Monday, December 16, 2013

A Tale of Two Funerals

This past week I was involved in two funerals.  Nothing about them were the same.  One was the tragic death of a 24 year old man and the other the natural passing of an 88 year old woman.  One was surrounded with deep grief and morning, while the other was surrounded with a celebration of sorts.  One left others with many unanswered questions and the other had no questions.  As a preacher who conducted both funerals, one came with great mental stress and the other a sense of relief.  I could go on but you get the idea.  Death is no respecter of persons.  It doesn't care that it is Christmas time.  It doesn't always make sense.  Death is a curse that began with sin in the garden (Gen. 3:19; Rom. 5:12).  It hurts.  It grieves.  It stings.  This is why the coming of Christ into the world is so important.  This is why His birth was so joyful because it allowed Christ to take on human form so He could live and die for those sins.  But even more, to resurrect to give us hope in death we had not had before.  (I Cor. 15:54-57)  Praise be to God for the newborn King!

It is weeks like this that help me to realize how blessed this church is with the ministry staff.  The day of the David Koliner tragedy, David Paladin was out dealing with another family tragedy in the congregation.  He is also the one who picked me up in the pulpit while I was gone to be by the side of my grandmother.  He learned Friday that he would need to preach just two days later.  Never once was I concerned about the preaching while I was with my family.  That is a blessing.  David had his regular duties to accomplish, including getting the kids ready to perform for the Christmas party.  He also had a big Greek test in his masters program.

Add to that Joel Soumar.  When I received the call from Micheal Koliner that his brother had just been struck and killed, it was Joel who went with me to their home.  He was there those three hours with the family as we waited for the coroner to take the body.  Three hours he helped me console the family just feet away from their son under the delivery truck.  Three hours he helped talk with neighbors and friends who were upset.  He would also make several trips with me to see the family and to be there at the funeral home when the family first saw the body.  He also helped me remember some great things about David Koliner to use in the funeral.  Joel also handled the graveside for me so I could leave to be with my grandmother before she died.  Words cannot express what I feel about these two men, who also ministered to me in the passing of my grandmother.

A'Lana picked up the slack of my leaving early, the extra calls on the funeral and even dealing with the funeral home.  She also helped with the Christmas party, all the while planning for her parents 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday night.

My family is very thankful to the elders and the people of this congregation.  Throughout this whole process with my grandmother the elders have been encouraging and understanding.  They would have had me go sooner and stay later.  They are good men.  Add to that the kind words, hugs, and encouragement I have received from this church.

Speaking of this church family: I have never been so proud of you as I was during the loss of David Koliner.  The turnout of the funeral alone blew me away, especially with it being a Wednesday morning.  Most of you didn't know David very well but you came anyway.  Add to that the food that was prepared, the visits some made, and the cards.  The result?  God blessed us.  Sunday morning David's family came to worship (first time since Mike was baptized) and later that night to the Christmas party.  The family has mentioned the love of this church several times to me.

Speaking of the Christmas party, it was a great.  I appreciate Julie and Mark Anderson taking this on.  It was a huge success, based on everyone I have talked with or the things I read from many of you on Facebook.  They had some great help to make all this possible.  I wasn't in a party mood Sunday night but it really lifted my spirits seeing all of you.

While we are throwing out appreciation, I would like to thank Robbie Brackett for taking charge of the new bathroom project.  There are many headaches that come along with something like this and I am personally grateful Robbie took them for us.  I know Danny Brackett had a big part in things, especially with the children's playground, and these improvements are much appreciated.  Although Bella, my 9 year old, was very concerned about the old playground being taken down as she thought this was going to be given for the teenagers to use.  The mind of a child!

Sorry this report is so long.  This is what happens when I don't preach the day before...I have to get all my words in for the day.  Seriously, I love and appreciate each one of you.  I'm looking forward to this coming Sunday as we deal with the topic of "Joy to the World", and go Christmas caroling to our shut-ins.

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