Monday, November 3, 2014

Fall Has Fallen

I realize I'm in the minority, but I loved the Fall temperatures this weekend.  You know my love for sweater vests and hats.  Even at that, the cold got me this time.  Saturday night Bella complained of a sore throat.  Sunday morning I woke up hoarse and low energy.  By Sunday afternoon I was wiped out and could sing bass (and not a good bass).  Feeling better this morning, but still not 100%.

That being said, I appreciate David Brooker handling the Circle-Up Singing for me last night.  He always helps out, but this time he had to do it all with only a few hours notice.  Hopefully I will be ready to go in December, which is going to be a special Circle-Up (more to come).

Sunday morning was a great day of worship.  Even though we had several out of town the singing was really good.  David mentioned to me the same thing.  We began our new series on The End is Near.  The comments were very positive about the subject.  And it is a great topic...the day our Lord comes back to take us home!  This week we will follow up with a lesson called "Jesus is Coming Soon!"  I am looking forward to digging deeper into I Thessalonians and II Peter in preparation for this lesson.

I am happy to report no one showed up two hours early for church, despite the fact I told everyone to Fall Forward.  I would like to thank everyone who texted, emailed and called in your funny remarks about the mix up. I knew it was supposed to be Fall Back but had a lapse in brain power that afternoon.  I wasn't too worried about it.  In all my years of preaching I have only known one person to mess up the extra hour of sleep... me.  On that Sunday I started to rethink my position on the Rapture.  Now I have seen MANY Christians forget to set their clocks when we lose an hour.  Either way, it really was a great day of worship.

Looking forward to another great week.  Continue to check in on our sick.  Right now we have many who are recovering from surgeries or illnesses.  With the change in weather we may have a few more who were unable to be with us as well.  Check in on those folks and let the church office know if it is something the elders/ministers need to know and act upon.  Your communication to us is important.

Everyone take your Vitamin C, wear the proper clothing and wash your hands several times throughout the day.  If you haven't had your flu shot, now would be a good time to get one.  No one likes to be sick this time of year.  Besides we are only 24 days away from the greatest holiday of the year - Thanksgiving!  It is never good trying to eat turkey with a runny nose.

One final thing.  I like sharing good articles.  Here is one on 10 ways to drive away first time guests.  Thom Rainer is one of my favorites because his material is based on surveys.  I was really happy to see how many of these we are doing right.  A few things to work on, but that is why we read these things.


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