Monday, January 26, 2015

Exciting News!

I want to begin with some exciting news.  Lisa Brackett has created an app for our church.  If you have an iPhone or Android phone you can go to your store and search "Vero Beach Church of Christ".  Lisa already has various events posted on the app with plans to add more in the near future.  This is great.  How many times have you forgotten the time of an event or what we are to bring, etc.?  Instead of looking for a past email or having to call someone, you can simply use the app on your phone to pull up the information.  If you have any ideas you believe would be helpful to have on a church app, please let us know and we will see if it is possible.  Here is a picture of what it looks like when you pull it up.

It has been a very long week around the church office.  Besides the regular work that is done, David, Joel and myself have been checking out some possible service opportunities for this congregation.  We went to the Family Homeless Center on Thursday to tour the facilities and try to discover ways we may can spread the love of Christ in this place.  Friday Joel attended an informative meeting about Habitat for Humanity and possibilities for serving families of our community.  Both meetings were productive.  Add to that a funeral Saturday morning.  Beth Hoskins, Gene Hoskins Liz Raikes, and David Paladin all helped to serve and make a difficult situation better.  Personally I struggled with this funeral - 35 year old man who leaves behind a wife of 13 years and two children (ages 9 and 7).  To say it mentally wiped me out is an understatement.  I appreciate all who came out in support.  Add to that, Friday night was a new members supper and game night.  Coming back from the funeral home that night, I stopped in to see what was happening.  Scary!  There were people walking around acting like a T-Rex and others playing rock, paper, scissors.  It was actually pretty funny.  David Paladin did a good job putting this together and had a lot of great help from Ethel Meadows, Christin Paladin, Joel and Ann Soumar, and Micheal Scott.  Here are a few pictures.

This is what I walked into

Paul Filsell is a HORRIBLE Jenga player

More craziness

The kids table
Sunday morning was a great day of worship.  Our sermon series, gods at war, is in full swing as we began with "gods of pleasure."  If you are paying attention, you know this topic is thought provoking, uncomfortable, powerful, and refreshing at the same time.  It truly has the potential to change your life.  I am learning every week.  Don't forget about our discussion groups on Wednesday nights.  Last week was a great beginning.  A special thanks to all our teachers.  As we have tried to stress for this series, this is not about the other people in the room, it is about you (me) as an individual.  These discussions are not a place to judge others, but to take an inner look at ourselves, no matter how much it hurts.  It doesn't mean you have to share all of your deepest darkest secrets, but to learn what those things are for yourself and grow closer to the One who saved us.  Praise God!  Working privately in your Combat Journal will go along way for self-discovery and commitment.
Sunday night we began a new class on "The Masters Men".  These are the 12 apostles Jesus kept close at His side.  These were just ordinary people.  No priests, no rabbis, no officials in the religious groups of the day.  So what does that mean to me?
As you begin your week, take time to make a phone call or write a letter of encouragement to someone you know is struggling right now.  This could be someone within this church, someone you work with, or know from your favorite coffee shop.  Pray for them.  Visit someone who is shut-in or lonely.  As you begin to put aside these idols that have consumed you, you will find more time to do things like this.  Take time to pray for our elders and ministers as we get ready to meet tonight.  And PLEASE let us know if there is someone who needs our attention.
Have a great week in your service to Christ Jesus.

Monday, January 19, 2015

A Great Kickoff

Yesterday was a great kickoff, and no this has nothing to do with NFL football.  The leadership has been planning, discussing, and trying to get things ready for our "gods at war" for the last few months.  Joel Soumar, in particular, has been taking the lead.  It was a great beginning to our six week study of this material.  We would like to thank all of you for making this a special day.  We had a slew of visitors, some of which told me they would be back.  We appreciate everyone who invited others to join us and went out of their way to meet other guests.

Also, a special shout out to those who helped set up, clean up, bring food, set out the food, or serve in any capacity.  Here are a few pictures of some of these special people, even though this in no way represents everyone.

One of our young adults serving up some chicken to this strange couple

The drink people working as fast as they can

Despite popular opinion, this couple can serve up more than soup
(This comment was approved by Steve Hoskins)

The singing was also beautiful yesterday as well.  It is always uplifting when you have a full house.  Add to that, Bill Raikes struggled with laryngitis all week.  Even Sunday morning he wasn't sure if his voice would hold up.  Not only was he able to get through it, but he told me later he was surprised how well his voice was during the singing.  I told him I had done some serious praying for him the night before and early that morning.  We both agreed, this was God answering prayer.  Praise the Lord!
Another positive was our Children's Program.  Our visitors with kids are amazed by what they saw and heard.  One of the stories from yesterday was about a child visiting the "The Aquarium" class.  During the time he needed to go to the restroom and a volunteer took them.  On the way they saw inside "The Boat" room.  The volunteer asked if they wanted to go in and of course they did.  She then asked if they wanted to see inside "The Dock" room.  Absolutely!  When they got back the kid sat down and starting whispering to his sister.  She pops up and heads to the back, "I need to go to the bathroom." Guess who got the next tour?  Our artists just finished up the Ark in the hallway and have begun to finish up the lighthouse scene.  The newly added playground was a huge hit as well.  There is even a Children's picnic table the kids enjoy using.  To say this is an important program for outreach is an understatement.  Here are a few pictures of some future leaders, Bible class teachers, etc. of this church.

Sunday is past, so it is time to start thinking about what's next.  Let us not sit back and celebrate a great day, but draw off the momentum to reach farther.  Get in touch with anyone who came with you Sunday - thank them for coming, invite them back for Wednesday night discussion groups, and ask them if there is anything you can pray for them about this week.  On Saturday, make another call to invite them to join you again Sunday morning.  Think of others, in this church, you believe would be good to introduce them to.  If there is anything I can do to help you, please let me know.  I would be glad to share a meal or have coffee with you and someone your brought.  Play it by ear, as some people may not be ready to be pushed to hard.  However, don't sit back and do nothing.  Most importantly, be Jesus to your surroundings.  You can't fake that, you must be connected to the Vine. (Jn. 15:4-5)
That leads me to this thought, don't look at this series as something for someone else.  This study is for all of us.  Join a discussion group this Wednesday night.  Don't come in with the attitude you have it all figured out and you are there to correct others.  Come in with a spirit of humility.  Not every false god discussed will pertain to you, nor will you understand why some people would get caught up in certain sins.  In those cases show love, compassion, and patience for others.  This study is about helping ourselves and others.  Most importantly, don't be so concerned about someone else's idolatry that you fail to see your own.  Allow this study to break you so that Christ can lift you up.  Let "gods at war" be something that goes beyond Sunday morning and Wednesday nights.  The combat journals will help you move from an auditorium and classroom to a one-on-one with the True and Living God!  Church growth goes way beyond numbers.
I apologize for rambling on this morning, but I am speaking from the heart.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Bearded Preacher Debate

WARNING: This is not intended to be a serious blog.  This is one of those lighter moments of ministry - the bearded preacher debate.  I have been growing beards since I was in high school.  Over the last couple of years I have participated in the "No Shave November" to raise awareness for men's health.  It is the manly version of wearing pink during October, which is also for a good cause.

In 23 years of ministry, I've noticed the bearded preacher has always been a topic of debate.  The first few years it bothered me, and to be honest, some people were down right mean about their opinions.  For example, "Would you like for me to get you a cat to lick that fuzz off your face?" or "Did you lose your razor?" or "You need to shave that junk off!" and even "Preachers shouldn't have beards."  People are either not as mean spirited as they were 20 years ago, or I have tougher skin (maybe a little of both).  I laugh at most of the comments and some are down right amusing.  A recent favorite came from a group of the ladies at church.  Evidently my beard became the topic of discussion at one of their lunches and took a vote.  One of the "delegates" let me know they had voted for me to shave me beard.  Again, I refer you back to my first statement and the fact this in no way offended me (nor was that their intent).  It is amusing how many comments a bearded preacher can receive, and not all of it is negative.  Many like to tell me how much they like it.  In the community I get even more positive.  I can be pumping gas, walking around in the grocery store or mall and people will come right up and tell me they like my beard.  Most are people I have never met - women and men alike.  This is coming from a guy who shaves his head!  My shiny head has never received so much attention (I guess they know there isn't a lot I can do about most of it).

The bearded preacher has been around for centuries.  This may seem odd because of all the attention he gets when hair begins to develop on his face.  You could say, this was popular when the church was established.  No Polaroid pictures (that I know of).  Most notable is the prophecy of Jesus Christ.  (Isa. 50:6)  Of course, Aaron's beard, the first high priest, is mentioned (Ps. 133:2).  In Biblical times, the beard was considered a thing of honor.  In II Samuel 10, King Hanun had taken a servant of David, shaved off half his beard, and cut a hole in his robe to expose his buttocks to insult him (that ought to do it). You didn't mess with a man's beard!  Move forward several centuries, the Restoration Movement had some seriously bearded preachers.  Take a look at only a few:

Raccoon John Smith
(They even had cool names)
James A. Harding
(Yes, the one named after Harding University)

W.T. Moore
(I must be related - no hair on top but can grow a nice beard)

J.W. McGarvey
(Not really my style but a good writer)

Of course, it could be said, none of these guys are smiling in the picture.  Although it is hard to tell with a couple of them.  Either way, it was more than just a style for some.  Check out this quote by Charles Spurgeon.

Ok, he takes it a little further than the preachers I know.  Personally, I like this quote better:

As I get ready to conclude, I will attempt to answer the many questions I am asked when I grow a beard.
"How long do you plan to keep your beard?"  -I don't know
"How long do you plan for your beard to grow?" -I don't know
"Does your wife like it?" -Not particularly but she is fine with it
"Does your beard poke her when you kiss?"  -Yes
"Does your beard itch?" -Mostly the first few weeks but rarely when it gets this long
"Do you color your beard?" -Yes, may I ask you if you color your hair?

"Are you trying to look like the guys in Duck Dynasty?" -No, but I love the show
"Are you going to join a motorcycle gang?" -No, but I do miss my motorcycle
"Do you ever get food stuck in your beard?" -Not to my knowledge
"Why do you like having a beard?" -Not all men can grow a good beard.  It gives me sense of accomplishment to grow hair somewhere besides my ears.  And, I feel manly (don't judge me)
"Do you think men who don't have beards are not manly?" -No, John Wayne, Clint Eastwood, Bear Bryant nor Rambo had beards (although Chuck Norris did).
Ok, that is all I can think of right now.  However, feel free to ask me any questions about my beardedness.  As I stated in the beginning, this isn't written to send a message or to give you the impression someone has been out of line asking me about my beard.  Just some fun facts.  Hope you enjoyed this blog as much as I did writing it.
The Bearded Preacher (currently)

Monday, January 12, 2015

A Great Sunday!

Yesterday was one of those Sundays that you remember for a long time.  It just seemed everything was clicking on all cylinders.  I cannot speak to the other classes, but the new converts class was really special.  I am not at liberty to give details, due to the fact we keep things confidential, but it was one of those unique sharing moments and how it applies to the subject at hand.  David Paladin and I love teaching this class.

Sunday worship was uplifting on many accounts.  We had a full house.  Several people came from our community.  David Brooker did a great job with our song service.  As he mentioned, all of you sounded so good.  The sermon, thank God, resonated with our people.  The two main compliments were "you really stepped on my toes" and "that was the best sermon you have ever preached." That can only mean one thing, in my book, the Spirit of God used me as His vessel.  I did a lot of praying over this sermon.  When you touch the heart it goes much further than eloquent words and a good presentation.  May God receive all the glory.

Sunday night was our congregational meeting.  To be honest, I am always apprehensive of things like this.  A couple of weeks ago a preacher contacted me about their meeting the night before.  He was beaten down and wanted to talk and pray.  It became a meeting for a few to air grievances over opinionated issues.  Making accusations that were not only untrue, but hateful.  It isn't that I was expecting anything like that, but they make me nervous.  What can I say, I'm from Alabama.  I want to commend all of you for the way you handled yourself.  There were some good questions brought up and each person who asked did so in a kind manner.  The whole meeting was positive.

We have gotten off to a great start in 2015.  I am excited about what our future holds.  Speaking of the future, our Friend Day and kickoff to gods at war begins Sunday.  Let us continue to invite others to attend.  Don't forget we will have a meal following, which also means we will not have Sunday night services.  More to come on the details of the help that will be needed.

More positive news, Lonnie Ledford fixed one of the booths in the Hebrews Coffee Shop.  You may have noticed one of them reclined a little more than the others.  Lonnie took it upon himself to take it home and make it strong enough to use again.  Thanks Lonnie.

Let us continue to check on our sick or those you may not have seen in a couple of weeks.  Please let the leadership know if there is any updates or you believe needs our attention.  Someone "inbox" me on Facebook yesterday afternoon of someone they noticed hasn't been here.  That's great.  Feel free to email, call, inbox, or whatever way you need to get in touch with us.  It is always appreciated.  Tonight is our elders/ministers meeting if you have anything you would like for us to pray about.  Also, if you ever want to meet with us, or just the elders, please let Mike McGee or Joe Wild know and they will set up a time.  The leaders want to be here for you.

Ok, I have rambled on long enough.  Sorry there are no pictures today - just use your imagination.  Looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday night.

Monday, January 5, 2015

A Great Start!

2015 began Thursday morning as many of us gathered for our brunch to break biscuits together.  Steve Hoskins did a good job bringing our first lesson of the new year.  Joel Soumar lead us in a prayer for our year as well as various requests.  A special thanks to everyone who came out and brought food to share, as well as David Paladin (and his crew) for coming early to set up and prepare the main staples.

Some of our youth after a night of camping in Fort Drum

Steve Hoskins parting the Red Sea

Yesterday was our first Sunday of the year.  Ladell did a great job with our singing, we had a lot of visitors, and we talked about the mission of Christ - serving others and sharing salvation.  Our Lord demonstrated the great love of God for the lost in our world.  We must get outside our walls and take the message.  This week we will look into one more lesson on the topic.

Personally, I enjoyed last night as much as anything.  The focus was on Jesus Christ.  We read some Scriptures about Him, discussed what He means to us, sang about Him, prayed about Him, and took some quiet time to think about Him.  After this we celebrated our January birthdays.  Stephanie and Sasha Chisholm take care of the cake and small gifts for everyone each month.  What an encouragement to others.  We are truly blessed at this church.  Here is our birthday folks (or kinfolk).

Now let's back up to last year, well the last day of 2014.  A group of our folks came out to help our newest members get moved in to their new place.  Neil and Leslie Stoner crammed everything into a moving truck and made the long trip from Tennessee to Vero Beach.  Take it from a preacher, moving is awful, but having people help unload is a blessing.  Despite the holidays we had a good crew come out.  A big thanks to everyone who helped.  Make sure you take the time to welcome the Stoner's.

It was great seeing one of young adults helping out

As usual, I am carrying the load of the leadership

The crew with the Stoner's.  I love these folks

Later that night, I participated in a big New Year's celebration with the Hartman Road Church of Christ.  Many of you know I am an early riser, so I go to bed around 9:30 pm.  This event began at 9:30 pm and I would get home around 1:30 am.  Many asked how I made it.  Well, when you sit with the teenagers, there is no way you can go to sleep!  The singing was fantastic.  They did some other unique things that night, such as, a video presentation of their year, allowing the young people to do skits, sing, or say a few words.  It was an encouraging night.  Here are a few pictures.

The young boys helping with some of the songs

Me and the teens. None of these kids were in a church 3 years ago

Now let's move ahead.  Regular classes start back up Wednesday night.  Sunday night is the elders annual meeting with the congregation in the auditorium.  We are only two weeks away from our gods at war campaign.  We want everyone to be involved.  The first thing is to commit to being here.  Secondly, we want you to invite others to come with you.  Finally, we want you to join a six week discussion group on Wednesday nights (beginning January 21st).  Let us unify, as a church, in this study.

A great beginning to 2015!  Let us continue with the positives as we move into the week.  Grow stronger in your faith, have a healthy prayer life, worship, let God speak to your through His Word, continue to allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in your everyday decisions.  Love God more, love others more, love to serve more!