I would like to begin this morning by asking everyone to pray for the tornado victims in Arkansas and Kansas. More severe storms are expected today in Mississippi, Tennessee, and Alabama. The most concentrated storms are expected to be in my hometown today. Several in this congregation have seen and helped with clean up of this type of devastation in Alabama and Oklahoma.
Back to Florida. Yesterday was a very uplifting time of worship. The singing was great and many came away with a new appreciation of our Creator. We were again blessed with many visitors from our community. Next week we will look into another aspect of the supremacy of Christ - His preeminence over the church.
We are down to a couple more 2:42 Group meetings. Next week (May 4th) will be the last week to meet with our individual groups. The next week (May 11th) is Mother's Day and we will not be meeting that night. The following week (May 18th) is our High School Grad Night at the building and the last Sunday in May (25th), all the groups will meet together in the Coffee Shop for our last lesson. Look for the upcoming schedule for our Summer Sunday nights.
MEN: This weekend is our Manland event at a ranch a little over an hour away. The cost is $15 for food (shrimp boil and breakfast). You can bring checks made out to the church on Wednesday night, drop it by the church building or bring it to the event. The main thing is we all do our part to cover costs. It should be a great weekend. If you are planning to go and have not picked up a list of things you will need to bring, please do so before Friday night.
CARIBBEAN LECTURES: Sunday morning after services a packet was handed out to those interested in going to the Caribbean Lectures in Jamaica this summer. The dates are July 12th-17th and will cost around $850-$950. This includes airfare, hotel, meals, and registration. Not everyone has $1,000 laying around the house, which is why we are letting people know early so they could pay in increments. We will need a $100 deposit by this Sunday so we can know how to make plans. It is a great experience.
NEW CLASS: For new converts and anyone in our community that attends and wants to know the basics of the Bible. It is based on the material "The Story" taught by David Paladin and myself. If you are not sure you qualify for this class, please ask.
It was great seeing some back in our worship who have been sick the past few weeks. Continue to check in on those who sit around you or you know who hasn't been here in a while. Make a quick call, write a card, or find out if they are up to a visit. If there is something that needs the elders attention, please let them know.
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