Monday, November 24, 2014

Thanksgiving Week!


Ok, I get a little excited about Thanksgiving.  It is my favorite time of year.  One of the benefits is having several visitors and our college kids home.  Because of that fact, our singing was extra good.

Yesterday we finished up our sermon series on the 2nd Coming of Christ.  I have enjoyed going to the office, over the last several weeks, to dive into this topic.  Don't let the message die... look forward to that day and hurry it along... (II Peter 3:12 - NLT).  Amen! Come, Lord Jesus (Rev. 22:20 - NLT).

Speaking of sermons, this Sunday we will announce the December series, along with the plans for our adult Bible classes.  Add to that, something the elders and ministers have been working on for January.  There will be video clips of a couple of these things.

TUESDAY NIGHT: Please join us tomorrow night for our "Sticky Note Thanksgiving!".  Joel and I have been working on this evening.  We will sing a few songs, read some inspirational Scriptures, offer up prayers of thanksgiving as well as an interesting use of sticky notes.  Our prayer is to lead each of us to a true feeling and understanding of gratitude.  We begin at 7 PM.

I would like to say how much I love this church.  I am thankful we have elders and a ministry staff that is focused upon this congregation of believers and treat our sister congregations with love and respect.  We are not hung up on "conservative" or "liberal" titles.  It doesn't mean we may not disagree, only that we do not become their judge and jury.  Of the seven churches of Asia, Sardis is the only one in which Jesus doesn't begin with a compliment.  He really hammers them, but also says, "Yet even in Sardis there are some who have no soiled their garments with evil deeds.  They will walk with me in white, for they are worthy."  (Rev. 3:4 - NLT)  Today I am truly thankful God has allowed me to be apart of this church and its leadership.

Find ways to share the love and grace of God this week. Do you know someone who is physically sick or spiritually drained?  Is there someone you know who may not have any family you could invite to Thanksgiving.  As a father, I can't tell you how much it means to Missy and I that at least three families, in the church Lex attends in Oklahoma City, have invited him for lunch on Thursday.  Don't just count your blesses this week... share them.

Finally, look who I ran into at Panera this morning.  They sat with me while they ate their half burned bagels.  I am thankful for the young people we have in this church.  Have a great week and we will see you tomorrow night.

Monday, November 17, 2014

A Good Day

Yesterday was just a good day all around.  Sunday morning we had a good crowd, good singing, and good fellowship.  Sunday night Joe lead a good discussion on the church in Laodicea from Revelation.  The teenagers had a good night with Joel and Ann for a bone fire and board games.  It was a good, solid day.

We completed our third lesson on the 2nd Coming of Christ to answer the question, "Why hasn't Jesus come yet?". One more sermon in this series, "Until Then...".  What are we to do while we wait for His coming?  The Scriptures tell us.

We are proud to announce Bob Brackett was reunited with his umbrella Wednesday night.  It was a joyful reunion that was filled with dancing and singing.  It was also great to have two other umbrellas brought back (in case you're missing one).

On a serious note, we have many brothers in sisters in Christ who are dealing with a lot of things.  Mike McGee announced yesterday the passing of his sister, Brenda.  She had battled cancer for a while.  She loved coming to this church and being greeted by so many kind faces.  The funeral will be here at the building on Saturday at 2 PM.

I would like to also mention Sue Mora.  She volunteers in the office every Monday.  The ministers love these ladies give their time each week.  Sue has been dealing with her moms, Dorothy, hip replacement and rehab.  Her brother is down and will have back surgery soon.  Her sister is in the hospital in Port Saint Lucie on a respirator after a violent asthma attack.  Her brother-in-law, Billy, is in rehab in West Palm.  Sue is trying to keep the family going.

Then we have Ola Ellis, who has been dealing with a lot with her family recently.  Her sister is in hospice and not expected to live.  Her sister-in-law has been dealing with a lot of health issues.   It is a lot on her right now.

Jerry Cutshall is still trying to determine what is causing his severe headaches.  The latest test from the EEG did not reveal the answers.  It is very frustrating.  Jerry, as well as all of these need our prayers.  Keep up with the bulletin and updates for others that may not have been mentioned.

PLEASE call the church office (567-2465) if there is something to report on those in our congregation who need prayers.  Even if no one is in the office at the time, the volunteers check the voicemail once or twice a day - Monday through Friday.  Of course you can always email us.

Let's end on a positive note...a sticky note, that is.  On November 25th, we will be having our regular Wednesday night meeting on that Tuesday night.  Everyone will meet in the Worship Center for a time of Scripture reading, singing, and prayers of thanksgiving.  We will also use sticky notes for something unique.  Make plans to be here on the 25th at 7 PM.

COMING SOON: Announcements for upcoming Bible classes beginning in December.  The December sermon series.  Sunday night activities in December.  Information about our Christmas Eve Luncheon and New Years Day brunch.  There is something special coming in January that will be rolled out soon as well.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Come, Lord Jesus!

I'm not the kind to start off talking about my sermon, but the message is so powerful.  Paul tell those who are in the Lord not only to live each day as if Jesus was coming, but anticipate it - call for it.  Revelation 22:20, He who testifies to these things says, "Surely I am coming soon." Amen. Come, Lord Jesus! (ESV) When you get up in the morning and, as an elderly person, you are dealing with a lot of physical pain... Come, Lord Jesus!  You turn on the news or read the morning paper and suddenly faced with all the negative in the world... Come, Lord Jesus!  You are hearing more and more about Christian persecution and intolerance... Come, Lord Jesus!  What a powerful phrase to live by.  This week we will look into the question, "Why hasn't Jesus come yet?" Believe it or not, the Bible has an answer.

A group of Christians in Liberia are probably looking forward to the 2nd Coming.  We have all heard the news of Ebola in that region.  Besides the disease, which is bad enough, people have been unable to go out, work their jobs, or support their families.  This is the reason we took up a collection of $29,000.  Arthur David has sent pictures to show where some of our monies were spent.  As you look at these pictures realize you helped Christian families in a time of desperation.  Add to that, food was supplied to the elderly, the deaf and children.  Don't stop praying!  The economic situation has gone from bad to worse.  Come, Lord Jesus!

Some positive news, our Rockin' Seniors had a great trip to Central Florida Bible Camp for their annual fund raiser.  They had a great time.  If you are looking for a boring group of elderly folks to do things with, this is not your group.  They always have an adventure, as shown by the latest picture of the church bus.  It looks like an 80's metal band took it on tour.  You try to get to the bottom of what happened and they all say, "What happens on a Rockin' Seniors trip...". This is the same group who helps out with a Tuesday night service at Horizon Bay.  I'm afraid to ask what kind of damage they have done there, but the people love them coming.  If you are interested in being a part of this crazy group or trashing the church bus, let us know, we will hook you up with the really wild ones.  I love this group!

Sunday night was another great study of the early church.  The video and information from the city of Ephesus was powerful.  Steve Hoskins did a good job leading the discussion and we are proud to say no one seemed to have the "mark of the beast" on them before they left.  Those who came know what I mean.  We have one more Sunday night in this study - Laodicea: Hot or Cold.

If you haven't heard, Dorothy Mora fell yesterday afternoon and broke her hip.  She is having surgery this morning.  We will give a report later on how things went.  So say a little prayer for Dorothy today.

Also, don't forget about those who were unable to be with us yesterday morning.  If there was someone around you who was out, check on them.  This is the time of year many get sick, thanks to the weather changing like a yo-yo.  If you start to feel ill try a "Nanna Toddy".  This is my mom's concoction of half orange juice - half orange Gatorade.  I have made many believers of those who have tried it.  Pulp is optional.

One last thing, I talked with David and Christin Paladin last night after church.  They are on their way home from vacation and should be in sometime today.  They had a great trip but sounded like they were ready to get back.  In other words, we get to see Mya Wednesday night! (and David and Christin).


Monday, November 3, 2014

Fall Has Fallen

I realize I'm in the minority, but I loved the Fall temperatures this weekend.  You know my love for sweater vests and hats.  Even at that, the cold got me this time.  Saturday night Bella complained of a sore throat.  Sunday morning I woke up hoarse and low energy.  By Sunday afternoon I was wiped out and could sing bass (and not a good bass).  Feeling better this morning, but still not 100%.

That being said, I appreciate David Brooker handling the Circle-Up Singing for me last night.  He always helps out, but this time he had to do it all with only a few hours notice.  Hopefully I will be ready to go in December, which is going to be a special Circle-Up (more to come).

Sunday morning was a great day of worship.  Even though we had several out of town the singing was really good.  David mentioned to me the same thing.  We began our new series on The End is Near.  The comments were very positive about the subject.  And it is a great topic...the day our Lord comes back to take us home!  This week we will follow up with a lesson called "Jesus is Coming Soon!"  I am looking forward to digging deeper into I Thessalonians and II Peter in preparation for this lesson.

I am happy to report no one showed up two hours early for church, despite the fact I told everyone to Fall Forward.  I would like to thank everyone who texted, emailed and called in your funny remarks about the mix up. I knew it was supposed to be Fall Back but had a lapse in brain power that afternoon.  I wasn't too worried about it.  In all my years of preaching I have only known one person to mess up the extra hour of sleep... me.  On that Sunday I started to rethink my position on the Rapture.  Now I have seen MANY Christians forget to set their clocks when we lose an hour.  Either way, it really was a great day of worship.

Looking forward to another great week.  Continue to check in on our sick.  Right now we have many who are recovering from surgeries or illnesses.  With the change in weather we may have a few more who were unable to be with us as well.  Check in on those folks and let the church office know if it is something the elders/ministers need to know and act upon.  Your communication to us is important.

Everyone take your Vitamin C, wear the proper clothing and wash your hands several times throughout the day.  If you haven't had your flu shot, now would be a good time to get one.  No one likes to be sick this time of year.  Besides we are only 24 days away from the greatest holiday of the year - Thanksgiving!  It is never good trying to eat turkey with a runny nose.

One final thing.  I like sharing good articles.  Here is one on 10 ways to drive away first time guests.  Thom Rainer is one of my favorites because his material is based on surveys.  I was really happy to see how many of these we are doing right.  A few things to work on, but that is why we read these things.
