all week.  Even Sunday morning he wasn't sure if his voice would hold up.  Not only was he able to get through it, but he told me later he was surprised how well his voice was during the singing.  I told him I had done some serious praying for him the night before and early that morning.  We both agreed, this was God answering prayer.  Praise the Lord!
Another positive was our Children's Program.  Our visitors with kids are amazed by what they saw and heard.  One of the stories from yesterday was about a child visiting the "The Aquarium" class.  During the time he needed to go to the restroom and a volunteer took them.  On the way they saw inside "The Boat" room.  The volunteer asked if they wanted to go in and of course they did.  She then asked if they wanted to see inside "The Dock" room.  Absolutely!  When they got back the kid sat down and starting whispering to his sister.  She pops up and heads to the back, "I need to go to the bathroom." Guess who got the next tour?  Our artists just finished up the Ark in the hallway and have begun to finish up the lighthouse scene.  The newly added playground was a huge hit as well.  There is even a Children's picnic table the kids enjoy using.  To say this is an important program for outreach is an understatement.  Here are a few pictures of some future leaders, Bible class teachers, etc. of this church.

Sunday is past, so it is time to start thinking about what's next.  Let us not sit back and celebrate a great day, but draw off the momentum to reach farther.  Get in touch with anyone who came with you Sunday - thank them for coming, invite them back for Wednesday night discussion groups, and ask them if there is anything you can pray for them about this week.  On Saturday, make another call to invite them to join you again Sunday morning.  Think of others, in this church, you believe would be good to introduce them to.  If there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know.  I would be glad to share a meal or have coffee with you and someone your brought.  Play it by ear, as some people may not be ready to be pushed to hard.  However, don't sit back and do nothing.  Most importantly, be Jesus to your surroundings.  You can't fake that, you must be connected to the Vine. (Jn. 15:4-5)
That leads me to this thought, don't look at this series as something for someone else.  This study is for all of us.  Join a discussion group this Wednesday night.  Don't come in with the attitude you have it all figured out and you are there to correct others.  Come in with a spirit of humility.  Not every false god discussed will pertain to you, nor will you understand why some people would get caught up in certain sins.  In those cases show love, compassion, and patience for others.  This study is about helping ourselves and others.  Most importantly, don't be so concerned about someone else's idolatry that you fail to see your own.  Allow this study to break you so that Christ can lift you up.  Let "gods at war" be something that goes beyond Sunday morning and Wednesday nights.  The combat journals will help you move from an auditorium and classroom to a one-on-one with the True and Living God!  Church growth goes way beyond numbers.
I apologize for rambling on this morning, but I am speaking from the heart.

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