Maybe one of the most memorable worship services before Christmas. If you were not with us you missed out on a hot time! The air conditioning units decided to go out. I believe the technical term was that the units "fried." Nice choice of words for those of us in an 80 degree auditorium. But we didn't let that stop us. We shed jackets and ties and opened up doors for a breeze. The best part, in my opinion, was everyones attitude through it all. We laughed, fellowshipped, worshipped and enjoyed one another. It was really a great day. A big shout out to Danny Brackett for getting to the building early to try and fix things before services. Our old building keeps Danny, who is over our building and grounds, very busy at times. Make sure you give him a pat on the back to let him know how much you appreciate his efforts.
Last night we had a good number of people show up to either help set up for our Christmas Eve Luncheon or to go caroling to the homes of some of our shut-ins, elderly and those who have had a difficult year. I'm not sure if we sang more or laughed more. Also, everything looks festive in the Coffee Shop for our luncheon.
Speaking of our luncheon, it happens tomorrow. Every year Jay and Chris Dean lead this congregation in a great benevolent/outreach opportunity. So many of you take a portion of your Christmas Eve to volunteer. The purpose is to feed, not only the poor, but those who are lonely or struggling this time of year. Our goal isn't just to provide them a great meal but also to spread the love of Christ.
This Sunday our church will be blessed to hear Mac Lynn. For most of you, he is the son of Heber Lynn (named after our Lynn Center). For preachers like myself, he is well known for his books and knowledge. Either way, it will be a treat to have him stand in our pulpit.
Frank White is in the Indian River Medical Center with health issues. He is supposed to have a stint put in today. If you are planning to go by for a visit he is in room #374. At the hospital he is listed as Lewis White. If you ask for Frank you will get a blank stare from the receptionist. Just thought you might want to know.
From my family to yours, I want to wish each of you a Merry Christmas. Take this time to enjoy your family. For those of you who enjoyed Steven Wilson's Ecclesiastes class, let me quote one of its passages. "So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people to do in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life. That way they will experience some happiness along with the all the hard work God gives them." (Eccl. 8:15). Understanding the context makes this verse even better.
Don't forget to check on our sick. Be an encouragement to someone you know is lonely or struggles this time of year. Baked cookies and a smile go a long way.
Monday, December 23, 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
A Tale of Two Funerals
This past week I was involved in two funerals. Nothing about them were the same. One was the tragic death of a 24 year old man and the other the natural passing of an 88 year old woman. One was surrounded with deep grief and morning, while the other was surrounded with a celebration of sorts. One left others with many unanswered questions and the other had no questions. As a preacher who conducted both funerals, one came with great mental stress and the other a sense of relief. I could go on but you get the idea. Death is no respecter of persons. It doesn't care that it is Christmas time. It doesn't always make sense. Death is a curse that began with sin in the garden (Gen. 3:19; Rom. 5:12). It hurts. It grieves. It stings. This is why the coming of Christ into the world is so important. This is why His birth was so joyful because it allowed Christ to take on human form so He could live and die for those sins. But even more, to resurrect to give us hope in death we had not had before. (I Cor. 15:54-57) Praise be to God for the newborn King!
It is weeks like this that help me to realize how blessed this church is with the ministry staff. The day of the David Koliner tragedy, David Paladin was out dealing with another family tragedy in the congregation. He is also the one who picked me up in the pulpit while I was gone to be by the side of my grandmother. He learned Friday that he would need to preach just two days later. Never once was I concerned about the preaching while I was with my family. That is a blessing. David had his regular duties to accomplish, including getting the kids ready to perform for the Christmas party. He also had a big Greek test in his masters program.
Add to that Joel Soumar. When I received the call from Micheal Koliner that his brother had just been struck and killed, it was Joel who went with me to their home. He was there those three hours with the family as we waited for the coroner to take the body. Three hours he helped me console the family just feet away from their son under the delivery truck. Three hours he helped talk with neighbors and friends who were upset. He would also make several trips with me to see the family and to be there at the funeral home when the family first saw the body. He also helped me remember some great things about David Koliner to use in the funeral. Joel also handled the graveside for me so I could leave to be with my grandmother before she died. Words cannot express what I feel about these two men, who also ministered to me in the passing of my grandmother.
A'Lana picked up the slack of my leaving early, the extra calls on the funeral and even dealing with the funeral home. She also helped with the Christmas party, all the while planning for her parents 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday night.
My family is very thankful to the elders and the people of this congregation. Throughout this whole process with my grandmother the elders have been encouraging and understanding. They would have had me go sooner and stay later. They are good men. Add to that the kind words, hugs, and encouragement I have received from this church.
Speaking of this church family: I have never been so proud of you as I was during the loss of David Koliner. The turnout of the funeral alone blew me away, especially with it being a Wednesday morning. Most of you didn't know David very well but you came anyway. Add to that the food that was prepared, the visits some made, and the cards. The result? God blessed us. Sunday morning David's family came to worship (first time since Mike was baptized) and later that night to the Christmas party. The family has mentioned the love of this church several times to me.
Speaking of the Christmas party, it was a great. I appreciate Julie and Mark Anderson taking this on. It was a huge success, based on everyone I have talked with or the things I read from many of you on Facebook. They had some great help to make all this possible. I wasn't in a party mood Sunday night but it really lifted my spirits seeing all of you.
While we are throwing out appreciation, I would like to thank Robbie Brackett for taking charge of the new bathroom project. There are many headaches that come along with something like this and I am personally grateful Robbie took them for us. I know Danny Brackett had a big part in things, especially with the children's playground, and these improvements are much appreciated. Although Bella, my 9 year old, was very concerned about the old playground being taken down as she thought this was going to be given for the teenagers to use. The mind of a child!
Sorry this report is so long. This is what happens when I don't preach the day before...I have to get all my words in for the day. Seriously, I love and appreciate each one of you. I'm looking forward to this coming Sunday as we deal with the topic of "Joy to the World", and go Christmas caroling to our shut-ins.
It is weeks like this that help me to realize how blessed this church is with the ministry staff. The day of the David Koliner tragedy, David Paladin was out dealing with another family tragedy in the congregation. He is also the one who picked me up in the pulpit while I was gone to be by the side of my grandmother. He learned Friday that he would need to preach just two days later. Never once was I concerned about the preaching while I was with my family. That is a blessing. David had his regular duties to accomplish, including getting the kids ready to perform for the Christmas party. He also had a big Greek test in his masters program.
Add to that Joel Soumar. When I received the call from Micheal Koliner that his brother had just been struck and killed, it was Joel who went with me to their home. He was there those three hours with the family as we waited for the coroner to take the body. Three hours he helped me console the family just feet away from their son under the delivery truck. Three hours he helped talk with neighbors and friends who were upset. He would also make several trips with me to see the family and to be there at the funeral home when the family first saw the body. He also helped me remember some great things about David Koliner to use in the funeral. Joel also handled the graveside for me so I could leave to be with my grandmother before she died. Words cannot express what I feel about these two men, who also ministered to me in the passing of my grandmother.
A'Lana picked up the slack of my leaving early, the extra calls on the funeral and even dealing with the funeral home. She also helped with the Christmas party, all the while planning for her parents 50th wedding anniversary on Saturday night.
My family is very thankful to the elders and the people of this congregation. Throughout this whole process with my grandmother the elders have been encouraging and understanding. They would have had me go sooner and stay later. They are good men. Add to that the kind words, hugs, and encouragement I have received from this church.
Speaking of this church family: I have never been so proud of you as I was during the loss of David Koliner. The turnout of the funeral alone blew me away, especially with it being a Wednesday morning. Most of you didn't know David very well but you came anyway. Add to that the food that was prepared, the visits some made, and the cards. The result? God blessed us. Sunday morning David's family came to worship (first time since Mike was baptized) and later that night to the Christmas party. The family has mentioned the love of this church several times to me.
Speaking of the Christmas party, it was a great. I appreciate Julie and Mark Anderson taking this on. It was a huge success, based on everyone I have talked with or the things I read from many of you on Facebook. They had some great help to make all this possible. I wasn't in a party mood Sunday night but it really lifted my spirits seeing all of you.
While we are throwing out appreciation, I would like to thank Robbie Brackett for taking charge of the new bathroom project. There are many headaches that come along with something like this and I am personally grateful Robbie took them for us. I know Danny Brackett had a big part in things, especially with the children's playground, and these improvements are much appreciated. Although Bella, my 9 year old, was very concerned about the old playground being taken down as she thought this was going to be given for the teenagers to use. The mind of a child!
Sorry this report is so long. This is what happens when I don't preach the day before...I have to get all my words in for the day. Seriously, I love and appreciate each one of you. I'm looking forward to this coming Sunday as we deal with the topic of "Joy to the World", and go Christmas caroling to our shut-ins.
Monday, December 9, 2013
God is at Work!
It has been a difficult week for some in this church. Most notably is the tragic death of David Koliner. He was a great kid who loved his job, was obedient to his parents, and liked a good joke (even mine). His last words were calling out to Jesus. His brother, Mike (aka "Mad Money Mike) was home when it happened. Mike, like his brother, has a condition from birth that makes him more childlike, yet it was his faith that has been an encouragement to myself, his parents, and others in this dark time. As soon as Joel and I arrived on the scene his first words were, "God is good, all the time." He beat me to having a prayer with him and his family. He pulled out his Bible first to read from Psalm 23. There are many other things Mike has expressed to myself and others that display an amazing faith. It's easy to discount someone like Mike in the church, but this may be the very person God has put before us to learn. I Corinthians 1:27-29, God deliberately chose things the world considers foolish in order to shame those who think they are wise. And he chose those who are powerless to shame those who are powerful. God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important, so that no one can ever boast in the presence of God. (NLT) As for me, God is a work in my life thanks to the simple faith of a simple guy. Mike may not know the literal Hebrew and Greek meanings of the word faith, but he understands it better than some who do.
As far as yesterday went, things seemed to go smoothly. Our new sermon series, Carols, got kicked off with a trip to the little town of Bethlehem. This week we move into the stable for a lesson on "Away in a Manger" as we try to understand why the Son of God would be placed in something animals use to feed. Continue to invite others to attend.
Last night we had two unique opportunities. Some chose to see one of the most fascinating videos on the star that lead the magi to the new born King. Others took advantage of report on Trinidad and how this island church raised $66,000 for their mission works. Amazing stuff. Afterwards Joel Soumar delivered a powerful devotional on how we should see ourselves. If you missed it you may want to get with Joel just to get the video he used. It was an uplifting evening.
This week is filled with opportunities. David Koliner's funeral will be at our building Wednesday morning at 10:00. If you can help with food please contact Liz Raikes or the church office. The viewing will be at Cox-Gifford Tuesday evening from 2-4 and 6-8 pm. Also, take an opportunity to visit our sick or call those who may be struggling or missing from our services the last week or two. Check on our shut-ins. Sunday night will be another opportunity for the whole church to get together for a devotional and annual Christmas party. Wear your tacky sweater/t-shirt and wrap up a wacky gift for the "White Elephant" gift exchange. This should be fun. It will be at the Heritage Center. Please check your care group to determine what you need to bring.
One more thing. Our annual Christmas Eve Luncheon will be on us before we know it. If you know of people in need that could benefit from a great meal and some good fellowship, please tell them about this event. If you don't know realize how many days we are from Christmas ask your children or grandchildren (they can break it down to hours, minutes and seconds).
As far as yesterday went, things seemed to go smoothly. Our new sermon series, Carols, got kicked off with a trip to the little town of Bethlehem. This week we move into the stable for a lesson on "Away in a Manger" as we try to understand why the Son of God would be placed in something animals use to feed. Continue to invite others to attend.
Last night we had two unique opportunities. Some chose to see one of the most fascinating videos on the star that lead the magi to the new born King. Others took advantage of report on Trinidad and how this island church raised $66,000 for their mission works. Amazing stuff. Afterwards Joel Soumar delivered a powerful devotional on how we should see ourselves. If you missed it you may want to get with Joel just to get the video he used. It was an uplifting evening.
This week is filled with opportunities. David Koliner's funeral will be at our building Wednesday morning at 10:00. If you can help with food please contact Liz Raikes or the church office. The viewing will be at Cox-Gifford Tuesday evening from 2-4 and 6-8 pm. Also, take an opportunity to visit our sick or call those who may be struggling or missing from our services the last week or two. Check on our shut-ins. Sunday night will be another opportunity for the whole church to get together for a devotional and annual Christmas party. Wear your tacky sweater/t-shirt and wrap up a wacky gift for the "White Elephant" gift exchange. This should be fun. It will be at the Heritage Center. Please check your care group to determine what you need to bring.
One more thing. Our annual Christmas Eve Luncheon will be on us before we know it. If you know of people in need that could benefit from a great meal and some good fellowship, please tell them about this event. If you don't know realize how many days we are from Christmas ask your children or grandchildren (they can break it down to hours, minutes and seconds).
Monday, December 2, 2013
Great Sunday Night
It isn't that Sunday morning worship was not uplifting. In fact, the singing was good and the spirits were high. We had so many visitors and most of them were from the community and not just holiday travelers. Hopefully each of you are making a concerted effort to meet our guests each week. Introduce them to others around you and especially make sure I have an opportunity to meet them. I love visitors. We really need your help inviting them to our Coffee Connection before worship in the Fireside Room (LC #103).
Sunday night was especially good, in my opinion. We had one of our Circle Up Singing events. To be honest, I didn't know if we would have enough people to show up to fill all four parts. It rained, and rained, and rained all day. According to Gay Stanley some people shouldn't be out driving in this type of weather, right June? (You would have to be there to understand that last statement). We had a decent crowd, but the singing was GREAT! Bill Raikes, Joel, and myself led the singing. We began with some of the golden oldies and moved into the popular 80's songs and ended with the teen songs of today. Everyone seemed to enjoy the fast past, two verses only, singing. Several mentioned to me how much they enjoyed last night and how good the singing was. We will definitely do this again.
As far as Sunday nights, let me encourage everyone to keep up with their bulletins, the website, and announcements of what is going on. THIS WEEK you will have two choices: 1) Come to the Coffee Shop for a Trinidad update and devotional or 2) go to the Fireside Room for the viewing of "The Star of Bethlehem", which we have played a couple of times over the last few years.
Let me begin with the Trinidad trip. Most of you know I had the privilege of speaking on this Caribbean island last month. If it was nothing more than I went in, spoke, and come back, I wouldn't take up a Sunday night to report. But for me it ended up being much more. It was one of the most encouraging speaking trips I have ever been a part of. Wait until you learn why I was there, what I did, and what happened on that Sunday night. I'm also going to tell you about another opportunity this Summer that some of you may be interested in. Yes, there will be pictures and some of those are of food (of course).
"The Star of Bethlehem" is for anyone who hasn't seen, or would like to see, the video again. It is one of the most fascinating documentaries on the star mentioned in Scripture. They have found the star and you might be surprised what they discovered. PLEASE use this as an outreach opportunity for someone you know to attend.
As far as outreach opportunities goes, this Sunday morning we are beginning a new series of sermons entitled "Carols". Three lessons - three Christmas songs. We begin with "O Little Town of Bethlehem." Why would the King of kings be destined to be born in a town of about 150 at the time? A very unimportant city for the anticipated Messiah. I'm looking forward to this lesson. Invite others to join us for this series over the next three weeks.
I know this blog is long today, but I wanted to update some of you on my grandmother, who may not already know. Immediately after services Tuesday night I received a call from my dad telling me my grandmother, Marine "Mamaw" Lundy, had several mini strokes and a massive heart attack. The doctors had called in the family believing she only had a couple of hours to live. They put her on a respirator with the hopes some of the family would get there in time to say goodbye. A couple of hours later she was still alive, as well as the next day, and then the next... well, she never died. The doctors and nurses are calling her a "miracle" patient. I don't know if it is a full blown miracle where someone gets out of bed and carries it out the front door, but I do believe God had a big hand in what happened. She is now standing up on her walker, eating solid foods, with no tubes, heart medicines, and certainly no respirator. Who knows, she may never walk out of the hospital before another big heart attack happens, but the Lord has blessed our family with some amazing things, especially the extra time with Mamaw. My family does ask that each of you keep praying. She was really thrilled when I told her the churches in India were praying for her (thanks Louis). International prayers are always the best, right? Seriously, we want to thank everyone who has kept her in their prayers.
So much more I could tell you about what is happening and the upcoming month, but I feel I may have exceeded the average attention span already. Keep an eye out for our sick and others who may be struggling.
Sunday night was especially good, in my opinion. We had one of our Circle Up Singing events. To be honest, I didn't know if we would have enough people to show up to fill all four parts. It rained, and rained, and rained all day. According to Gay Stanley some people shouldn't be out driving in this type of weather, right June? (You would have to be there to understand that last statement). We had a decent crowd, but the singing was GREAT! Bill Raikes, Joel, and myself led the singing. We began with some of the golden oldies and moved into the popular 80's songs and ended with the teen songs of today. Everyone seemed to enjoy the fast past, two verses only, singing. Several mentioned to me how much they enjoyed last night and how good the singing was. We will definitely do this again.
As far as Sunday nights, let me encourage everyone to keep up with their bulletins, the website, and announcements of what is going on. THIS WEEK you will have two choices: 1) Come to the Coffee Shop for a Trinidad update and devotional or 2) go to the Fireside Room for the viewing of "The Star of Bethlehem", which we have played a couple of times over the last few years.
Let me begin with the Trinidad trip. Most of you know I had the privilege of speaking on this Caribbean island last month. If it was nothing more than I went in, spoke, and come back, I wouldn't take up a Sunday night to report. But for me it ended up being much more. It was one of the most encouraging speaking trips I have ever been a part of. Wait until you learn why I was there, what I did, and what happened on that Sunday night. I'm also going to tell you about another opportunity this Summer that some of you may be interested in. Yes, there will be pictures and some of those are of food (of course).
"The Star of Bethlehem" is for anyone who hasn't seen, or would like to see, the video again. It is one of the most fascinating documentaries on the star mentioned in Scripture. They have found the star and you might be surprised what they discovered. PLEASE use this as an outreach opportunity for someone you know to attend.
As far as outreach opportunities goes, this Sunday morning we are beginning a new series of sermons entitled "Carols". Three lessons - three Christmas songs. We begin with "O Little Town of Bethlehem." Why would the King of kings be destined to be born in a town of about 150 at the time? A very unimportant city for the anticipated Messiah. I'm looking forward to this lesson. Invite others to join us for this series over the next three weeks.
I know this blog is long today, but I wanted to update some of you on my grandmother, who may not already know. Immediately after services Tuesday night I received a call from my dad telling me my grandmother, Marine "Mamaw" Lundy, had several mini strokes and a massive heart attack. The doctors had called in the family believing she only had a couple of hours to live. They put her on a respirator with the hopes some of the family would get there in time to say goodbye. A couple of hours later she was still alive, as well as the next day, and then the next... well, she never died. The doctors and nurses are calling her a "miracle" patient. I don't know if it is a full blown miracle where someone gets out of bed and carries it out the front door, but I do believe God had a big hand in what happened. She is now standing up on her walker, eating solid foods, with no tubes, heart medicines, and certainly no respirator. Who knows, she may never walk out of the hospital before another big heart attack happens, but the Lord has blessed our family with some amazing things, especially the extra time with Mamaw. My family does ask that each of you keep praying. She was really thrilled when I told her the churches in India were praying for her (thanks Louis). International prayers are always the best, right? Seriously, we want to thank everyone who has kept her in their prayers.
So much more I could tell you about what is happening and the upcoming month, but I feel I may have exceeded the average attention span already. Keep an eye out for our sick and others who may be struggling.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Turkey Week!
This week is Thanksgiving and nothing puts me into a good mood as this time of year. There is much more of an emphasis upon the goodness of God and a realization of just how blessed we are as a people. Those of you leaving town, I pray you have safe travels. Those of us staying in town, build on those family traditions. Personally, I can't wait for Lex to get in to town Wednesday morning.
Speaking of Thanksgiving traditions, this TUESDAY we will meet at the building for our annual praise and prayer. Which means we will not be meeting Wednesday night. Bill Raikes does a great job with this each year. Let's turn out a big crowd. It's a great way to kick off Thanksgiving week.
As far as yesterday goes, it was a really great day. I'm not even sure I met all of our visitors. Plus some of our college kids were in town. The singing was out of this world and the overall attitude was high. It was just one of those great days of worship. We also finished up a unique series of lessons from the book of Habakkuk. So many kind comments on how these lessons were needed in their own lives. God be praised!
Speaking of sermons, let me give you a look into the next month. This Sunday, will be a lesson on "Thanksgiving Leftovers" from the Gospels. Starting the next week, we will begin a three part series on "Carols" with some of your favorite songs of the birth of Christ. Invite people now.
Last night was the last of our Sunday Nights of Service for now. I was able to attend Chris "Tito" Leon's class on health. He is one of the best I know and has a real heart for helping people. If you are looking for some stocking stuffer ideas for those who like to stuff themselves for the holidays, Tito is a personal trainer and fitness guru. I don't even know if he has any spots for the coming year, but you might could purchase a few sessions with him to kick off the new year. He at least will help you get on the right track. Just a thought.
As far as Sunday nights for December, here is what is on the docket:
1st - Circle Up Singing with Bill Raikes and Tracy Moore (Hebrews Coffee Shop)
8th - Two choices: Mission report on my trip to Trinidad, and yes there will be pictures (Hebrews Coffee Shop) or Star of Bethlehem, for those who haven't seen it (Fireside Room)
15th - Christmas Party! (Heritage Center)
22nd - Christmas Caroling for our shut-ins (meet in Hebrews Coffee Shop)
29th - Elders specialty class
Try to keep up with everything going on this month. Continue to check your bulletin, the website, and listen to Sunday morning announcements to stay up on things. And PLEASE don't forget to check up on those who are missing, sick, or maybe struggling. This is a very difficult time of year for some people due to loss. Send a card, text, email, or visit to let them know how much they are loved.
Speaking of Thanksgiving traditions, this TUESDAY we will meet at the building for our annual praise and prayer. Which means we will not be meeting Wednesday night. Bill Raikes does a great job with this each year. Let's turn out a big crowd. It's a great way to kick off Thanksgiving week.
As far as yesterday goes, it was a really great day. I'm not even sure I met all of our visitors. Plus some of our college kids were in town. The singing was out of this world and the overall attitude was high. It was just one of those great days of worship. We also finished up a unique series of lessons from the book of Habakkuk. So many kind comments on how these lessons were needed in their own lives. God be praised!
Speaking of sermons, let me give you a look into the next month. This Sunday, will be a lesson on "Thanksgiving Leftovers" from the Gospels. Starting the next week, we will begin a three part series on "Carols" with some of your favorite songs of the birth of Christ. Invite people now.
Last night was the last of our Sunday Nights of Service for now. I was able to attend Chris "Tito" Leon's class on health. He is one of the best I know and has a real heart for helping people. If you are looking for some stocking stuffer ideas for those who like to stuff themselves for the holidays, Tito is a personal trainer and fitness guru. I don't even know if he has any spots for the coming year, but you might could purchase a few sessions with him to kick off the new year. He at least will help you get on the right track. Just a thought.
As far as Sunday nights for December, here is what is on the docket:
1st - Circle Up Singing with Bill Raikes and Tracy Moore (Hebrews Coffee Shop)
8th - Two choices: Mission report on my trip to Trinidad, and yes there will be pictures (Hebrews Coffee Shop) or Star of Bethlehem, for those who haven't seen it (Fireside Room)
15th - Christmas Party! (Heritage Center)
22nd - Christmas Caroling for our shut-ins (meet in Hebrews Coffee Shop)
29th - Elders specialty class
Try to keep up with everything going on this month. Continue to check your bulletin, the website, and listen to Sunday morning announcements to stay up on things. And PLEASE don't forget to check up on those who are missing, sick, or maybe struggling. This is a very difficult time of year for some people due to loss. Send a card, text, email, or visit to let them know how much they are loved.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Elders, Elders Everywhere
Yesterday was sort of a special day for our elders. Bill and Steve did a great job explaining the qualifications and expectations of an elder. I felt they didn't hold anything back as they explained the pros and cons of leadership. It can be the most difficult work and at the same time the most rewarding. This is one of the reasons I protect the men who lead this church. Any wise preacher will never go to another congregation based upon its members, while this is important, but on its elders. I have gone both routes and experience tells me where God's blessings are found. After 20 years of ministry I can honestly say this church is fortunate to have these men.
That being said, as we begin our search for additional elders, we need to keep the things spoken yesterday in mind. Some of my closest friends over the years would not be good elders. I love them, but they would not be the spiritual leaders the church needed. On the other hand, men I didn't know very well became great elders and later close friends. Take this process seriously. If you have any nominations let Bill or Steve know. If you have any questions ask them.
Going with the elder theme, it was great seeing Joe and Glenda back in "their pew" and home Sunday. It has been a long journey that hasn't ended, but further along in that journey than anticipated at this time. To look out on Sunday mornings I am reminded of how the Father has continued to answer our prayers. Not just Joe, but also Betty Pack - to name a couple of people we have recently prayed for in their difficult times. This week we have another opportunity to pray for a cancer patient - Fran Mooney. There will be a sign up for continued prayers on the day of her surgery. Ladell mentioned the unexpected answers to the prayers for the young boy who almost drowned in his pool. Praise God!!! I am loving the focus of this church over the last few months!
As far as the rest of the day went, we continued our sermon series on Habakkuk. So many positive comments about this book. Who would have known? A little book crammed at the end of the Old Testament. Believe me when I say the Bible has diamonds all through it just waiting to be explored in every book. This week we will complete this series with what I believe is the most important and encouraging part of the study.
We have so many exciting things coming up in the next couple of months. If you did not get one of the sheets with all the things that will be offered through December and January, you can pick one up in the foyer. BIG things coming. Next week I will talk about a few of these.
Don't forget to check on those who were not here yesterday who normally sit around you. Send them a card, give them a call, text, email, or visit. The main thing is to check in on them. Let the leadership know if someone may need some special attention. KEEP PRAYING!
That being said, as we begin our search for additional elders, we need to keep the things spoken yesterday in mind. Some of my closest friends over the years would not be good elders. I love them, but they would not be the spiritual leaders the church needed. On the other hand, men I didn't know very well became great elders and later close friends. Take this process seriously. If you have any nominations let Bill or Steve know. If you have any questions ask them.
Going with the elder theme, it was great seeing Joe and Glenda back in "their pew" and home Sunday. It has been a long journey that hasn't ended, but further along in that journey than anticipated at this time. To look out on Sunday mornings I am reminded of how the Father has continued to answer our prayers. Not just Joe, but also Betty Pack - to name a couple of people we have recently prayed for in their difficult times. This week we have another opportunity to pray for a cancer patient - Fran Mooney. There will be a sign up for continued prayers on the day of her surgery. Ladell mentioned the unexpected answers to the prayers for the young boy who almost drowned in his pool. Praise God!!! I am loving the focus of this church over the last few months!
As far as the rest of the day went, we continued our sermon series on Habakkuk. So many positive comments about this book. Who would have known? A little book crammed at the end of the Old Testament. Believe me when I say the Bible has diamonds all through it just waiting to be explored in every book. This week we will complete this series with what I believe is the most important and encouraging part of the study.
We have so many exciting things coming up in the next couple of months. If you did not get one of the sheets with all the things that will be offered through December and January, you can pick one up in the foyer. BIG things coming. Next week I will talk about a few of these.
Don't forget to check on those who were not here yesterday who normally sit around you. Send them a card, give them a call, text, email, or visit. The main thing is to check in on them. Let the leadership know if someone may need some special attention. KEEP PRAYING!
Monday, November 11, 2013
A Really Great Sunday
I thought yesterday was a really great day. For one, we had several visitors. I know of at least two families who came because of the sermon series. Two families who have lost someone they loved too early in their lives and struggle with the idea of why God would let this happen. It doesn't make sense. One family lost a 9 year old child to drowning this summer. Another young family lost a father and husband. Some of you may have had similar struggles. These families came as a direct result of people in this church inviting them.
Use our weekly sermons to invite others to attend. Don't focus on the preacher, but on the message they need to hear. People need a Savior. They need to know God loves them. And when they come, roll out the red carpet and give them the greetings and hugs the Lord wants to give them. Share these series on Facebook and Twitter. You can usually "share" or "retweet" messages myself or A'Lana post about upcoming lessons. You never know who needs the things we are studying. The same goes for our Bible classes and Sunday night topics (i.e., raising children, finances). We want this church to be more than a place you attend, but also a place you bring others. Bring them to our Coffee Connection on Sunday mornings. Think outside of yourself.
We are seeing some of our visitors become interested in studying, which has been an obstacle at times. Pray for those who are seeking for something beyond themselves. Don't be afraid to invite them for a cup of coffee and talk to them about what is going on in their lives and how God fits into the equation.
Trinidad was an amazing experience. They had me in as a main speaker, but I was the one who received the greater blessing. The Christians in the Caribbean are such loving and faith filled people. Their sense of humor is contagious. I'm hoping to bring a report (with pictures) for those interested learning more about my trip. Believe me when I say I feel so blessed to be able to experience the things I have over the last year. Between the Caribbean Lectureships in Antigua and now the workshop in Trinidad, I feel overwhelmed with God's blessings. Thank you for all the prayers.
Let's keep praying for those in this church who need the Lord's care. Check up on those around you who may have been missing Sunday. Call, write cards, and visit those who need some extra attention. And please let the leadership know if someone is in need of spiritual help. Things are getting better and better all the time.
Use our weekly sermons to invite others to attend. Don't focus on the preacher, but on the message they need to hear. People need a Savior. They need to know God loves them. And when they come, roll out the red carpet and give them the greetings and hugs the Lord wants to give them. Share these series on Facebook and Twitter. You can usually "share" or "retweet" messages myself or A'Lana post about upcoming lessons. You never know who needs the things we are studying. The same goes for our Bible classes and Sunday night topics (i.e., raising children, finances). We want this church to be more than a place you attend, but also a place you bring others. Bring them to our Coffee Connection on Sunday mornings. Think outside of yourself.
We are seeing some of our visitors become interested in studying, which has been an obstacle at times. Pray for those who are seeking for something beyond themselves. Don't be afraid to invite them for a cup of coffee and talk to them about what is going on in their lives and how God fits into the equation.
Trinidad was an amazing experience. They had me in as a main speaker, but I was the one who received the greater blessing. The Christians in the Caribbean are such loving and faith filled people. Their sense of humor is contagious. I'm hoping to bring a report (with pictures) for those interested learning more about my trip. Believe me when I say I feel so blessed to be able to experience the things I have over the last year. Between the Caribbean Lectureships in Antigua and now the workshop in Trinidad, I feel overwhelmed with God's blessings. Thank you for all the prayers.
Let's keep praying for those in this church who need the Lord's care. Check up on those around you who may have been missing Sunday. Call, write cards, and visit those who need some extra attention. And please let the leadership know if someone is in need of spiritual help. Things are getting better and better all the time.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Crazy Week Ahead
Yesterday was a good day. With the exception of a "new" song (Wonderful Grace of Jesus - written in 1918), the song service was great. Actually, I gave Bill that song to sing Sunday morning so I'm just kidding. It was a great day of worship and those of you able to participate really added to our songs of praise to God. We finished up our series on "The Divine Compulsion" and now I will be preparing to preach those lessons again this weekend in Trinidad.
Speaking of Trinidad, I will be flying out Thursday evening. This means I will be missing "Trick or Treating" with Bella (first time ever), so make sure you give her some extra candy if she ends up at your door. She will be dressed like Priscilla Presley and our dog will be Elvis (yes, he has a costume). Back to my trip to Trinidad, it is a conference for the Caribbean that also raises money for the preaching students at the school there. I will be speaking Friday, Saturday and Sunday, as well as touring the preaching school and island on Monday. Tuesday will be my flight back to Vero Beach, USA. After this I will not be leaving Vero again until a couple of days after Christmas for some R and R. Please pray for my family while I am gone, that they are safe and stress free. If you have time, say a little prayer for me and my travels.
Speaking of prayers, this Friday Betty Pack will be having surgery for breast cancer. As with Joe, we want a continual prayer to go up for her before, during, and after surgery. We have seen the power of prayer. We will have another day of prayer a few days later for Fran Mooney as she also will be having surgery for breast cancer. We want to continue doing these for serious issues that arise with our members. I would much rather this church be known as a praying people than that church who always has cool stuff going on. We want to continue to improve every aspect of what we do here - congregational prayers, corporate worship, serving others, and our overall love.
Now let me tell you about a series that will begin when I get back from Trinidad. It has a real catchy title - "Habakkuk". One of the 12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament. Three chapters - three sermons. A great series for those who sometimes struggle with their faith. It is especially helpful in those times that, well, God doesn't seem fair. Such as, the wicked prosper when someone who loves God and tries to do right loses their job, gets sick, or dies an early death. What do we do with that? This book will not only be helpful to the people of this church but also those you know who struggle in this way. Start inviting people now. It begins November 10th.
If you missed Sunday night you really missed out on something special. Bill Peoples spoke to us about the difficult subject of cancer. But it wasn't so much about what to do when you, or someone you love gets cancer, but ways to prevent it from ever happening to you. It was fascinating, to say the least. A'Lana video recorded the lecture. Bill also stayed around to answer questions many of you had following. I appreciate the elders doing something like this for the church.
Think about the people who normally sit around who were absent. Give them a call, visit, or card to make sure everything is okay. As always, let the leadership know if it is something of a serious nature. Continue to pray for our sick. Wear a smile. Be kind to people. Be Jesus to the world.
Speaking of Trinidad, I will be flying out Thursday evening. This means I will be missing "Trick or Treating" with Bella (first time ever), so make sure you give her some extra candy if she ends up at your door. She will be dressed like Priscilla Presley and our dog will be Elvis (yes, he has a costume). Back to my trip to Trinidad, it is a conference for the Caribbean that also raises money for the preaching students at the school there. I will be speaking Friday, Saturday and Sunday, as well as touring the preaching school and island on Monday. Tuesday will be my flight back to Vero Beach, USA. After this I will not be leaving Vero again until a couple of days after Christmas for some R and R. Please pray for my family while I am gone, that they are safe and stress free. If you have time, say a little prayer for me and my travels.
Speaking of prayers, this Friday Betty Pack will be having surgery for breast cancer. As with Joe, we want a continual prayer to go up for her before, during, and after surgery. We have seen the power of prayer. We will have another day of prayer a few days later for Fran Mooney as she also will be having surgery for breast cancer. We want to continue doing these for serious issues that arise with our members. I would much rather this church be known as a praying people than that church who always has cool stuff going on. We want to continue to improve every aspect of what we do here - congregational prayers, corporate worship, serving others, and our overall love.
Now let me tell you about a series that will begin when I get back from Trinidad. It has a real catchy title - "Habakkuk". One of the 12 Minor Prophets of the Old Testament. Three chapters - three sermons. A great series for those who sometimes struggle with their faith. It is especially helpful in those times that, well, God doesn't seem fair. Such as, the wicked prosper when someone who loves God and tries to do right loses their job, gets sick, or dies an early death. What do we do with that? This book will not only be helpful to the people of this church but also those you know who struggle in this way. Start inviting people now. It begins November 10th.
If you missed Sunday night you really missed out on something special. Bill Peoples spoke to us about the difficult subject of cancer. But it wasn't so much about what to do when you, or someone you love gets cancer, but ways to prevent it from ever happening to you. It was fascinating, to say the least. A'Lana video recorded the lecture. Bill also stayed around to answer questions many of you had following. I appreciate the elders doing something like this for the church.
Think about the people who normally sit around who were absent. Give them a call, visit, or card to make sure everything is okay. As always, let the leadership know if it is something of a serious nature. Continue to pray for our sick. Wear a smile. Be kind to people. Be Jesus to the world.
Monday, October 21, 2013
A Day of Celebration
Sunday was a day that seemed to be a day of celebration. So many of you gave it all you had in prayer for one of our shepherds. The Father's great answer to those prayers had all of us filled with thankful hearts. Over and over I heard things like, "Praise God"; "God is good", and many other things similar. You have to love it when the Father does something that makes everyone sit back and say, "That could only God!" It really affected our worship. I don't know about you, but after spending so much time praying for Joe on Friday, my Saturday was filled with many moments of thanking God. I guess you could call it the Divine compulsion.
Sunday night was another great experience. It was the first time I had an opportunity to go to the parenting class. Joel did an outstanding job with a very difficult subject. This congregation is fortunate to have him working with our teenagers. The class went so well, it went over by 30 minutes and then decided to add one more week.
David Paladin headed out for a much needed vacation. Pray that he will find refreshment. He continues to do a great work for this congregation.
While we are talking about the staff, A'Lana did a great job keeping the church informed before, during, and after Joe's surgery. Many commented to me Sunday how much they appreciated the updates.
It is going to be a busy week. Keep praying for so many in this church who are dealing with physical issues. Check up on those who sit around you during services and let the leadership know if there are those who need special attention.
Sunday night was another great experience. It was the first time I had an opportunity to go to the parenting class. Joel did an outstanding job with a very difficult subject. This congregation is fortunate to have him working with our teenagers. The class went so well, it went over by 30 minutes and then decided to add one more week.
David Paladin headed out for a much needed vacation. Pray that he will find refreshment. He continues to do a great work for this congregation.
While we are talking about the staff, A'Lana did a great job keeping the church informed before, during, and after Joe's surgery. Many commented to me Sunday how much they appreciated the updates.
It is going to be a busy week. Keep praying for so many in this church who are dealing with physical issues. Check up on those who sit around you during services and let the leadership know if there are those who need special attention.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Good to Be Back!
Some of you asked about my trip to Oklahoma Christian. First of all, it was great seeing my son. Even though he had classes and responsibilities with his job, we were able to spend some quality time together. One day he decided to go jogging with me. Actually, my routine is jog a little and walk a lot. But Lex decided to reverse what I normally do and almost killed me. I will say the school has an awesome trail to exercise. It was nice seeing all the trees turning into their Fall colors. I love being on a Christian campus. One morning I walked to the cafeteria to eat breakfast and had forgotten my billfold. A student, that I had never met, heard me say I was going back to the dorm to get it when she came up and paid for my breakfast. More strangers greeted me with a smile and a "hello" than I can remember. It was refreshing, to say the least. Oh, and then there were the lectures, which is the real reason I went to OCU. Dale Jenkins spoke one day, and did a great job talking about evangelism and social media. A favorite, Curt Niccum, spoke several times on the Book of Philippians. Curt helped translate the Book of Daniel from the Dead Sea Scrolls. He is brilliant and knows so much about a text. Then on Wednesday I was able to interview a student for our summer intern position. Very promising. I won't bore you with all the details, only to say it was a great trip and I appreciate the congregation allowing me to go to things like this.
Yesterday was a very memorable day. It was great to see the flock surround one of its shepherds to pray for Joe's upcoming surgery and battle with cancer. I have witnessed our elders praying weekly for the people of this church. To see each of you respond in this way was touching and no doubt gave Joe more encouragement than any of us can really comprehend. Don't stop the prayers!
Also, I thought our singing yesterday was great. We began a new series of lessons, "The Divine Compulsion", and talked about how our lives prove the will of God. This week we will be looking at an area many Christians may not think about on this subject. As I've researched the subject this past week I am really excited to get writing this morning.
One more thing. Sunday night I was able to be involved in several things going on. After sitting down and doing a brief study, I headed to "The Dock" to see all the people working to get this room ready for the children. Seeing they had plenty of help, I headed to the room where several were writing cards. I will have to say they were having a good time. I looked into the parenting class and it was packed out as well as the class on getting a job. There were other things going on, but these are a few that I was able to witness. Exciting times.
This week check in on those who sit around you and missed. If it has been a couple of weeks be sure to give them a call. Pray for our sick and those having surgery this week. And, as always, let the elders or staff know if someone needs extra attention.
Yesterday was a very memorable day. It was great to see the flock surround one of its shepherds to pray for Joe's upcoming surgery and battle with cancer. I have witnessed our elders praying weekly for the people of this church. To see each of you respond in this way was touching and no doubt gave Joe more encouragement than any of us can really comprehend. Don't stop the prayers!
Also, I thought our singing yesterday was great. We began a new series of lessons, "The Divine Compulsion", and talked about how our lives prove the will of God. This week we will be looking at an area many Christians may not think about on this subject. As I've researched the subject this past week I am really excited to get writing this morning.
One more thing. Sunday night I was able to be involved in several things going on. After sitting down and doing a brief study, I headed to "The Dock" to see all the people working to get this room ready for the children. Seeing they had plenty of help, I headed to the room where several were writing cards. I will have to say they were having a good time. I looked into the parenting class and it was packed out as well as the class on getting a job. There were other things going on, but these are a few that I was able to witness. Exciting times.
This week check in on those who sit around you and missed. If it has been a couple of weeks be sure to give them a call. Pray for our sick and those having surgery this week. And, as always, let the elders or staff know if someone needs extra attention.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Oklahoma Christian Edition
Instead of my usual Monday morning blog at Panera I have moved locations a few hundred miles to a cafeteria with a mean omelet bar, as well as every other breakfast food imaginable. The coffee is good as well. I'm on the campus of Oklahoma Christian University, home of the fighting eagles and my boy Lex. It is hard referring to him as my "boy" these days when I see how much of a man he has become. His growth has been fun to watch, especially over this last year. I'm looking forward to spending some time with him between his classes and job as a resident assistant.
If you are wondering, I'm attending the OCU lectureships this week. It was almost 10 years ago I came to this lectureship for the first time, which was also my first time on campus. I fell in love with the staff and the Christians who attended from this area and told myself then that I would bring my kids to this campus when they started looking at colleges. I remember Lex not really wanting to go because he had his mind made up between two other universities. Let's just say it was a good visit.
I flew out last night, after two delays, and landed in Oklahoma City around 11:30 eastern time. I was exhausted, to say the least, but feel very revived this morning. I'm getting ready to go to Dale Jenkins lecture in the next half hour, for those of you who remember him coming to Vero. A great line up of topics over the next couple days. Wednesday, my plan is to interview a potential summer intern for Joel, and fly back Thursday. Somewhere in between I've got to prepare my sermon for this week.
Speaking of which, this Sunday we will begin a new sermon series called "The Divine Compulsion". It is based on a workshop I will be doing next month in Trinidad. The first lesson deals with the question, "Can we prove the will of God with our lives?" Read Romans 12:2.
I would be amiss if I did not mention the sermon series we recently concluded, "Forgotten Virtues." I want to thank everyone for the kind comments about these lessons. First of all, God receives all the glory for any good that came from these sermons, and secondly, as a preacher, I appreciate the way these lessons were received by you. Big topics. Big messages. Big changes.
Well I need to get going, but I wanted to stop to communicate with my favorite congregation on earth. I love you all and Lord willing, I will see you Sunday.
If you are wondering, I'm attending the OCU lectureships this week. It was almost 10 years ago I came to this lectureship for the first time, which was also my first time on campus. I fell in love with the staff and the Christians who attended from this area and told myself then that I would bring my kids to this campus when they started looking at colleges. I remember Lex not really wanting to go because he had his mind made up between two other universities. Let's just say it was a good visit.
I flew out last night, after two delays, and landed in Oklahoma City around 11:30 eastern time. I was exhausted, to say the least, but feel very revived this morning. I'm getting ready to go to Dale Jenkins lecture in the next half hour, for those of you who remember him coming to Vero. A great line up of topics over the next couple days. Wednesday, my plan is to interview a potential summer intern for Joel, and fly back Thursday. Somewhere in between I've got to prepare my sermon for this week.
Speaking of which, this Sunday we will begin a new sermon series called "The Divine Compulsion". It is based on a workshop I will be doing next month in Trinidad. The first lesson deals with the question, "Can we prove the will of God with our lives?" Read Romans 12:2.
I would be amiss if I did not mention the sermon series we recently concluded, "Forgotten Virtues." I want to thank everyone for the kind comments about these lessons. First of all, God receives all the glory for any good that came from these sermons, and secondly, as a preacher, I appreciate the way these lessons were received by you. Big topics. Big messages. Big changes.
Well I need to get going, but I wanted to stop to communicate with my favorite congregation on earth. I love you all and Lord willing, I will see you Sunday.
Monday, September 30, 2013
A Good Day
We had another good day yesterday. One of the neatest things was meeting a visiting family. Come to find out he came because he witnessed one of our own members being, well, a Christian. This guy was at a gas station and saw Mike McGee pumping gas for one of our widows. Evidently she was having some problems getting it to work so he walked over and helped her. This other guy saw it and told him it was the coolest thing he had ever seen. Mike told him they went to church together, so they did know one another. His next question? "Where do you go to church?" To make a long story short, he brought his family Sunday morning for worship. My observation through the years is, when someone really is living out the Christian life, people want to know where those people gather. We should always find ways to invite others to attend services with us, but it sure makes it easy when the person asking is living an authentic life.
This is a great lead into our current sermon series. Yesterday we tackled integrity. This big topic has a lot to do with what we were just talking about. Living the Christian life and not just talking about it. I appreciate all the nice comments about this series and my hope is we give God the credit for anything good that may come as a result. We have one more week in this study and we will end with a bang - the forgotten virtue of gratitude.
So what will we study next? I will begin a three part series called "The Divine Compulsion", in which we will look at such topics as "The Perfect Will of God" (Rom. 12:2); "The Heart of the Christian" (II Cor. 8:11); and "Living in Sync with the Will and Power of God" (Amos 3:8). I'm really excited about researching this series this week. These are the topics assigned to me for a conference I will be doing in Trinidad in November. The lessons assigned to me are challenging and to be honest, I love it.
Sunday night was another great time of service. Our numbers were lower than the past couple of weeks but the people who came were in good spirits. I was able to be a part of the intercessory prayer group for the first time. It was great to hear all those names rising up to the throne of God. In case you're wondering, the men and women meet in two different rooms in the upstairs Lynn Center. After this was over I stuck my head into the Teachers Supply Room where all kinds of cleaning out and re-organizing is going on. They instantly put me to work. Which I don't mind when the people you work with have such great attitudes. It was just a good day.
Keep looking for those who usually sit around you that may have been absent yesterday. Give them a call to make sure things are alright. It may be others you know have been sick and are in need of a card, visit, or phone call. Let the leaders know of anyone that may need extra attention.
This is a great lead into our current sermon series. Yesterday we tackled integrity. This big topic has a lot to do with what we were just talking about. Living the Christian life and not just talking about it. I appreciate all the nice comments about this series and my hope is we give God the credit for anything good that may come as a result. We have one more week in this study and we will end with a bang - the forgotten virtue of gratitude.
So what will we study next? I will begin a three part series called "The Divine Compulsion", in which we will look at such topics as "The Perfect Will of God" (Rom. 12:2); "The Heart of the Christian" (II Cor. 8:11); and "Living in Sync with the Will and Power of God" (Amos 3:8). I'm really excited about researching this series this week. These are the topics assigned to me for a conference I will be doing in Trinidad in November. The lessons assigned to me are challenging and to be honest, I love it.
Sunday night was another great time of service. Our numbers were lower than the past couple of weeks but the people who came were in good spirits. I was able to be a part of the intercessory prayer group for the first time. It was great to hear all those names rising up to the throne of God. In case you're wondering, the men and women meet in two different rooms in the upstairs Lynn Center. After this was over I stuck my head into the Teachers Supply Room where all kinds of cleaning out and re-organizing is going on. They instantly put me to work. Which I don't mind when the people you work with have such great attitudes. It was just a good day.
Keep looking for those who usually sit around you that may have been absent yesterday. Give them a call to make sure things are alright. It may be others you know have been sick and are in need of a card, visit, or phone call. Let the leaders know of anyone that may need extra attention.
Monday, September 23, 2013
A Great Day of Visitors
Sunday morning we had several visitors in our worship services. I'm not even sure if I was able to meet all of them, but I seriously tried. Of course, it's always nice to know many of you make sure everyone gets greeted, whether I miss them or not. Continue to roll out the red carpet to our visitors. Take someone to lunch with you, make a contact, introduce them to others, or anything you would like done for you if you were looking for a church family.
Our "Forgotten Virtues" series continued with a lesson on loyalty. One of those virtues that is easier to see in others than ourselves. Go out today with a new attitude, if needed, and be that loyal person of God. Don't just proclaim loyalty but prove it in every area of your life - friendships, family, spouse, the church, and the Almighty God. Next week we will be looking into the virtue of integrity. BIG topic. I'm really excited about beginning this study this morning.
Sunday night continued with a lot of great areas of service. The Lynn Center and HeBrews Coffee Shop was filled with people involved in all types of works. Several of the youth headed out to mow grass at homes who needed the assistance. "The Dock" classroom had a host of helpers, young and old, getting that room ready for our children's ministry. The teacher's supply room is getting a much needed, and major cleaning out. Many helped with the little kids so the parents could be involved. Visits were made, cards were written, and prayers ascended. I would say that is a pretty good Sunday night. Be patient with the leadership as we try to work out all the kinks. As with any program, in its early stages, it takes time to turn it into a well oiled machine, if you will. The important thing is to focus on the positives and there were many! If you have any ideas to help make this night of service better please let the leadership know as we talk about this program each week in our meetings.
Joe Wild is in Houston and had his scan, blood work and x-rays yesterday. Glenda reported that everything went well. Today he will meet with the oncologist. I will put reports on my Twitter (@TracyMoore1971) and Facebook pages throughout the week if you would like to stay up with what is happening. The main thing we can do is to pray. Pray that this cancer is gone. Pray for inner peace for Joe, Glenda and the family. Pray for the doctors and nurses caring for him. Some of you can think of many other things to pray about as well, but the important thing to do is go to the All-Powerful Creator of this human body and Savior of the soul.
Add to that anyone you know who is struggling right now, whether physically or spiritually. Reach out to those around you and extend the love of Christ. Who was missing yesterday that normally sits around you? Who do you work with that you know is struggling? Be an ambassador for the Messiah in your life today.
Our "Forgotten Virtues" series continued with a lesson on loyalty. One of those virtues that is easier to see in others than ourselves. Go out today with a new attitude, if needed, and be that loyal person of God. Don't just proclaim loyalty but prove it in every area of your life - friendships, family, spouse, the church, and the Almighty God. Next week we will be looking into the virtue of integrity. BIG topic. I'm really excited about beginning this study this morning.
Sunday night continued with a lot of great areas of service. The Lynn Center and HeBrews Coffee Shop was filled with people involved in all types of works. Several of the youth headed out to mow grass at homes who needed the assistance. "The Dock" classroom had a host of helpers, young and old, getting that room ready for our children's ministry. The teacher's supply room is getting a much needed, and major cleaning out. Many helped with the little kids so the parents could be involved. Visits were made, cards were written, and prayers ascended. I would say that is a pretty good Sunday night. Be patient with the leadership as we try to work out all the kinks. As with any program, in its early stages, it takes time to turn it into a well oiled machine, if you will. The important thing is to focus on the positives and there were many! If you have any ideas to help make this night of service better please let the leadership know as we talk about this program each week in our meetings.
Joe Wild is in Houston and had his scan, blood work and x-rays yesterday. Glenda reported that everything went well. Today he will meet with the oncologist. I will put reports on my Twitter (@TracyMoore1971) and Facebook pages throughout the week if you would like to stay up with what is happening. The main thing we can do is to pray. Pray that this cancer is gone. Pray for inner peace for Joe, Glenda and the family. Pray for the doctors and nurses caring for him. Some of you can think of many other things to pray about as well, but the important thing to do is go to the All-Powerful Creator of this human body and Savior of the soul.
Add to that anyone you know who is struggling right now, whether physically or spiritually. Reach out to those around you and extend the love of Christ. Who was missing yesterday that normally sits around you? Who do you work with that you know is struggling? Be an ambassador for the Messiah in your life today.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Great Weekend
Friday afternoon I walked in the door and out pops my oldest son, Lex. Yes, the one who is in college at Oklahoma Christian. He surprised Missy for her birthday, as well as the rest of us. I won't bore you with all the details, but it was special for all of us. He flew back yesterday morning. Great way to begin my weekend.
Sunday was another special day. We continued our series on "Forgotten Virtues", with the touchy subject of sexual purity. Unfortunately, I had "forgotten" something else - time. Not to make an excuse, but when you deal with a sensitive subject like this you (I) tend to try to make sure I don't leave anything out so there are no misunderstandings. You want to show the sin and at the same time offer grace. I appreciate everyone's patience and kind remarks afterwards. As any lesson I deliver, any good that comes from it is to the glory of God. This Sunday we will take the forgotten virtue of loyalty.
Sunday night was exciting to watch. We had people all over the place working, writing cards, making visits, painting, etc. Joe Wild's class on parenting was packed once again. For the second week in a row a Sunday morning visitor came back for the Vero Beach Church 101 class, which has taken more in the form of a one on one discussion. Things are getting better and better all the time.
One sad note from the weekend, Paul Hoskins passed away Saturday afternoon. Even though this was an answer to prayer, as he had been struggling for a while, our love and sympathy is extended to Jean, Steve, the grandchildren, as well as everyone who knew and loved this man.
Continue to remember those who sit near you. Is someone missing? Give them a call, send them a card, or let the leaders know if you know someone needs special care.
Sunday was another special day. We continued our series on "Forgotten Virtues", with the touchy subject of sexual purity. Unfortunately, I had "forgotten" something else - time. Not to make an excuse, but when you deal with a sensitive subject like this you (I) tend to try to make sure I don't leave anything out so there are no misunderstandings. You want to show the sin and at the same time offer grace. I appreciate everyone's patience and kind remarks afterwards. As any lesson I deliver, any good that comes from it is to the glory of God. This Sunday we will take the forgotten virtue of loyalty.
Sunday night was exciting to watch. We had people all over the place working, writing cards, making visits, painting, etc. Joe Wild's class on parenting was packed once again. For the second week in a row a Sunday morning visitor came back for the Vero Beach Church 101 class, which has taken more in the form of a one on one discussion. Things are getting better and better all the time.
One sad note from the weekend, Paul Hoskins passed away Saturday afternoon. Even though this was an answer to prayer, as he had been struggling for a while, our love and sympathy is extended to Jean, Steve, the grandchildren, as well as everyone who knew and loved this man.
Continue to remember those who sit near you. Is someone missing? Give them a call, send them a card, or let the leaders know if you know someone needs special care.
Monday, September 9, 2013
I Love This Church!
It is days like yesterday that make me love this church even more. Yesterday was one of those toe-stompin' sermons. Usually my toes are sore by the time I get ready to deliver a lesson like that, but it was the responses that provided the stronger sermon. We had two come forward who had been touched by the message. It didn't stop there as I heard one story after another of people apologizing to someone else, tears shed, and many who personally told me they needed that lesson. God is good. That is the only acceptable response. This morning I will begin my study on the second Forgotten Virtue - purity. Keep praying for this series.
Coffee Connection started back after a summer break. You never know what to expect each week, but we had more than expected. One visitor opened up about her life, which we do not push, and is seeking God's direction. Lots of tears, encouraging words from others, and new friendships developed. She was back with us Sunday night finding a place to get involved.
Speaking of Sunday nights, anytime you make changes and there are more than a couple of options there will be confusion. For the most part it seemed to go extremely well. The parenting class was full, people were busy everywhere I went, and much good was done. Thanks to all who came out and especially those who have been putting this thing together. Keep reading your bulletin, checking the website, and keeping a copy of the sheet printed with all the Bible classes, subjects, locations, and Sunday night events.
It's just great to wake up on Monday morning looking forward to going to work. Most people dread it, including some preachers I know, but I love this church. I love it because of the tenderness in your hearts for God's Word. I love it for the care you have for each other and my family. So many more reasons, but those came through the strongest Sunday.
Coffee Connection started back after a summer break. You never know what to expect each week, but we had more than expected. One visitor opened up about her life, which we do not push, and is seeking God's direction. Lots of tears, encouraging words from others, and new friendships developed. She was back with us Sunday night finding a place to get involved.
Speaking of Sunday nights, anytime you make changes and there are more than a couple of options there will be confusion. For the most part it seemed to go extremely well. The parenting class was full, people were busy everywhere I went, and much good was done. Thanks to all who came out and especially those who have been putting this thing together. Keep reading your bulletin, checking the website, and keeping a copy of the sheet printed with all the Bible classes, subjects, locations, and Sunday night events.
It's just great to wake up on Monday morning looking forward to going to work. Most people dread it, including some preachers I know, but I love this church. I love it because of the tenderness in your hearts for God's Word. I love it for the care you have for each other and my family. So many more reasons, but those came through the strongest Sunday.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
The office staff is off today for Labor Day, so you will not get the Monday Morning Report until Tuesday. But after the last couple of months and weeks I am seeking a bit of normalcy. This is one of the reasons I am working this Labor Day. It isn't to prove a point or make others who took off this holiday feel guilty, it is what I need right now in ministry. Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed my travels to Antiqua, Polishing the Pulpit, and especially a week off for vacation, but there is something about getting back into your routine that is comforting. The Monday blog at Panera is one of my favorite ways to start my week. It's pretty quiet with some classical music in the background. Plus, I love sitting in a booth with a cup of coffee. This is where my week begins. Usually there is a stack of papers and Bible verses that will be highlighted, thought over, and eventually prayed about. It is the weekly sermon preparation. It is in this environment I begin to plan out my week, prioritize my time, and try to make sure something important doesn't slip through the cracks. Most people hate Mondays, but for me I love them. Okay, I have bored you enough.
Yesterday was unique. We had several who were gone with Joel to Sonquest, leaving a big void in the auditorium and no doubt the overall spirit of the church. It was great to have them back Sunday night and for Joel (and Halla) to give an encouraging report on the work they did with disaster relief in Oklahoma. This month they have fulfilled our theme: Love God, Love God's Family, Love to Serve.
Along those lines, I have had several tell me about David Paladin and the children's ministry Wednesday night. Having a child in the program I have been impressed with the knowledge of the Bible these kids have been getting. Being in ministry over 20 years, working for several congregations in that time, I have never seen a children's ministry with this type of impact or knowledge. Not to cut down what others are doing, but we are blessed at this church. Think about these kids as they enter our youth program and eventually youth adults.
It is all about the process. We have good people in place from our children to adults. We have a young adults program that is now on its way up. The leadership is working on ways to help people find their place to serve. These are just a few ways we are seeing the progress of this church in a process to fulfill the Biblical theme of love. Things are getting better and better all time.
Speaking of the process - we have some things in place to help bring visitors to a mature relationship with God. This Sunday it begins as we bring back Coffee Connection during our Bible class hour and offer a Vero Beach Church 101 class on Sunday nights. You are a part of the process. Invite others, whether during the week or people you meet at our services, to attend these classes. Feel free to come with them, if you believe that would help. Either way, we want to help others learn about our Savior.
Finally, I just want to say I have enjoyed teaching the "In the Beginning" class this Summer. To be honest, we could have spent an entire year on the subject. This last week was special as we tackled the flood. To be honest, I almost drowned trying to prepare for these lessons, especially having to speak several times last week in Tennessee. I almost scrapped the Sunday morning sermon for one of the lessons I did at Polishing the Pulpit on Saturday night. But I decided to go through with it and the Lord once again proved to me who brings the power to my lessons - Him! Even I was amazed with what I was able to remember when I got up to preach. But most importantly was the kind comments. I was very dissatisfied with it Saturday night, but the Lord made sure it had the ability to connect. You may still feel like it needed more work, but believe me, it could (should) have been much worse. Anything good that came from Sunday's sermon came from God, I assure you.
I am so ready to start this new series this Sunday on "Forgotten Virtues." You will not want to miss a single lesson.
Don't forget to check on the people who were missing this week. If you know of someone who needs special attention let the church office or the elders know.
Yesterday was unique. We had several who were gone with Joel to Sonquest, leaving a big void in the auditorium and no doubt the overall spirit of the church. It was great to have them back Sunday night and for Joel (and Halla) to give an encouraging report on the work they did with disaster relief in Oklahoma. This month they have fulfilled our theme: Love God, Love God's Family, Love to Serve.
Along those lines, I have had several tell me about David Paladin and the children's ministry Wednesday night. Having a child in the program I have been impressed with the knowledge of the Bible these kids have been getting. Being in ministry over 20 years, working for several congregations in that time, I have never seen a children's ministry with this type of impact or knowledge. Not to cut down what others are doing, but we are blessed at this church. Think about these kids as they enter our youth program and eventually youth adults.
It is all about the process. We have good people in place from our children to adults. We have a young adults program that is now on its way up. The leadership is working on ways to help people find their place to serve. These are just a few ways we are seeing the progress of this church in a process to fulfill the Biblical theme of love. Things are getting better and better all time.
Speaking of the process - we have some things in place to help bring visitors to a mature relationship with God. This Sunday it begins as we bring back Coffee Connection during our Bible class hour and offer a Vero Beach Church 101 class on Sunday nights. You are a part of the process. Invite others, whether during the week or people you meet at our services, to attend these classes. Feel free to come with them, if you believe that would help. Either way, we want to help others learn about our Savior.
Finally, I just want to say I have enjoyed teaching the "In the Beginning" class this Summer. To be honest, we could have spent an entire year on the subject. This last week was special as we tackled the flood. To be honest, I almost drowned trying to prepare for these lessons, especially having to speak several times last week in Tennessee. I almost scrapped the Sunday morning sermon for one of the lessons I did at Polishing the Pulpit on Saturday night. But I decided to go through with it and the Lord once again proved to me who brings the power to my lessons - Him! Even I was amazed with what I was able to remember when I got up to preach. But most importantly was the kind comments. I was very dissatisfied with it Saturday night, but the Lord made sure it had the ability to connect. You may still feel like it needed more work, but believe me, it could (should) have been much worse. Anything good that came from Sunday's sermon came from God, I assure you.
I am so ready to start this new series this Sunday on "Forgotten Virtues." You will not want to miss a single lesson.
Don't forget to check on the people who were missing this week. If you know of someone who needs special attention let the church office or the elders know.
Monday, August 26, 2013
The Tennessee Monday Report
Greetings from the Great Smoky Mountains. It is currently 65 degrees (although it will warm up to 85). If you do not know already, I am speaking this week in a conference in Sevierville, Tennessee (hometown of Amanda Kross). I have been fortunate to be asked to speak on personalities over the last four years. Each year I have seen this conference (Polishing the Pulpit) grow. This year they surpassed 3,000. It is made up of preachers, elders, deacons, and church members who enjoy the wide range of topics, multiple classes and, of course, the beautiful area. They have classes throughout the day for children of all ages, teenagers, and ladies. Personally, I enjoy the singing each night when over 3,000 voices are raising the rafters. It also gives me some personal time to reflect on the work at Vero, to meet new people, and sit in the "pews" to be fed.
Saturday night was my first class: using personality to match deacons to their works. This afternoon, I teach a second class on "Understanding Myself" which is a basic lesson on the temperaments and how they apply to Scripture. Tomorrow, I will be teaching teenagers about using their God given personality to serve the church. Wednesday, I speak that morning to teens on overcoming temperament weaknesses and then that night to adults on marriage and personality. Then I get up Thursday morning and make the 11 hour drive back to Vero, Lord willing.
This Sunday my plans are to preach on an ending to our Summer class (In the Beginning...). I got started on it last night and I'm pretty excited. Then the next week, September 8th, we will begin a 5 week sermons series on "Forgotten Virtues." Also, on the 8th, we will be starting back the "Coffee Connection." Start praying about this now as it can be a powerful avenue to reach our visitors. Also that night, I will begin the "Vero Beach 101" class for visitors and new members. It is a great way for others to understand what we are about, what we believe, and what the Lord expects of us. If you know of anyone who has ever said, "What do I have to do to be a member?" or "What do you guys believe in?"... invite them to come.
These are just a few of the many new classes, opportunities of service, and activities that begin on September 8th. Look to your bulletin, the website, and announcement boards to stay up to date. This should be a great year.
Saturday night was my first class: using personality to match deacons to their works. This afternoon, I teach a second class on "Understanding Myself" which is a basic lesson on the temperaments and how they apply to Scripture. Tomorrow, I will be teaching teenagers about using their God given personality to serve the church. Wednesday, I speak that morning to teens on overcoming temperament weaknesses and then that night to adults on marriage and personality. Then I get up Thursday morning and make the 11 hour drive back to Vero, Lord willing.
This Sunday my plans are to preach on an ending to our Summer class (In the Beginning...). I got started on it last night and I'm pretty excited. Then the next week, September 8th, we will begin a 5 week sermons series on "Forgotten Virtues." Also, on the 8th, we will be starting back the "Coffee Connection." Start praying about this now as it can be a powerful avenue to reach our visitors. Also that night, I will begin the "Vero Beach 101" class for visitors and new members. It is a great way for others to understand what we are about, what we believe, and what the Lord expects of us. If you know of anyone who has ever said, "What do I have to do to be a member?" or "What do you guys believe in?"... invite them to come.
These are just a few of the many new classes, opportunities of service, and activities that begin on September 8th. Look to your bulletin, the website, and announcement boards to stay up to date. This should be a great year.
Monday, August 19, 2013
A Great Day
Sunday was a great day. One of the highlights for me was the Darrel family visiting with us. This is the couple who lost their 9 year old son, Jordan, to drowning a few weeks ago. Being that the funeral was in our building, I know their minds were flooded with the memories of that day. When Bill started leading the song "I Am Mine No More", tears began to flow from this struggling father's eyes. That afternoon he and I were texting each other and he told me something that is even further proof God is in control of the outcome of my sermons. He said, "Good lesson today and yes, I thought about him through most of it. The grief can be overwhelming at times. If anything ever epitomized doing the hard things, this is it for sure." The sermon was focused on doing the hard things in your service to God, but my belief is God's Spirit took that lesson and spoke to this father on an even deeper level. Please pray for Ray and Kara Darrel. Pray for strength, the love and grace of God, and that they may find His family at this church. Pray for me that I may be able to find the words to make a difference in their lives and lead them to the Chief Shepherd.
I would like to thank all of you who came around and greeted our visitors Sunday. Most of you had no idea who the Darrel family was when they came through our doors. We usually have no idea what brings visitors to our worship service. It's easy to assume they came because of a friend or they are vacationing in the area, but I find that many people in the community come because of a need, a hurt, or a longing for something greater. Keep that in mind each week when you see new faces. Your friendly face may be the very thing that helps them through another day. Most importantly help them find the Prince of Peace so they can encounter the Spirit of Peace.
It was also encouraging to me to hear the many kind words about the Bible class. There is something that fascinates us about fallen angels intermarrying human women and having giant children (my opinion) that keeps us on the edge of our seats! It was a longer study for me than normal but also enjoyable. I am planning to write out both views and corresponding Scriptures from the study. I had a few people ask me about notes and verses after the class and some requests on Facebook in other places (I had posted the topic that morning). So if you are interested let me know and I will make sure you get a copy. Because of the length of the research I wasn't really able to put it down in written form. I was working from scribbled notes, highlighted research, and memory to present it in class. I'm not exactly sure when I can have it out, as this will be a very busy week trying to get ready to speak multiple times at a conference all next week on personalities. But I will get it out ASAP.
Speaking of personalities, I want to thank many of you for your comments about the sermon. The idea of serving isn't the most popular subject, but one we are called to fulfill. We can get comfortable in our "going to service" rather than serving. Sunday night, the elders will be discussing upcoming opportunities to live out a life of service. Be here. I am very excited about the things coming up.
Do not wait for Sunday night to find ways to serve in the name of Christ. Check up on our sick, shut-ins, or anyone in the church who may be hurting. Do good for the people you meet this week. Think outside of yourself.
I would like to thank all of you who came around and greeted our visitors Sunday. Most of you had no idea who the Darrel family was when they came through our doors. We usually have no idea what brings visitors to our worship service. It's easy to assume they came because of a friend or they are vacationing in the area, but I find that many people in the community come because of a need, a hurt, or a longing for something greater. Keep that in mind each week when you see new faces. Your friendly face may be the very thing that helps them through another day. Most importantly help them find the Prince of Peace so they can encounter the Spirit of Peace.
It was also encouraging to me to hear the many kind words about the Bible class. There is something that fascinates us about fallen angels intermarrying human women and having giant children (my opinion) that keeps us on the edge of our seats! It was a longer study for me than normal but also enjoyable. I am planning to write out both views and corresponding Scriptures from the study. I had a few people ask me about notes and verses after the class and some requests on Facebook in other places (I had posted the topic that morning). So if you are interested let me know and I will make sure you get a copy. Because of the length of the research I wasn't really able to put it down in written form. I was working from scribbled notes, highlighted research, and memory to present it in class. I'm not exactly sure when I can have it out, as this will be a very busy week trying to get ready to speak multiple times at a conference all next week on personalities. But I will get it out ASAP.
Speaking of personalities, I want to thank many of you for your comments about the sermon. The idea of serving isn't the most popular subject, but one we are called to fulfill. We can get comfortable in our "going to service" rather than serving. Sunday night, the elders will be discussing upcoming opportunities to live out a life of service. Be here. I am very excited about the things coming up.
Do not wait for Sunday night to find ways to serve in the name of Christ. Check up on our sick, shut-ins, or anyone in the church who may be hurting. Do good for the people you meet this week. Think outside of yourself.
Monday, August 12, 2013
Coming Home
The Moore summer vacation is in the books. We packed up this morning and headed for Vero. As I write this I am getting in one last cup of coffee while overlooking Manatee Bay. A beautiful view, but I'm ready to get back to work. I feel refreshed and those creative juices have begun to flow again.
If you are wondering what we did this week it consisted mostly of fishing and snorkeling. In fact, the water is so clear here we were able to dive to find the fish we were looking for. We ended the week with a fishing charter. Once we threw the first hook in the water I couldn't remember a time someone wasn't hooked up with a fish. Not all were keepers, but lots of fun. We had some nice baked Spanish mackerel and grilled redfish for our "last supper." Great way to end our trip.
We did see some beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Being on an island, the sun came up on the bay behind the house and the sun set on the beach, which was a 3 1/2 block walk from our rental.
Now back to business. This Sunday will be a lesson on using the talents you have been given to serve the Lord. This isn't about "just get busy" type of sermon, but using our God-given gifts. I'm really excited about this study.
Enough for now. I've got to get started on this lesson and prepare for an elders meeting tonight. I am looking forward to seeing everyone Wednesday night.
If you are wondering what we did this week it consisted mostly of fishing and snorkeling. In fact, the water is so clear here we were able to dive to find the fish we were looking for. We ended the week with a fishing charter. Once we threw the first hook in the water I couldn't remember a time someone wasn't hooked up with a fish. Not all were keepers, but lots of fun. We had some nice baked Spanish mackerel and grilled redfish for our "last supper." Great way to end our trip.
We did see some beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Being on an island, the sun came up on the bay behind the house and the sun set on the beach, which was a 3 1/2 block walk from our rental.
Now back to business. This Sunday will be a lesson on using the talents you have been given to serve the Lord. This isn't about "just get busy" type of sermon, but using our God-given gifts. I'm really excited about this study.
Enough for now. I've got to get started on this lesson and prepare for an elders meeting tonight. I am looking forward to seeing everyone Wednesday night.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Signing Off
I am going off the grid, so to speak, this week. It is a time of renewal and refreshing for myself and the family. That being said my phone will be off. David and Joel will be back from Oklahoma tomorrow night if you were needing to get in touch with a minister. Also, our elders are always willing to help out with any spiritual needs you may be having.
That being said, almost every rod and reel in the garage has been packed, along with my favorite fishing magazines, and coffee. Everything is loaded and ready to go.
Despite being down in numbers, I felt we had a great day of worship. The singing was great, we completed another sermon series, and we enjoyed another group of visitors. I can only speak for the upstairs Sunday night service, but we had some powerful discussions on prayer. Things are getting better and better all the time.
August is officially in full swing as it leads up to many new things coming in September, which is when our year officially begins. The elders will be presenting the plans in a few weeks. I can tell you about a sermon series that will begin September 8 - Forgotten Virtues. It is a 5 week journey to restore forgotten virtues in our world - honor, purity, loyalty, integrity, and gratitude.
Speaking of sermons, the Sunday I return from vacation I will be preaching a lesson on finding your place to serve. It will focus on being the most effective in our work for Christ. We will be dealing with your personality and the best fit for you. Love to Serve will be a major emphasis over this coming year, not so much in words but in deeds.
Well, I have already taken enough of your time, as well as my own. Have a great week!
That being said, almost every rod and reel in the garage has been packed, along with my favorite fishing magazines, and coffee. Everything is loaded and ready to go.
Despite being down in numbers, I felt we had a great day of worship. The singing was great, we completed another sermon series, and we enjoyed another group of visitors. I can only speak for the upstairs Sunday night service, but we had some powerful discussions on prayer. Things are getting better and better all the time.
August is officially in full swing as it leads up to many new things coming in September, which is when our year officially begins. The elders will be presenting the plans in a few weeks. I can tell you about a sermon series that will begin September 8 - Forgotten Virtues. It is a 5 week journey to restore forgotten virtues in our world - honor, purity, loyalty, integrity, and gratitude.
Speaking of sermons, the Sunday I return from vacation I will be preaching a lesson on finding your place to serve. It will focus on being the most effective in our work for Christ. We will be dealing with your personality and the best fit for you. Love to Serve will be a major emphasis over this coming year, not so much in words but in deeds.
Well, I have already taken enough of your time, as well as my own. Have a great week!
Monday, July 29, 2013
Long and Productive Weekend
It has been a busy week around the church building. Early in the week we learned of a 9 year old child, who attended the same school as some of our kids, who had been in a bad accident while he and his family were on vacation. Jordan Darrell died not too long after. We were approached by the school to hold the funeral. Anytime there is a death of a child or teenager you know there will be a big crowd but you really cannot estimate the number of people coming. So we knew we needed to over prepare. A'Lana did a great job working with the school, our staff, and getting volunteers from this congregation. Most of you did not know this family but you came out to find a place to help. Words cannot express how proud I am of this congregation. People in the community and from the school made several comments about this church. I believe God is going to do good things.
Sunday night was another outreach opportunity for this church. We had some good visitors and everyone seemed to enjoy the movie. It really was a powerful film. John McGlenn did a good job afterwards sharing his story and the support that was needed through a Celebrate Recovery. I talked with one man afterwards who wanted to get back in a church. We all know people who have hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Let them know about what is being offered on Monday nights. We appreciate everyone who came out or helped with this special night.
Sunday morning was also a positive day filled with visitors. We had at least two families return from the following week. I am hoping to begin a new Bible study this week. This church is blessed with many Christians who go out of their way to meet our guests. You have no idea how much it does for someone looking for a church home.
One more thing, don't forget to pray for the group we have on their way to Oklahoma today to help with the tornado clean-up. Being on the last disaster relief effort, I can tell you it will be a blessing, not just to those they will be helping, but also to the team we have going. Personally, I wish I could be with them. The other two ministers are leading the way.
One thing comes to mind: Love to Serve. Everything that happened last week and this week is about serving in the name of Christ. This shows a maturity of this church in the love process: Love God, Love God's Family, Love to Serve. Look for other ways you can serve others in the name of our Lord this week.
By the way, the church office is closed today due to the long hours put in this past week. A'lana especially deserves this time off as she did her regular duties, helped with the Celebrate Recovery movie, the funeral, and MANY complications with our internet, printers, and just about anything else that could go wrong in an office. She has not had a day off, or worked normal hours all week.
Sunday night was another outreach opportunity for this church. We had some good visitors and everyone seemed to enjoy the movie. It really was a powerful film. John McGlenn did a good job afterwards sharing his story and the support that was needed through a Celebrate Recovery. I talked with one man afterwards who wanted to get back in a church. We all know people who have hurts, hang-ups, and habits. Let them know about what is being offered on Monday nights. We appreciate everyone who came out or helped with this special night.
Sunday morning was also a positive day filled with visitors. We had at least two families return from the following week. I am hoping to begin a new Bible study this week. This church is blessed with many Christians who go out of their way to meet our guests. You have no idea how much it does for someone looking for a church home.
One more thing, don't forget to pray for the group we have on their way to Oklahoma today to help with the tornado clean-up. Being on the last disaster relief effort, I can tell you it will be a blessing, not just to those they will be helping, but also to the team we have going. Personally, I wish I could be with them. The other two ministers are leading the way.
One thing comes to mind: Love to Serve. Everything that happened last week and this week is about serving in the name of Christ. This shows a maturity of this church in the love process: Love God, Love God's Family, Love to Serve. Look for other ways you can serve others in the name of our Lord this week.
By the way, the church office is closed today due to the long hours put in this past week. A'lana especially deserves this time off as she did her regular duties, helped with the Celebrate Recovery movie, the funeral, and MANY complications with our internet, printers, and just about anything else that could go wrong in an office. She has not had a day off, or worked normal hours all week.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Monday Morning Report
It is good to be back blogging at Panera this morning. The trip to Antigua was very productive and much needed. If you want a more detailed account of things you can go to my Wednesday blog
Back to America. Yesterday I met several visitors. Some were in town on vacation or visiting family, but there was a great number from our community looking for a church home. Hopefully many of you were able to meet some of them.
We kicked off our new sermon series, "Great Jailbreaks" this week with a lesson on authority. This Sunday we will continue with another escape and corresponding lesson. What will we learn? Prayer.
Also, this Sunday night will be an outreach event and movie. The elders shared a trailer for the movie, "Home Run." If you were unable to be here you can go to and see a preview. Most of you know about our "Celebrate Recovery" program. It is designed to help the people of this church and in our community with hurts, hang-ups, and habits. It is not an "AA" program but much broader and Christ-centered. This movie shows one of the ways this program helps others. If you do know someone who is needing this kind of help, try to get them to attend.
But don't think this movie is only for those who need "Celebrate Recovery." This week I read, in an Alabama newspaper, about a church of Christ preacher who was fired after being arrested on heroin charges. We went to college together and were in the same social club. To be honest I lost all contact after I graduated and had not seen him until this past year at a conference I was speaking. We exchanged pleasantries but nothing more. I went on his Facebook page when I discovered he had been arrested, trying to make sense of the whole thing. In 2010 he lost his 10 year old son in a car accident and almost lost his daughter. Since that time, he and his wife apparently divorced. I don't know all the details, but just a quick glance I would say he was trying to deal with his pain in the wrong way. Maybe as a preacher, he felt like he had to appear strong and didn't have a place to deal with his struggles. I don't know. But I do know "Celebrate Recovery" is a place he could have turned to through the whole ordeal. Losing a child goes under "hurts" and drug addiction comes under "habits." Who knows, maybe if he and his wife would have had something like this they would still be married and he wouldn't have turned to drugs. Only God knows. Either way, my plea is for the people in this church to use this resource. Everything is confidential and those who run the program are compassionate and understanding. Don't wait until you read someone's name in the paper before you invite them to something like this. This movie is a first step.
Enough for today. Keep praying for our sick and shut-ins. Check on those you haven't seen in a while and let the leadership know if there is a need. Have a great week.
Back to America. Yesterday I met several visitors. Some were in town on vacation or visiting family, but there was a great number from our community looking for a church home. Hopefully many of you were able to meet some of them.
We kicked off our new sermon series, "Great Jailbreaks" this week with a lesson on authority. This Sunday we will continue with another escape and corresponding lesson. What will we learn? Prayer.
Also, this Sunday night will be an outreach event and movie. The elders shared a trailer for the movie, "Home Run." If you were unable to be here you can go to and see a preview. Most of you know about our "Celebrate Recovery" program. It is designed to help the people of this church and in our community with hurts, hang-ups, and habits. It is not an "AA" program but much broader and Christ-centered. This movie shows one of the ways this program helps others. If you do know someone who is needing this kind of help, try to get them to attend.
But don't think this movie is only for those who need "Celebrate Recovery." This week I read, in an Alabama newspaper, about a church of Christ preacher who was fired after being arrested on heroin charges. We went to college together and were in the same social club. To be honest I lost all contact after I graduated and had not seen him until this past year at a conference I was speaking. We exchanged pleasantries but nothing more. I went on his Facebook page when I discovered he had been arrested, trying to make sense of the whole thing. In 2010 he lost his 10 year old son in a car accident and almost lost his daughter. Since that time, he and his wife apparently divorced. I don't know all the details, but just a quick glance I would say he was trying to deal with his pain in the wrong way. Maybe as a preacher, he felt like he had to appear strong and didn't have a place to deal with his struggles. I don't know. But I do know "Celebrate Recovery" is a place he could have turned to through the whole ordeal. Losing a child goes under "hurts" and drug addiction comes under "habits." Who knows, maybe if he and his wife would have had something like this they would still be married and he wouldn't have turned to drugs. Only God knows. Either way, my plea is for the people in this church to use this resource. Everything is confidential and those who run the program are compassionate and understanding. Don't wait until you read someone's name in the paper before you invite them to something like this. This movie is a first step.
Enough for today. Keep praying for our sick and shut-ins. Check on those you haven't seen in a while and let the leadership know if there is a need. Have a great week.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Great Week
It has been a great week. We couldn't have asked for a better Wednesday night. Not only did the rain hold off but the temperatures were comfortable with a nice breeze. I cannot think of a July 4th week when I didn't sweat profusely just by stepping outside. The crowds were bigger than anticipated, we had some great guests, good food, and uplifting worship. I cannot thank those who helped out enough.
Sunday was also another great day. We seem to be getting more and more visitors every week. Add to that most of them are young adults. It is encouraging, to say the least. So much is happening with this group right now. Praise God for the increase!
Our adult class, "In the Beginning...", is going smoothly. Many kind comments have come may way about this study. It has nothing to do with the teacher but the powerful Creator, as He never ceases to amaze us. This week will be a more detailed account of the creation of man along with this special garden (home) for the first family to live. There is so much in these verses.
Looking ahead it is going to be a busy, yet interesting week. Bob Brackett and I will be flying to Antiqua Saturday so I can speak at their annual lectureship on Sunday. It will be my first trip to our mission point and we ask for prayers in our travels as well as any good we can do for the brethren. We are leaving you in good hands as Jerry Cutshall will continue our Genesis study and Joel Soumar will deliver the sermon. Bob and I will be coming back to America on Tuesday.
Let us continue to remember those around us who were unable to be here Sunday. Make a phone call to find out if everything is alright. If there is a special need please let the church office or an elder know.
Also, don't forget that "Celebrate Recovery" is tonight. If you or someone you know is struggling with anything, not just addictions, encourage them to come. There are two sessions each week at 7:00 and 8:00 PM.
Sunday was also another great day. We seem to be getting more and more visitors every week. Add to that most of them are young adults. It is encouraging, to say the least. So much is happening with this group right now. Praise God for the increase!
Our adult class, "In the Beginning...", is going smoothly. Many kind comments have come may way about this study. It has nothing to do with the teacher but the powerful Creator, as He never ceases to amaze us. This week will be a more detailed account of the creation of man along with this special garden (home) for the first family to live. There is so much in these verses.
Looking ahead it is going to be a busy, yet interesting week. Bob Brackett and I will be flying to Antiqua Saturday so I can speak at their annual lectureship on Sunday. It will be my first trip to our mission point and we ask for prayers in our travels as well as any good we can do for the brethren. We are leaving you in good hands as Jerry Cutshall will continue our Genesis study and Joel Soumar will deliver the sermon. Bob and I will be coming back to America on Tuesday.
Let us continue to remember those around us who were unable to be here Sunday. Make a phone call to find out if everything is alright. If there is a special need please let the church office or an elder know.
Also, don't forget that "Celebrate Recovery" is tonight. If you or someone you know is struggling with anything, not just addictions, encourage them to come. There are two sessions each week at 7:00 and 8:00 PM.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Prayers for Prescott Firefighters
If you haven't heard already, 19 firefighters were killed in Arizona fighting wildfires. My heart and prayers go out to their families. We are proud of the firefighters we have in this congregation. Let us say a little prayer for them today that God would keep them safe. Add to that, the men and women within this church who serve in law enforcement.
It reminds us of a special day coming up on Thursday - Independence Day. Men and women sacrificed their lives so we could be free. Most important was the freedom of religion. This doesn't include others who have fought for our country since the Revolutionary War to maintain those freedoms. Let us keep these brave heroes in our prayers this week and thank the Father we can worship Him without suffering.
Yesterday, as we do every first day of the week, we memorialized the greatest Hero of all - Jesus Christ. He took on the sins of the world so we could be free. The cross and resurrection was our Independence Day from sin and death. One day He will return to free us from this world of suffering, disease, pain, etc. He will ride in on a cloud with His angels to take us home! Never forget! Read I Corinthians 15.
We completed the Book of I Peter Sunday, with the writers powerful admonition to "stand firm in this grace." (5:12) Stand firm, no matter what is happening in this world. Stand firm, even if you must be persecuted for believing and living in Christ. Stand firm, even when you are tempted to live in the flesh. Live as if you are Not of this World!
We completed the 6 days of creation Sunday morning. The material can move faster than your questions so please feel free to text (696-3752) or email ( those to me and I will do my best to answer them. In fact, if you want to text me questions during the class feel free to do so and I will try to answer them on the spot. I know everyone isn't comfortable asking questions in an auditorium class.
Last, but not least, we had two families place membership Sunday morning and one to ask for prayers following the lesson. God is blessing this church.
It reminds us of a special day coming up on Thursday - Independence Day. Men and women sacrificed their lives so we could be free. Most important was the freedom of religion. This doesn't include others who have fought for our country since the Revolutionary War to maintain those freedoms. Let us keep these brave heroes in our prayers this week and thank the Father we can worship Him without suffering.
Yesterday, as we do every first day of the week, we memorialized the greatest Hero of all - Jesus Christ. He took on the sins of the world so we could be free. The cross and resurrection was our Independence Day from sin and death. One day He will return to free us from this world of suffering, disease, pain, etc. He will ride in on a cloud with His angels to take us home! Never forget! Read I Corinthians 15.
We completed the Book of I Peter Sunday, with the writers powerful admonition to "stand firm in this grace." (5:12) Stand firm, no matter what is happening in this world. Stand firm, even if you must be persecuted for believing and living in Christ. Stand firm, even when you are tempted to live in the flesh. Live as if you are Not of this World!
We completed the 6 days of creation Sunday morning. The material can move faster than your questions so please feel free to text (696-3752) or email ( those to me and I will do my best to answer them. In fact, if you want to text me questions during the class feel free to do so and I will try to answer them on the spot. I know everyone isn't comfortable asking questions in an auditorium class.
Last, but not least, we had two families place membership Sunday morning and one to ask for prayers following the lesson. God is blessing this church.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Another Day of Prayer
I guess there shouldn't be a day when we do not pray, but one of our shepherds needs us to bring his name continually before the throne of God. Joe Wild meets with the oncologist today at 2:30 pm. Yesterday Joe did blood work and had a scan done. The prayers were felt as I received this text, "Scan was easier than last time. He's done and doing well." He will be meeting with doctors tomorrow.
On the home front: we continue to have several visitors. Some have started Bible studies. Wednesday we had a new young adult attend. This group is about to fill up their classroom. It is really exciting seeing so many young faces. But we are also covering the other end of the spectrum as some senior citizens have started coming in the last few weeks. As a preacher this excites me. The church is for all ages, backgrounds, genders, and social classes. Continue to invite others to come with you to worship or Bible classes.
Speaking of Bible classes, our study on Sunday morning, "In the Beginning...", seems to draw interests from believers and otherwise. We shouldn't be surprised as it deals with the creation of all things. God has placed within us a desire to know it's Creator. In a couple of chapters, the Spirit explains things the scientific world has spent billions of dollars, millions of hours, and countless research trying to discover. This includes dinosaurs, as we discovered this week, and we will see another one this Sunday. Genesis answers so many questions.
This Sunday will end our series on the book of I Peter, "Not of this World." Personally, I have enjoyed this letter. Some things I needed to be reminded of, other things I needed to be rebuked, while other passages encouraged me. In three weeks we will begin a new series of lessons called, "Great Jail Breaks" from the book of Acts. If you have never studied this letter you might be surprised who baked the saw into the cake (so to speak).
Don't forget about the two classes going on Wednesday nights. The auditorium continues it's study of the justice of God and the Lynn Center its singing class. Speaking of singing, I personally enjoyed the new song (at least to me) "Happiness is the Lord".
Continue to remember those who sit near you that may be missing. It is the summer and it is easy to lose track of people. Don't assume people are on vacation - make a phone call. If you see there is a need, contact the church office or alert our elders.
Have a blessed week!
On the home front: we continue to have several visitors. Some have started Bible studies. Wednesday we had a new young adult attend. This group is about to fill up their classroom. It is really exciting seeing so many young faces. But we are also covering the other end of the spectrum as some senior citizens have started coming in the last few weeks. As a preacher this excites me. The church is for all ages, backgrounds, genders, and social classes. Continue to invite others to come with you to worship or Bible classes.
Speaking of Bible classes, our study on Sunday morning, "In the Beginning...", seems to draw interests from believers and otherwise. We shouldn't be surprised as it deals with the creation of all things. God has placed within us a desire to know it's Creator. In a couple of chapters, the Spirit explains things the scientific world has spent billions of dollars, millions of hours, and countless research trying to discover. This includes dinosaurs, as we discovered this week, and we will see another one this Sunday. Genesis answers so many questions.
This Sunday will end our series on the book of I Peter, "Not of this World." Personally, I have enjoyed this letter. Some things I needed to be reminded of, other things I needed to be rebuked, while other passages encouraged me. In three weeks we will begin a new series of lessons called, "Great Jail Breaks" from the book of Acts. If you have never studied this letter you might be surprised who baked the saw into the cake (so to speak).
Don't forget about the two classes going on Wednesday nights. The auditorium continues it's study of the justice of God and the Lynn Center its singing class. Speaking of singing, I personally enjoyed the new song (at least to me) "Happiness is the Lord".
Continue to remember those who sit near you that may be missing. It is the summer and it is easy to lose track of people. Don't assume people are on vacation - make a phone call. If you see there is a need, contact the church office or alert our elders.
Have a blessed week!
Monday, June 17, 2013
Uplifting Day
Father's Day was a great day for most. It is the day each year there are more collect calls. We sort of get the shaft, so to speak, when we compare it to Mother's Day, but I don't think any fathers complain. Many of you were treated to some special gifts, cards, and a few homemade things you still haven't figured out. They are all important. Now dads, back to work.
As expected, our attendance was low, but the spirits were high. It was a great day of worship. Personally, I am enjoying our class on "In the Beginning...", which brings new light to the Almighty God in creation. We are nearing the pinnacle of His creation. I have appreciated the comments made in class. Some of you approach me afterwards with some fascinating research in these areas. God is awesome!
Sunday night was especially encouraging to me. In the Lynn Center, we went over an hour and had to cut a few things. We sang songs of praise to God, learned a couple of new ones (despite my sorry teaching ability), prayed for each other, talked about the things we are thankful for and ways God has been working in our lives this week, as well as a great lesson on "Transformation" by Bill Raikes. For me it was a great way to end my night. No tension, just an inner peace.
Jimmy Robertson came forward Sunday morning asking for prayers for personal tragedy in his life. You may not know all the details, but our Heavenly Father does. Keep his name before the throne of God this week. This also goes for others you know who are struggling. In the bulletin each week we have many who need God's help. Check on those you suspect is struggling (physically, mentally, or spiritually). Let our shepherds know if anyone in the flock needs extra care.
Keep Joel, our summer intern (Melanie), and our youth in your prayers as they are away at Impact at David Lipscomb.
Also, keep me in your prayers as well, it is a long week ahead. I'm not complaining as much of it has to do with a couple of Bible studies that I may begin. I need to stay focused on my sermon text as well as try to serve others the best I can. It will be important for me to take time to pray, study, and rely on God's Spirit to keep my mind sharp and my heart at peace. Satan always comes after me during these types of weeks. This also means I need to live on priorities, which always means someone may not get the care I would like to give because of more serious responsibilities. Thank you in advance.
As expected, our attendance was low, but the spirits were high. It was a great day of worship. Personally, I am enjoying our class on "In the Beginning...", which brings new light to the Almighty God in creation. We are nearing the pinnacle of His creation. I have appreciated the comments made in class. Some of you approach me afterwards with some fascinating research in these areas. God is awesome!
Sunday night was especially encouraging to me. In the Lynn Center, we went over an hour and had to cut a few things. We sang songs of praise to God, learned a couple of new ones (despite my sorry teaching ability), prayed for each other, talked about the things we are thankful for and ways God has been working in our lives this week, as well as a great lesson on "Transformation" by Bill Raikes. For me it was a great way to end my night. No tension, just an inner peace.
Jimmy Robertson came forward Sunday morning asking for prayers for personal tragedy in his life. You may not know all the details, but our Heavenly Father does. Keep his name before the throne of God this week. This also goes for others you know who are struggling. In the bulletin each week we have many who need God's help. Check on those you suspect is struggling (physically, mentally, or spiritually). Let our shepherds know if anyone in the flock needs extra care.
Keep Joel, our summer intern (Melanie), and our youth in your prayers as they are away at Impact at David Lipscomb.
Also, keep me in your prayers as well, it is a long week ahead. I'm not complaining as much of it has to do with a couple of Bible studies that I may begin. I need to stay focused on my sermon text as well as try to serve others the best I can. It will be important for me to take time to pray, study, and rely on God's Spirit to keep my mind sharp and my heart at peace. Satan always comes after me during these types of weeks. This also means I need to live on priorities, which always means someone may not get the care I would like to give because of more serious responsibilities. Thank you in advance.
Monday, June 10, 2013
A Spirit-Filled Day
Sunday was a Spirit-filled day. It began with our singing songs of praise to God. David lead some powerful songs and the church responded by, as Paul commanded, to "sing praise with my spirit." (I Cor. 14:15) You can see it on people's faces and hear it in their voices. Paul also said, " filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart." (Eph. 5:18-19)
Sunday morning we also dedicated a lesson to the Holy Spirit and suffering. So many positive responses to our passage of Scripture. The Spirit, by inspiration (II Pet. 1:20-21), tells us how He is working in our lives today. A few people let me know how much this study affected them. One, Charlotte Hall, responded to the lesson with words of praise that had filled her heart. I have known Charlotte for a while and I have never seen her like this. I have never seen the joy that was overflowing from her soul as she tried to tell me something the Lord had done through her life. A Spirit-filled response in which she told me, "I just couldn't keep it in." I do not believe that any of us truly know the depths of this subject. As our first song proclaimed, "I stand in awe."
We will begin the last chapter of our series this Sunday. As this great book closes, Peter will be giving advice to our elders, then to the church, before making his closing remarks. It is some powerful words inspired by the Spirit of God.
Keep David Paladin in your prayers this week as he is in Memphis doing work for his Master's degree at Harding Graduate School. Also, let's continue to keep Peggy Stevens and Joe Wild in our daily prayers as they battle cancer. There are others who may be physically sick or spiritually weak who need our attention. Please let the elders and church office know if there are those who need special attention and prayer. Find out what you can do and how you can serve.
Sunday morning we also dedicated a lesson to the Holy Spirit and suffering. So many positive responses to our passage of Scripture. The Spirit, by inspiration (II Pet. 1:20-21), tells us how He is working in our lives today. A few people let me know how much this study affected them. One, Charlotte Hall, responded to the lesson with words of praise that had filled her heart. I have known Charlotte for a while and I have never seen her like this. I have never seen the joy that was overflowing from her soul as she tried to tell me something the Lord had done through her life. A Spirit-filled response in which she told me, "I just couldn't keep it in." I do not believe that any of us truly know the depths of this subject. As our first song proclaimed, "I stand in awe."
We will begin the last chapter of our series this Sunday. As this great book closes, Peter will be giving advice to our elders, then to the church, before making his closing remarks. It is some powerful words inspired by the Spirit of God.
Keep David Paladin in your prayers this week as he is in Memphis doing work for his Master's degree at Harding Graduate School. Also, let's continue to keep Peggy Stevens and Joe Wild in our daily prayers as they battle cancer. There are others who may be physically sick or spiritually weak who need our attention. Please let the elders and church office know if there are those who need special attention and prayer. Find out what you can do and how you can serve.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Summer Begins
Yesterday our summer program began, which usually means excitement and anticipation by the body of believers. As for the staff, it is a day of stress, glitches, and hoping people understand the purpose of what is being done. I believe we accomplished both!
I received many good comments about the material for our Sunday morning class "In the Beginning...". My goal is for people to be so awestruck by our great God that I, as the teacher, disappear into the study.
We continue to get positive comments about the duo song leading and songs, even though we had a few glitches here and there. The goal is for the church to feed off the energy, inspire praise, and encourage one another through the song service. So far this has been the overwhelming consensus. The leadership has made it known they are dedicated to acapella worship at its highest level. We are still learning, but constantly looking for ways to improve this aspect of worship. This Wednesday night is the kick off of our singing class in Lynn Center #105. We will be learning songs from the Keith Lancaster "Praise & Harmony" CD Reigning God. David Brooker is one of the best at teaching parts. I have been listening to the CD for the last week in my Jeep and my 9 year old is already singing parts from the times she has been in my vehicle. Bella also has favorites she turns on and one of those was the song we sang yesterday morning before the sermon. There is also another study in the auditorium on the justice of God, so there is another excellent choice.
Sunday night was another success, based on the comments. One person told me how much they enjoyed the "Gospel Hour" and hearing a sermon from a beloved preacher of the past. The "Summer Celebration" in the upstairs Lynn Center also went well after we worked out a few glitches with the PowerPoint. Joel Soumar did his regular great job inspiring us with a "hands on" lesson. We had moments of singing, talking about the things we are thankful for, and ways we have seen God working in our lives this past week. It was all very inspiring to those who came. Some mentioned they wanted to attend but couldn't climb the stairs. I apologize, and the leadership will look into this. If you would like to come and need help getting up the stairs or a piggy back (well, something similar), let the staff know and we will make arrangements. The goal of these two services is different. We wanted to offer the "Gospel Hour" because we understand the power of traditions of our past. Our Sunday morning worship incorporates new and older songs. We try to be respectful of the style of all ages while still offering praise to God. Sunday evening focuses on those two styles of songs. Also, there have been some great preachers in the past who have inspired many of you through the years. Some of them are responsible for leading you to King Jesus. We celebrate your past and hope these will give you a sense of comfort as you end your evening of worship. The "Summer Celebration" is also intended to inspire. There is more than one way to skin a cat and there is more than one way to inspire others to praise. This service is not for young people, but all ages who are looking for fresh ways to experience our Creator. The goal is for each person to end their day of worship refreshed by the breath of God. Both services fulfills the Biblical call to worship. Enjoy your time, whichever you choose, but may we never forget our saying, "In doctrine - unity; in opinion - liberty; but in all things love." Let go of yourself and your wants and put all that energy into the One deserving our of worship. Amen.
Wow! I have droned on long enough. That is what happens when summer begins. Pick up your Bibles today and read a portion of Scripture. Meditate on it. Let it live within you. Understand the privilege we have to come before the throne of God and spend time in prayer. Don't let the world cloud your life. Be inspired and serve someone in the name of Jesus Christ. Love your church family. Inspire the world!
I received many good comments about the material for our Sunday morning class "In the Beginning...". My goal is for people to be so awestruck by our great God that I, as the teacher, disappear into the study.
We continue to get positive comments about the duo song leading and songs, even though we had a few glitches here and there. The goal is for the church to feed off the energy, inspire praise, and encourage one another through the song service. So far this has been the overwhelming consensus. The leadership has made it known they are dedicated to acapella worship at its highest level. We are still learning, but constantly looking for ways to improve this aspect of worship. This Wednesday night is the kick off of our singing class in Lynn Center #105. We will be learning songs from the Keith Lancaster "Praise & Harmony" CD Reigning God. David Brooker is one of the best at teaching parts. I have been listening to the CD for the last week in my Jeep and my 9 year old is already singing parts from the times she has been in my vehicle. Bella also has favorites she turns on and one of those was the song we sang yesterday morning before the sermon. There is also another study in the auditorium on the justice of God, so there is another excellent choice.
Sunday night was another success, based on the comments. One person told me how much they enjoyed the "Gospel Hour" and hearing a sermon from a beloved preacher of the past. The "Summer Celebration" in the upstairs Lynn Center also went well after we worked out a few glitches with the PowerPoint. Joel Soumar did his regular great job inspiring us with a "hands on" lesson. We had moments of singing, talking about the things we are thankful for, and ways we have seen God working in our lives this past week. It was all very inspiring to those who came. Some mentioned they wanted to attend but couldn't climb the stairs. I apologize, and the leadership will look into this. If you would like to come and need help getting up the stairs or a piggy back (well, something similar), let the staff know and we will make arrangements. The goal of these two services is different. We wanted to offer the "Gospel Hour" because we understand the power of traditions of our past. Our Sunday morning worship incorporates new and older songs. We try to be respectful of the style of all ages while still offering praise to God. Sunday evening focuses on those two styles of songs. Also, there have been some great preachers in the past who have inspired many of you through the years. Some of them are responsible for leading you to King Jesus. We celebrate your past and hope these will give you a sense of comfort as you end your evening of worship. The "Summer Celebration" is also intended to inspire. There is more than one way to skin a cat and there is more than one way to inspire others to praise. This service is not for young people, but all ages who are looking for fresh ways to experience our Creator. The goal is for each person to end their day of worship refreshed by the breath of God. Both services fulfills the Biblical call to worship. Enjoy your time, whichever you choose, but may we never forget our saying, "In doctrine - unity; in opinion - liberty; but in all things love." Let go of yourself and your wants and put all that energy into the One deserving our of worship. Amen.
Wow! I have droned on long enough. That is what happens when summer begins. Pick up your Bibles today and read a portion of Scripture. Meditate on it. Let it live within you. Understand the privilege we have to come before the throne of God and spend time in prayer. Don't let the world cloud your life. Be inspired and serve someone in the name of Jesus Christ. Love your church family. Inspire the world!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Tuesday Edition
The office took off for Memorial Day so my Monday Morning Report is a day late. However, I sat down yesterday morning to write this post because of all the excitement from the day before.
Let's start with worship. There was an excitement we haven't seen in some time. This wasn't just based on my own observation, but comments, phone calls, texts, and Facebook messages I received all day Sunday. Many mentioned how uplifting the song service had been - the song selection and duo song leaders. It really wasn't about Lex and myself, while we were thrilled to be a part of it, but how the songs touched the spirit of the church. One of the few times EVER in my years of preaching, a visitor told me they would be back because of the singing (and they were a young family).
Speaking of visitors, we had a ton of them. In Coffee Connection alone, we had two new families. Both had small children and both were blown away with our children's ministry. Two other young families were back and spoke highly of the program. We are experiencing something special right now. God is sending prospects our way, and most of them are young families with children. I firmly believe if you put the work into something, that the Lord will send people our way. One young family told me they came yesterday because they were driving by our building and his wife said, "Let's visit this church." Coincidence? Maybe. Sent by God? Highly probable. We are getting a lot of this type of thing right now.
Anytime there is growth Satan will always try to find ways to stop it. He uses criticism, bad attitudes, tradition, and the easier way, to name a few. Don't get me wrong, there will be growing pains. Our children ministry has more than doubled. We have had a massive influx of 2 and 3 year olds. We have people attending who have little or no knowledge of the Bible. These types of things create frustration for some. This is where we must show patience.
So what can we do? Find a place to plug in. The bulletin and weekly emails are constantly asking for volunteers in many areas. Also, keep the ultimate goal in mind - bringing the lost to Christ. We are not here to serve ourselves. You may like something another way, because that is the way it has always been done, but unless you have Scripture to back it up you must support what is working best and approved by the leadership. If you don't like something keep it to yourself. Negative comments do nothing but stifle the work of Christ in the church. Also, reach out to our visitors. Invite them to lunch, have them over to your home, talk with them when they visit. Don't be picky with who you will greet and who you won't greet. Don't just roll out the red carpet for those who are "like you." Show the true spirit of Christ.
God is doing something special, it's time we step up as a church and support the work of Christ.
Let's start with worship. There was an excitement we haven't seen in some time. This wasn't just based on my own observation, but comments, phone calls, texts, and Facebook messages I received all day Sunday. Many mentioned how uplifting the song service had been - the song selection and duo song leaders. It really wasn't about Lex and myself, while we were thrilled to be a part of it, but how the songs touched the spirit of the church. One of the few times EVER in my years of preaching, a visitor told me they would be back because of the singing (and they were a young family).
Speaking of visitors, we had a ton of them. In Coffee Connection alone, we had two new families. Both had small children and both were blown away with our children's ministry. Two other young families were back and spoke highly of the program. We are experiencing something special right now. God is sending prospects our way, and most of them are young families with children. I firmly believe if you put the work into something, that the Lord will send people our way. One young family told me they came yesterday because they were driving by our building and his wife said, "Let's visit this church." Coincidence? Maybe. Sent by God? Highly probable. We are getting a lot of this type of thing right now.
Anytime there is growth Satan will always try to find ways to stop it. He uses criticism, bad attitudes, tradition, and the easier way, to name a few. Don't get me wrong, there will be growing pains. Our children ministry has more than doubled. We have had a massive influx of 2 and 3 year olds. We have people attending who have little or no knowledge of the Bible. These types of things create frustration for some. This is where we must show patience.
So what can we do? Find a place to plug in. The bulletin and weekly emails are constantly asking for volunteers in many areas. Also, keep the ultimate goal in mind - bringing the lost to Christ. We are not here to serve ourselves. You may like something another way, because that is the way it has always been done, but unless you have Scripture to back it up you must support what is working best and approved by the leadership. If you don't like something keep it to yourself. Negative comments do nothing but stifle the work of Christ in the church. Also, reach out to our visitors. Invite them to lunch, have them over to your home, talk with them when they visit. Don't be picky with who you will greet and who you won't greet. Don't just roll out the red carpet for those who are "like you." Show the true spirit of Christ.
God is doing something special, it's time we step up as a church and support the work of Christ.
Monday, May 20, 2013
A Very Sore Monday
A few things I am thankful for this Monday morning - aspirin, ice packs, and coffee. After playing with some of the teens and young adults, in what seemed to be endless games of basketball, I am moving slowly. I've gotten so old I twisted my ankle and didn't realize how bad it was until I got home and took off my shoes. Luckily I have a brace for almost every part of my body. The positive: playing ball with a good group of guys. No cussing, no fights, no over-competitive attitudes. There was some trash talking, ok that was me, but getting into their heads is my best defense. I have to make up for several years of "old school" basketball. I love the young people in this church and cherish every opportunity to spend time with them.
Speaking of young people, we had two young couples in the Coffee Connection this week. One repeat, and the other came for the first time. Both have children three and under. They are all excited about this church. It is sad to think next Sunday is our last Coffee Connection for the summer. Let's make sure we welcome all of our guests and take the time to buy their lunch or meet for coffee at another time. People are looking for connection.
You may be wondering why we are taking a break from Coffee Connection. For one, when the decision was made we were not having enough visitors attending. Secondly, I will begin a new Sunday morning class on a very important subject - "In the Beginning...". This is a great class for Christians and non-believers alike.
Speaking of opportunities, this Thursday is the first of our Rockin' Seniors game day. It will begin at 10 am in the Coffee Shop. How long it lasts depends on those who come. Some may want to bring their own lunch and keep playing. Others may want to go out for lunch. Either way, togetherness is the key theme. Also, ANYONE can attend. The ministers are planning to take out some time and we encourage anyone who wants to spend some time with some of the greatest people I know - our senior adults. Believe me, they know how to have fun. Personally I'm looking for someone to play Skipbo or Rook, maybe even some dominoes. Bring games you would like to play or just show up and hang out.
More summer announcements will be revealed soon. Also, don't forget to check on those who usually sit around you or you know is in the hospital, sick, or going through a difficult time.
Speaking of young people, we had two young couples in the Coffee Connection this week. One repeat, and the other came for the first time. Both have children three and under. They are all excited about this church. It is sad to think next Sunday is our last Coffee Connection for the summer. Let's make sure we welcome all of our guests and take the time to buy their lunch or meet for coffee at another time. People are looking for connection.
You may be wondering why we are taking a break from Coffee Connection. For one, when the decision was made we were not having enough visitors attending. Secondly, I will begin a new Sunday morning class on a very important subject - "In the Beginning...". This is a great class for Christians and non-believers alike.
Speaking of opportunities, this Thursday is the first of our Rockin' Seniors game day. It will begin at 10 am in the Coffee Shop. How long it lasts depends on those who come. Some may want to bring their own lunch and keep playing. Others may want to go out for lunch. Either way, togetherness is the key theme. Also, ANYONE can attend. The ministers are planning to take out some time and we encourage anyone who wants to spend some time with some of the greatest people I know - our senior adults. Believe me, they know how to have fun. Personally I'm looking for someone to play Skipbo or Rook, maybe even some dominoes. Bring games you would like to play or just show up and hang out.
More summer announcements will be revealed soon. Also, don't forget to check on those who usually sit around you or you know is in the hospital, sick, or going through a difficult time.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Mother's Day
I cannot remember a Mother's Day Sunday that wasn't uplifting. Everyone, especially moms, are in a good mood when they walk in the building. Some enjoyed breakfast in bed (extra crispy), some received nice cards (homemade or otherwise), gifts, or just smiling faces yelling "Happy Mother's Day" to gently wake you up. Nationally, it is the second highest attended day of churches, behind Easter and before Christmas. It was great seeing all our guests yesterday.
Speaking of visitors, we had seven in our Coffee Connection. One young couple returned for a second time and two other ladies for a second week in a row. We also had two sisters attend that had recently moved from Arizona to Sebastian and another woman who came with a returning visitor. Yes, it was ladies day in the Living Room. I was thankful to have Mike McGee help me greet so I wouldn't feel so out of place. Of those who came, they had five children under the age of 4. Two came from Vierra, two from Port St. Lucie, two from Sebastian, and one from Vero. All have visited other churches and found this congregation to be the best place for their families. The single mother from Vero came as a result of one of the service projects of our children's program. When she heard our children singing and passing out gifts for others, she said she wanted her little girl to be a part of something like that. Folks, we are on the brink of something special. It's time we think outwardly instead of inwardly, in other words, it's not about our comfort, but helping to be relevant to a starving world. That doesn't mean we compromise the Scriptures, but bring the Gospel to the 21st Century.
I'm sad to say we will be temporarily doing away with our Coffee Connection on Sunday morning. After we changed service times the attendance went down, but it has recently picked up. That being said, I will really need your help throughout the summer. Find our guests, take them out to lunch, make connections with them, and make sure I know they are there (sometimes I miss people).
I will be teaching in the Worship Center through the summer months on "In The Beginning...". It is a class that is important as it deals with the beginning of all things. It is more than, "on this day God created...", but what that means. We will also learn that things changed drastically from the sixth day of creation to our present day. We will try to answer questions like, "What happened to the dinosaurs?" among others. Other summer events will be announced ASAP.
I have gone long enough. Pray for Minerva Cardriche this week as she is ready to have those twins. Pray for the safety of all. Also, Cheyanne Toby will be having exploratory surgery Thursday. She has been in a lot of pain for a while. Let's not forget about others who are on our prayer list as well as those who were missing from our services yesterday. If you know of someone who is going through a tough time that needs to be added to the prayer list, please let the elders or church office know.
Have a great week!
Speaking of visitors, we had seven in our Coffee Connection. One young couple returned for a second time and two other ladies for a second week in a row. We also had two sisters attend that had recently moved from Arizona to Sebastian and another woman who came with a returning visitor. Yes, it was ladies day in the Living Room. I was thankful to have Mike McGee help me greet so I wouldn't feel so out of place. Of those who came, they had five children under the age of 4. Two came from Vierra, two from Port St. Lucie, two from Sebastian, and one from Vero. All have visited other churches and found this congregation to be the best place for their families. The single mother from Vero came as a result of one of the service projects of our children's program. When she heard our children singing and passing out gifts for others, she said she wanted her little girl to be a part of something like that. Folks, we are on the brink of something special. It's time we think outwardly instead of inwardly, in other words, it's not about our comfort, but helping to be relevant to a starving world. That doesn't mean we compromise the Scriptures, but bring the Gospel to the 21st Century.
I'm sad to say we will be temporarily doing away with our Coffee Connection on Sunday morning. After we changed service times the attendance went down, but it has recently picked up. That being said, I will really need your help throughout the summer. Find our guests, take them out to lunch, make connections with them, and make sure I know they are there (sometimes I miss people).
I will be teaching in the Worship Center through the summer months on "In The Beginning...". It is a class that is important as it deals with the beginning of all things. It is more than, "on this day God created...", but what that means. We will also learn that things changed drastically from the sixth day of creation to our present day. We will try to answer questions like, "What happened to the dinosaurs?" among others. Other summer events will be announced ASAP.
I have gone long enough. Pray for Minerva Cardriche this week as she is ready to have those twins. Pray for the safety of all. Also, Cheyanne Toby will be having exploratory surgery Thursday. She has been in a lot of pain for a while. Let's not forget about others who are on our prayer list as well as those who were missing from our services yesterday. If you know of someone who is going through a tough time that needs to be added to the prayer list, please let the elders or church office know.
Have a great week!
Monday, May 6, 2013
Belated Monday Morning
I arrived at Panera this morning to do my Monday morning routine - blog, sermon research, and getting caffeinated from the weekend. But I forgot one keyboard for my computer (it attaches and detaches). Anyway, late start on my Monday Morning Report and then got busy when I came to the office. Well, here is goes...
Sunday morning was a beautiful day! The temperature was just right (at least for me) and the sun was shining. This always makes for happy people. I personally enjoyed Lex leading singing, probably a little bias. You all helped to make a point from the lesson as we sang out in harmony. It was just a great day. That night 2:42 Groups met and had discussions about the Lord's Supper. This is such an important practice of the church and we must never get tired of studying the true purpose of what we do each week. God's Word is our guide and we must never do things because "that's the way we have always done it." I love the way this congregation continues the practice of the restoration movement.
Tonight is our Celebrate Recovery program. Remember, it is not JUST for drug addicts and alcoholics, but anyone who has hurts, habits or hang ups. There are two meetings every Monday night (7 and 8 PM). Click on the link to see a promotional video It is a great program we need to utilize for ourselves and our community. If you have any questions, talk with John Pickerill, Carol Lee, or Becky Pylant.
Don't forget to check on those around you who were not here Sunday. Alert the elders to anyone you feel needs a visit or encouragement. Also, if you learn of anything that needs to be added to our prayer list, call the church office. Have a great week.
Sunday morning was a beautiful day! The temperature was just right (at least for me) and the sun was shining. This always makes for happy people. I personally enjoyed Lex leading singing, probably a little bias. You all helped to make a point from the lesson as we sang out in harmony. It was just a great day. That night 2:42 Groups met and had discussions about the Lord's Supper. This is such an important practice of the church and we must never get tired of studying the true purpose of what we do each week. God's Word is our guide and we must never do things because "that's the way we have always done it." I love the way this congregation continues the practice of the restoration movement.
Tonight is our Celebrate Recovery program. Remember, it is not JUST for drug addicts and alcoholics, but anyone who has hurts, habits or hang ups. There are two meetings every Monday night (7 and 8 PM). Click on the link to see a promotional video It is a great program we need to utilize for ourselves and our community. If you have any questions, talk with John Pickerill, Carol Lee, or Becky Pylant.
Don't forget to check on those around you who were not here Sunday. Alert the elders to anyone you feel needs a visit or encouragement. Also, if you learn of anything that needs to be added to our prayer list, call the church office. Have a great week.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Coffee Connected!
Sunday was a great day. Coffee Connection was one of the best attended in a while. Three different groups of visitors participated. One was an elderly lady who has recently started to attend thanks to the invite of one of our members. Another has been coming since attending our Christmas Eve Luncheon. She and her husband are currently involved in a weekly Bible study. Another young couple, with two small children, attended and continues to be impressed with this church. They drive from Viera each week so their kids can be a part of our children's program. Since moving to the area they have visited every church of Christ from here to Orlando. Yet, it is our children's program that have them coming back each week. How cool is that?
Worship was filled with uplifting songs of praise. Everyone seemed to be in high spirits and had it not been for the preacher going over, it would have been an almost perfect day (I'll make it up to you). I want to thank each of you for the response from the sermon. It was not the most popular topic to deal with, but it was inspired by the Holy Spirit. Those of us who are married, re-read those passages this week (not just the ones about your spouse), and find ways to improve. If you and your spouse need some counsel or would like to know a professional Christian counselor in the area, let the ministers and elders know. Don't wait for your marriage to be on the brink of divorce before you call us. Sometimes you just need a little tune up and that is nothing to be ashamed about.
Let us continue to reach out to those around us or in our 2:42 groups who need some extra attention. We have those who are sick, lonely, or possibly living in sin. Check on them and let the elders know if there is someone who needs some extra attention. This is all about loving God's people.
Worship was filled with uplifting songs of praise. Everyone seemed to be in high spirits and had it not been for the preacher going over, it would have been an almost perfect day (I'll make it up to you). I want to thank each of you for the response from the sermon. It was not the most popular topic to deal with, but it was inspired by the Holy Spirit. Those of us who are married, re-read those passages this week (not just the ones about your spouse), and find ways to improve. If you and your spouse need some counsel or would like to know a professional Christian counselor in the area, let the ministers and elders know. Don't wait for your marriage to be on the brink of divorce before you call us. Sometimes you just need a little tune up and that is nothing to be ashamed about.
Let us continue to reach out to those around us or in our 2:42 groups who need some extra attention. We have those who are sick, lonely, or possibly living in sin. Check on them and let the elders know if there is someone who needs some extra attention. This is all about loving God's people.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Joel Rocks!
It has been five months since I wasn't delivering a sermon on a Sunday morning. To say it was a nice break is an understatement, especially in the midst of a long series.
First, let's talk about Joel Soumar for a moment. He is our scooter riding, board game playing, car fixing, duct tape creating, youth minister. The guy can hardly spell his name (much like myself) but he can deliver a sermon. I personally know of the hard work he put into it. Joel is an intelligent thinker with a tremendous amount of common sense and maturity. He is constantly analyzing his work and looking for ways to improve. Most importantly, Joel loves the Lord. You can see it in how he treats our young people. We are very fortunate to have Joel on staff.
Back to his preaching. There is no greater thrill than to get a call from my wife saying, "If we had visitors, they would never know Joel wasn't the pulpit minister." Someone sent a message through Melissa, "Tell Tracy he better hurry back or Joel may take his place." This person was not being ugly, in fact, it is the kind of comments I like to hear when I'm gone. I love this church, therefore, I want the best for her. The last thing I want to hear is, "it was a down day without the preacher." It's not about me, nor do I ever want it to be that way. The work must go on despite who is in the pulpit. Thank you Joel and Ann for all you bring to this church.
Back to my weekend. Me and the boys traveled to Tuscaloosa to see our favorite team play in their annual Spring game. We attended Alabama's softball game on Friday night, ate at Dreamland Bar-B-Q, put down some Krispy Kreme donuts, spent some time with my parents, grandmother, sister and uncle, and ate a feast prepared by my mother and grandmother (fried chicken and baked ham). The boys enjoyed getting several autographs of players and getting their picture made with Katherine Webb (model and girlfriend of our QB). For me, I just enjoyed spending time with my boys and creating great memories. I also enjoyed being with my dad, who taught me all there is about Alabama football. We haven't sat at an Alabama game together since I was a teenager. We were also blessed to spend some time with the McGee's, fellow Alabama fans, with whom we watch every game with during the Fall. They also love Mamaw's cooking. My grandmother will be 88 in May. She is frail but still wants to feed me every meal. In my family, this is one of the ways you know someone loves you. As you can see, I'm very loved!
First, let's talk about Joel Soumar for a moment. He is our scooter riding, board game playing, car fixing, duct tape creating, youth minister. The guy can hardly spell his name (much like myself) but he can deliver a sermon. I personally know of the hard work he put into it. Joel is an intelligent thinker with a tremendous amount of common sense and maturity. He is constantly analyzing his work and looking for ways to improve. Most importantly, Joel loves the Lord. You can see it in how he treats our young people. We are very fortunate to have Joel on staff.
Back to his preaching. There is no greater thrill than to get a call from my wife saying, "If we had visitors, they would never know Joel wasn't the pulpit minister." Someone sent a message through Melissa, "Tell Tracy he better hurry back or Joel may take his place." This person was not being ugly, in fact, it is the kind of comments I like to hear when I'm gone. I love this church, therefore, I want the best for her. The last thing I want to hear is, "it was a down day without the preacher." It's not about me, nor do I ever want it to be that way. The work must go on despite who is in the pulpit. Thank you Joel and Ann for all you bring to this church.
Back to my weekend. Me and the boys traveled to Tuscaloosa to see our favorite team play in their annual Spring game. We attended Alabama's softball game on Friday night, ate at Dreamland Bar-B-Q, put down some Krispy Kreme donuts, spent some time with my parents, grandmother, sister and uncle, and ate a feast prepared by my mother and grandmother (fried chicken and baked ham). The boys enjoyed getting several autographs of players and getting their picture made with Katherine Webb (model and girlfriend of our QB). For me, I just enjoyed spending time with my boys and creating great memories. I also enjoyed being with my dad, who taught me all there is about Alabama football. We haven't sat at an Alabama game together since I was a teenager. We were also blessed to spend some time with the McGee's, fellow Alabama fans, with whom we watch every game with during the Fall. They also love Mamaw's cooking. My grandmother will be 88 in May. She is frail but still wants to feed me every meal. In my family, this is one of the ways you know someone loves you. As you can see, I'm very loved!
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