Monday, March 18, 2013

Sunday was an encouraging day for many of us.  Personally I enjoyed interviewing Louis about the difficulties of being a Christian in India.  There were many other things we were unable to cover from our discussions together, but you get the idea.  Louis and the brothers and sisters in India have a greater understanding of our current series, "Not of this World."  The question for us is, would we remain in the faith if we lived in India instead of America?

Along those same lines, Louis has mentioned to me on more than one occasion, how impressed he is with our older Christians, especially the "Golden Girls."  He has seen that intense fellowship that our 2:42 groups have been studying over the last couple of weeks.  They love each other, care for one another, do things together, and are very active in the church.  In India the older generation sort of stops doing anything.  Us younger generation (yes, I'm still young, sort of) must learn from their example and build upon the true fellowship Christ came to bring to His church.

Nothing to report this week from the Coffee Connection, but we did see many visitors in our worship assemblies.  We had several from out of town and a few from our community.  Bill Raikes, despite his continued health problems, did a great job.  Keep Bill in your prayers, as it is, there is no medical relief for his constant back pain.  He has also been fighting a cold for the last month or so.  The same goes for Joe Wild as he continues to strengthen before his upcoming chemotherapy.  They continue to do their elder duties, despite their physical condition, which is why we, as their sheep, should pray for our shepherds.

Add to that, any other members who are struggling physically, mentally or otherwise.  Betty Pack attended services yesterday despite her poor health and had to be taken to the hospital.  Her blood pressure was up, which they treated, and sent her home that afternoon.  Special thanks to the Ackers for sticking around after services to make sure she was taken care of.

Kathleen Hendrix is another member who was in the hospital this past week.  She is now at home thanks to Leti English and Debbie Rodriguez.  According to Kathleen, they stayed a couple of hours to help clean her house and get things back in order.  Give Kathleen a call this week, she is really down (772) 321-3713. These are just a couple of the examples of Christian service that I learned about this week.  I know there are many more, but rest assured the Father knows and that is all that matters.  Let us continue to look in on those unable to be here each week or has missed recently.  Spread the love of Christ.

Don't forget tonight is Celebrate Recovery for anyone who struggles with habits or hang ups.  They meet at 7:00 pm.  If you know others who need this support please tell them about these Christ-centered meetings.

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