Just when you thought your spam filter had gotten rid of me, I'm back with the Monday Morning Report. The last couple of weeks the ministers have been trying to get reorganized while A'Lana is taking some time off. Hopefully this week you will get email updates again. Just remember, I am the best speller in the office now, which means you can expect some errors. But we will do our best. Now for the report.
Yesterday was a really great day. Jerry Cutshall began a adult class in the auditorium that is going to be good as well as challenging. It is about being the true church Jesus came and died for on the cross. May we remember our theme: "In doctrine - unity; in opinion - liberty; but in all things love."
Worship was also uplifting, despite the fact I had the wrong songs up for David Brooker. In the middle of the night it finally hit me what I did (or didn't do). It will not happen again. Fortunately it was David up there instead of me. He had no notice of the songs we were singing nor did he know what was coming up next! Yet, he made it as smooth as if he had a week to prepare. We are very fortunate to have a song leader like David.
Speaking of singing, Sunday night was REALLY good. I don't know if it was the smaller setting, or everyone was in a mood to sing, or what, but the harmony and volume was great! A big thanks to all of those who got up and lead. I'm looking forward to doing it again next month.
Our sermon series is in full swing. If you missed yesterday you can read Daniel 3 this week to catch up. By the way, I do a "Sermon Recap" on my Facebook page on Mondays that deals with the highlights of the lesson. Send me a "friend" request if you are not currently getting these. Next week we will be diving into Daniel 4 in a lesson I call "Mad Cow Disease." One of the really interesting accounts in Scripture.
Speaking of Daniel, if you have a Kindle you can download a free book on the Book of Daniel called The Derision of Heaven by Micheal Whitworth. Today is supposed to be the last day to get the free download. He is an excellent writer and author of several books. This book, along with another he published, are award winning (the other is called The Epic of God). He preaches for the Carter Lake Road church of Christ in Bowie, Texas. I started reading it this weekend. Although I plan to stay one chapter behind the sermon I'm preaching so you can get a fresh look into the lessons we are studying. Go to http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00E6TXA76/ref=cm_sw_r_fa_dp_2QDItb16C53K1 You may not have a Kindle but a computer that has a free Kindle app, like iPad, Windows8, or other versions that will let you get the book. Just an idea for anyone who wants to dig a little deeper.
Yesterday it was announced that Reagan Brackett is going to Africa this summer with Harding as a mission-based study abroad program. The goal is to help students understand the missionary needs of Africa while experiencing Zambia first hand. This is not like studying in Paris, as each of the students had to take an intense two week survival course to be allowed to attend (ask her about it sometime). The reason I mention this to you is, first of all, pray for Reagan and the work the students will be doing. Secondly, the students are asking for donations to buy supplies for the people in those villages, things we generally take for granted, such as aspirin, bandages, arm slings, antibiotic creams, antacids, iron tablets, etc., etc., etc. There is a collection jar in the foyer if you would like to help out.
Well, that is enough for now. Remember to check on those who sit around you who may have been missing Sunday. Send a shut-in a card or give them a call. If you find someone who needs special attention please let the elders or ministers know. Thanks.
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