No I'm not referring to the fall of man, but the most awesome season of the year. It was a great feeling Sunday morning. Bella told me, "It feels like Christmas." Nothing like Christmas in Florida with 65 degree lows.
Speaking of fall, wouldn't it be awesome to see the debt of our Christian families "fall"? We had a great start to our new series, Strapped. Many kind comments about how excited they are about learning more. I am really excited about a congregation full of Christians who take these lessons to heart. Remember, this series isn't about guilt, but learning how to do and be better. To move from the love of money to a love for God. To move from "keeping up with the Jones'" and be in a situation you can help the Jones'. To see our money serve us instead of being in bondage to debt. This week we will look into the three essential values to becoming debt-free. Don't miss any of these lessons and PLEASE invite others to join us for this series. If the statistic is true, that 76% of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck, it shouldn't be a difficult invite.
Sunday night was another one of our Circle-Up Singing. A great night of singing some old favorites and working on a couple of new songs. We sang, we laughed and we enjoyed each other's company. For the second month we celebrated the birthdays that "fall" during this month. Each one received a small gift and, of course, birthday cake. Just look at this group!
Sunday morning we also announced a congregational fast for Wednesday. A day of prayer and fasting for our global missions. The elders have many decisions to make concerning our missions, as they do every year, but they want to have everyone involved in petitioning the Almighty for guidance. As I stated yesterday morning, this is not about asking for more money, but to use the funds we have in the wisest means possible. Personally, I commend our elders for seeing the value of the Biblical fast. I know how much they ask God for help in the decisions they make and this is an added means of calling on the Father.
So what do I do? Not eat? Fasting is really anything that helps you take your eyes off of the physical and enter into a more direct focus upon God. The most common Biblical fast is a food fast. My only caution is to those who have diabetes or something similar that has to have food to regulate their system. However, in our day and time, maybe the most needed and possibly the most difficult for some, would be a fast from media. I'm talking about TV, radio, social media, etc. If you prayed about our missions every time you had an urge to pop out your smart phone to check updates, status, etc., you might be surprised how often you would be talking to God that day. But why limit yourself to one type of fasting? You can do a food fast and media fast at the same time. The important thing, is find something that you enjoy doing (habit even), and deprive yourself of it to focus on the God who knows our yesterdays, todays and tomorrows. Personally, I am excited to find out the decisions that will be made from this spiritual event.
Continue to check on those who normally sit around you. Send a card to a shut-in, someone struggling, or just randomly to another Christian as a means of encouragement. Be the church.
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