This week I am an extrovert living an introverted life. By now everyone knows I am away this week speaking at Polishing the Pulpit in Sevierville, Tennessee. I am fortunate they invite me in each year to teach classes on personalities. There are 3,600+ Christians in attendance this year. So far it has been a great experience.
As personalities go, I am an extrovert but this week I am living an introverted lifestyle. With Missy and the kids back in Vero I pretty much stay to myself. When you speak several times you tend to spend most of the time in your room preparing for the next class (and of course the occasional nap). I know a lot of people here but I usually sit by myself in sessions, do some reading and eat turkey sandwiches in the room (and a few Oatmeal Cream Pies). For people like my introverted wife this is a dream vacation, but for extroverts like myself it is difficult. To be honest, I need this each year. I am the Martha of the Bible, always up, doing and moving, and that includes those things I am doing for the Lord. I need to be more like Mary at times, quietly sitting at the feet of Jesus. This week forces me to clear my mind of everyday business and spend some time thinking internally, praying, and doing introspection. I sit and listen to other people preach to be refreshed in my love for the Master. Don't get me wrong, I love being an extrovert, it is what comes natural, but it is also good to learn from the other temperament types.
Let me give a big kudos to David Paladin this week, for not only filling in for me in the pulpit but also taking the Sunday morning Bible class at the spur of the moment. When you come to conventions like this and you talk with other preachers and elders, if doesn't take long to realize how blessed we are to have men like David and Joel. And let me say this: I love being at Vero! Not only because of the staff, but I love working with our elders. We have an amazing work relationship the average preacher doesn't enjoy. The people in this church have been such an encouragement to me since my first day. I told Missy yesterday that I can't see myself wanting to be anywhere else than this congregation. Introspection is good because you always come away realizing what your blessings are in life. Thanks to all you!
Well, I need to get up and have my morning coffee but I wanted to share a few things with you before getting to my next thing. Now it's back to by introverted life of instant oatmeal in the room, a few classes and preparing for my 3:30 pm class. See you Sunday, Lord willing.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Monday, August 18, 2014
If you grew up going to worship you are familiar with the word "Amen.". One of the great four letter words in the Bible that simply means, "So be it"...I agree, that's right, yep. As a child I heard this word repeated more often after prayers, during sermons, and after enthusiastic songs than today. That's ok, I'm not sure we have Biblical or historical records of the early church shouting "amen" throughout their worship together. But sometimes you just want to say "amen". Yesterday was one of those times.
To begin with, we had a special contribution for the Christians in Liberia. With the breakout of Ebola the country is suffering physically and financially. So, this church, with only a week's notice, took up a special contribution (separate from our regular collection). The results... almost $29,000! Amen! This money will be sent to our Liberian missionary, Arthur David, to assure it goes to assist our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Amen, amen!
Yesterday we finished up our 12 week series on "Maestro" from the Book of Daniel. And many in the church said...amen! It was a longer series than normal, but I appreciate the kind comments on the study. It really is a fantastic book, but hey, it's always good to move on to something else. In a couple of weeks I am planning to begin a topical series on "Creativity". A really neat study.
Then came to our Sunday night service. We had the privilege of having Ervin Jackson preach for us from the Hartman Road church of Christ in Fort Pierce. Several of their members came over to worship with us. We packed out the coffee shop, even bringing in chairs. The singing was great! Two songs in particular stood out to me: 1) Brother Ervin leading us in "Amen" and 2) David Brooker ending our worship with "The Greatest Command." Amen!? And what about the sermon delivered by Ervin? Amen, amen!
If you enjoy singing, this Wednesday night we have a singing group coming in to perform during our regular time together. The group, "Clean Slate", comes from the Central church of Christ in Winter Haven. My brother, Slate, is a part of that group, hence the name. They really made a name for themselves at the Spiritual Growth Workshop this year. We will get started in the coffee shop at 7 PM, don't be late! Amen!
Well it is time to bring an end to this Monday Morning Report. Amen (I heard that). Before I do I want to mention one more thing. Schools started back this morning for Indian River public schools. This morning I said goodbye to Noah as he headed to college in Alabama. Missy and I now have two who have left the nest. I'm not sure it gets easier with the second. Others have already said goodbye to their college students or getting ready to do the same. Therefore I want to end with a prayer.
Father, be with the children of this congregation who have headed to their first day of school. Bless them with a good school year. Help them to overcome peer pressure. Give them the focus they need to excel. Keep their teachers, especially the teachers of this church, safe from harm, as we also pray for our kids. May they show Your love to others they meet. Help them to be a good friend to others and may they never let others go without friends. And for our college students we pray the same, but also for the potential spouses they will meet in school. Help them to be and find committed followers of Yours. Give our parents strength as they watch their children (young adults) leave home and become the people you designed for them to be in Your world. In Jesus name, Amen.
To begin with, we had a special contribution for the Christians in Liberia. With the breakout of Ebola the country is suffering physically and financially. So, this church, with only a week's notice, took up a special contribution (separate from our regular collection). The results... almost $29,000! Amen! This money will be sent to our Liberian missionary, Arthur David, to assure it goes to assist our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Amen, amen!
Yesterday we finished up our 12 week series on "Maestro" from the Book of Daniel. And many in the church said...amen! It was a longer series than normal, but I appreciate the kind comments on the study. It really is a fantastic book, but hey, it's always good to move on to something else. In a couple of weeks I am planning to begin a topical series on "Creativity". A really neat study.
Then came to our Sunday night service. We had the privilege of having Ervin Jackson preach for us from the Hartman Road church of Christ in Fort Pierce. Several of their members came over to worship with us. We packed out the coffee shop, even bringing in chairs. The singing was great! Two songs in particular stood out to me: 1) Brother Ervin leading us in "Amen" and 2) David Brooker ending our worship with "The Greatest Command." Amen!? And what about the sermon delivered by Ervin? Amen, amen!
If you enjoy singing, this Wednesday night we have a singing group coming in to perform during our regular time together. The group, "Clean Slate", comes from the Central church of Christ in Winter Haven. My brother, Slate, is a part of that group, hence the name. They really made a name for themselves at the Spiritual Growth Workshop this year. We will get started in the coffee shop at 7 PM, don't be late! Amen!
Well it is time to bring an end to this Monday Morning Report. Amen (I heard that). Before I do I want to mention one more thing. Schools started back this morning for Indian River public schools. This morning I said goodbye to Noah as he headed to college in Alabama. Missy and I now have two who have left the nest. I'm not sure it gets easier with the second. Others have already said goodbye to their college students or getting ready to do the same. Therefore I want to end with a prayer.
Father, be with the children of this congregation who have headed to their first day of school. Bless them with a good school year. Help them to overcome peer pressure. Give them the focus they need to excel. Keep their teachers, especially the teachers of this church, safe from harm, as we also pray for our kids. May they show Your love to others they meet. Help them to be a good friend to others and may they never let others go without friends. And for our college students we pray the same, but also for the potential spouses they will meet in school. Help them to be and find committed followers of Yours. Give our parents strength as they watch their children (young adults) leave home and become the people you designed for them to be in Your world. In Jesus name, Amen.
Monday, August 11, 2014
A Rich Full Day
Yesterday was a rich full day for me. Sundays always begin at 6 AM - breakfast and sermon preparation - before heading to the office to do a final check on the PowerPoint slides. Then I take some time in the Psalms, one of the gospels, and prayer to help get my mind focused on the Lord and off of myself or any distractions from the day before (I recommend this to everyone). Then it's on to the coffee shop to get in some fellowship before Bible class. After this is the highlight of my week - corporate worship. Yesterday was especially great, as I love the study of angels.
After this, things really began to speed up. The book signing, set up by the elders, was a neat experience. So many of you stopped by to make me feel special. This congregation has purchased around 70 books. Several of you took advantage of the special deal for $20 and have helped to provide many Bible majors with this book. I wish I could have had this material when I came out of college into ministry. It has been very helpful to me in my work over the last 15 years. Anyway, some of you asked if I would have any more books after Sunday. The answer is yes! I'm not John Grisham. Either way, yesterday went a long way in paying off my book order and side costs to print the book. To that I say thank you, thank you, thank you. My prayer is this material will help the church all over.
Side note: September 7th I will begin a new class based on the book. It is the first time it has been offered on a Sunday morning. Because of the nature of the subject, the class is limited to 25 people. A sign up sheet is in the foyer for those interested. Also, if you have been to my class on personalities before it is a repeat. I am getting ready to begin writing and researching new material on personalities and the family. Hopefully by the first of the year it will be ready.
Back to Sunday. Once I finished with the book signing I headed to lunch and pre-marital counseling with a special couple. I love to see Christians prepare for marriage. It keeps me young (or so I think).
Then I was off to Gifford to celebrate the churches one year anniversary in their new building. Sometimes I don't know if we realize how blessed we are to have the facilities we have. They are excited and feel so blessed to be in their new building. This was years in the making. I don't say enough about Bob and Sandy Brackett at times, but they do so much in helping churches worldwide. The words expressed yesterday were not about money but the time Bob spent helping them get into this new facility. Our own Joe Wild spoke on his behalf and represented Bob and the church here extremely well. Thanks to all who came out to rejoice with the brothers and sisters at Gifford. But believe me, the privilege was ours, as we enjoyed some great singing and a powerful sermon by Brother Xerxes Snell. Their gospel meeting continues through Thursday night, in their new facilities, if you would like to attend (6890 33rd Avenue).
After a couple of hours with the Gifford brethren I finally got home around 5:30 PM. It was a rich full day! See you Wednesday night!
After this, things really began to speed up. The book signing, set up by the elders, was a neat experience. So many of you stopped by to make me feel special. This congregation has purchased around 70 books. Several of you took advantage of the special deal for $20 and have helped to provide many Bible majors with this book. I wish I could have had this material when I came out of college into ministry. It has been very helpful to me in my work over the last 15 years. Anyway, some of you asked if I would have any more books after Sunday. The answer is yes! I'm not John Grisham. Either way, yesterday went a long way in paying off my book order and side costs to print the book. To that I say thank you, thank you, thank you. My prayer is this material will help the church all over.
Side note: September 7th I will begin a new class based on the book. It is the first time it has been offered on a Sunday morning. Because of the nature of the subject, the class is limited to 25 people. A sign up sheet is in the foyer for those interested. Also, if you have been to my class on personalities before it is a repeat. I am getting ready to begin writing and researching new material on personalities and the family. Hopefully by the first of the year it will be ready.
Back to Sunday. Once I finished with the book signing I headed to lunch and pre-marital counseling with a special couple. I love to see Christians prepare for marriage. It keeps me young (or so I think).
Then I was off to Gifford to celebrate the churches one year anniversary in their new building. Sometimes I don't know if we realize how blessed we are to have the facilities we have. They are excited and feel so blessed to be in their new building. This was years in the making. I don't say enough about Bob and Sandy Brackett at times, but they do so much in helping churches worldwide. The words expressed yesterday were not about money but the time Bob spent helping them get into this new facility. Our own Joe Wild spoke on his behalf and represented Bob and the church here extremely well. Thanks to all who came out to rejoice with the brothers and sisters at Gifford. But believe me, the privilege was ours, as we enjoyed some great singing and a powerful sermon by Brother Xerxes Snell. Their gospel meeting continues through Thursday night, in their new facilities, if you would like to attend (6890 33rd Avenue).
After a couple of hours with the Gifford brethren I finally got home around 5:30 PM. It was a rich full day! See you Wednesday night!
Monday, August 4, 2014
Another Great Sunday
Yesterday was one of those times when there should have been enough outward negatives to affect the overall outcome of our worship - rainy, steamy weather outside, lower attendance inside - but it didn't. Certainly lower numbers affects the volume of our singing, but it didn't do anything to the spirit. This speaks to the maturity of a congregation. People seemed to come in with positive attitudes, not allowing these outer circumstances to affect them. Awesome!
Speaking of positives, many of you will be happy to know our series on Daniel is slowly coming to an end. No matter how much you enjoy a book of the Bible it is always good to move on. We have had 10 lessons on this great letter of Scripture. Two more to go. This week we will look at the role of angels, specifically Gabriel and Michael. These passages provide some of the most detailed accounts of the unseen world.
As far as Sunday night, we went through another Circle-Up Singing. Once again, lower attendance but a great night. It truly has become my favorite night of the month. We learned a couple of new songs, David Brooker gave us a "tune up" on some of the newer songs, and we pushed back the clock for some great oldies. Thanks to everyone who was willing to lead, offer suggestions, and just sing out. If you haven't ever attended one of these it is very casual. We sing, we laugh, we learn, and just enjoy each others company. It is fast paced, two verses per song, young and old leading, including some you may have never heard. It's great! Of course, if you are interested in learning how to sing parts or some of our newer songs, David Brooker's Sunday night group is perfect. They meet at 4:15 pm each Sunday evening.
One more thing, I wouldn't mention it if I hadn't already had questions about it. It is about my new book that came out last week. The elders want to have a "book signing" next Sunday morning after services in the Coffee Shop. Personally, I appreciate them asking, even though I have no idea why anyone would want my signature. I consider this church family and not someone on the outside who finds this material intriguing (although my mom made me sign her copy). Either way, I appreciate the gesture. With that there are a couple of things I want to mention:
WAY to much about myself. Go out this week and think of others. Who is sick? Who is struggling spiritually? Who just needs a friend? Be Jesus to our world.
Speaking of positives, many of you will be happy to know our series on Daniel is slowly coming to an end. No matter how much you enjoy a book of the Bible it is always good to move on. We have had 10 lessons on this great letter of Scripture. Two more to go. This week we will look at the role of angels, specifically Gabriel and Michael. These passages provide some of the most detailed accounts of the unseen world.
As far as Sunday night, we went through another Circle-Up Singing. Once again, lower attendance but a great night. It truly has become my favorite night of the month. We learned a couple of new songs, David Brooker gave us a "tune up" on some of the newer songs, and we pushed back the clock for some great oldies. Thanks to everyone who was willing to lead, offer suggestions, and just sing out. If you haven't ever attended one of these it is very casual. We sing, we laugh, we learn, and just enjoy each others company. It is fast paced, two verses per song, young and old leading, including some you may have never heard. It's great! Of course, if you are interested in learning how to sing parts or some of our newer songs, David Brooker's Sunday night group is perfect. They meet at 4:15 pm each Sunday evening.
One more thing, I wouldn't mention it if I hadn't already had questions about it. It is about my new book that came out last week. The elders want to have a "book signing" next Sunday morning after services in the Coffee Shop. Personally, I appreciate them asking, even though I have no idea why anyone would want my signature. I consider this church family and not someone on the outside who finds this material intriguing (although my mom made me sign her copy). Either way, I appreciate the gesture. With that there are a couple of things I want to mention:
- I don't expect everyone to buy a book. I am not making a list of those who do and don't and pick favorites based on something like this. Not everyone has extra money to do this and some people may not be interested. That's okay, we're family.
- How much are the books? I wish I could give everyone a copy but the fact is I can't. I purchase them at an author's price and then sale them for the suggested price of the publisher. One book will cost $12.99.
- The deal (if you want to call it that): You can buy 2 for $20 if the second copy goes to one of our ministers, Bible majors at our Christian Universities, or preachers in the Caribbean. Basically, I make no profit on the second book but it is my way of trying to get it into the hands of some people who sometimes struggle financially in ministry. If it is for one of the ministers you can give it to them personally. If for Bible majors or preachers in the Caribbean I will drop ship them when I get enough for one group. I let you choose what you want to do with that second book. At this point I can't do the 2 for $20 for friends or other people you know UNLESS it is for someone in THIS CHURCH who is financially struggling. I don't offer this last deal with anyone outside of the Vero Beach church of Christ. If this is too confusing get with me and I will try to explain it better.
- How to pay? You can pay with cash, credit card, or check. We are set up to handle any and all of these.
- If you want to buy a book for someone out of town we can ship it for you with shipping cost ($2.50). The best way to do this is to give me your email address and me send you an invoice through PayPal. After you pay we are able to print out a mailing label from the house and send it.
- Kindle users: it can be downloaded for $9.99. I make no profits off of it or Amazon orders, but I love my Kindle and like to read certain books on it. So I am more than ok for you to purchase the book this way. If you want I can sign you Kindle. :)
WAY to much about myself. Go out this week and think of others. Who is sick? Who is struggling spiritually? Who just needs a friend? Be Jesus to our world.
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