Monday, August 18, 2014


If you grew up going to worship you are familiar with the word "Amen.". One of the great four letter words in the Bible that simply means, "So be it"...I agree, that's right, yep.  As a child I heard this word repeated more often after prayers, during sermons, and after enthusiastic songs than today.  That's ok, I'm not sure we have Biblical or historical records of the early church shouting "amen" throughout their worship together.  But sometimes you just want to say "amen".  Yesterday was one of those times.

To begin with, we had a special contribution for the Christians in Liberia.  With the breakout of Ebola the country is suffering physically and financially.  So, this church, with only a week's notice, took up a special contribution (separate from our regular collection).  The results... almost $29,000!  Amen!  This money will be sent to our Liberian missionary, Arthur David, to assure it goes to assist our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  Amen, amen!

Yesterday we finished up our 12 week series on "Maestro" from the Book of Daniel.  And many in the church said...amen!  It was a longer series than normal, but I appreciate the kind comments on the study.  It really is a fantastic book, but hey, it's always good to move on to something else.  In a couple of weeks I am planning to begin a topical series on "Creativity".  A really neat study.

Then came to our Sunday night service.  We had the privilege of having Ervin Jackson preach for us from the Hartman Road church of Christ in Fort Pierce.  Several of their members came over to worship with us.  We packed out the coffee shop, even bringing in chairs.  The singing was great!  Two songs in particular stood out to me: 1) Brother Ervin leading us in "Amen" and 2) David Brooker ending our worship with "The Greatest Command."  Amen!?  And what about the sermon delivered by Ervin?  Amen, amen!

If you enjoy singing, this Wednesday night we have a singing group coming in to perform during our regular time together.  The group, "Clean Slate", comes from the Central church of Christ in Winter Haven.  My brother, Slate, is a part of that group, hence the name.  They really made a name for themselves at the Spiritual Growth Workshop this year.  We will get started in the coffee shop at 7 PM, don't be late!  Amen!

Well it is time to bring an end to this Monday Morning Report.  Amen (I heard that).  Before I do I want to mention one more thing.  Schools started back this morning for Indian River public schools.  This morning I said goodbye to Noah as he headed to college in Alabama.  Missy and I now have two who have left the nest.  I'm not sure it gets easier with the second.  Others have already said goodbye to their college students or getting ready to do the same.  Therefore I want to end with a prayer.

Father, be with the children of this congregation who have headed to their first day of school.  Bless them with a good school year.  Help them to overcome peer pressure.  Give them the focus they need to excel.  Keep their teachers, especially the teachers of this church, safe from harm, as we also pray for our kids.  May they show Your love to others they meet.  Help them to be a good friend to others and may they never let others go without friends.  And for our college students we pray the same, but also for the potential spouses they will meet in school.  Help them to be and find committed followers of Yours.  Give our parents strength as they watch their children (young adults) leave home and become the people you designed for them to be in Your world.  In Jesus name, Amen.

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