Monday, August 24, 2015

Back to School

Another school year begins in Indian River County.  To all our students, we pray you would be delivered from temptations and evil - bullying, drugs, judging, cursing, immoral thoughts, etc.  We also pray you could be able to reach your greatest learning potential, not only for your betterment, but also of society and to the glorification of God.  To our teachers, we pray for patience, energy, and a clear mind to mold the minds of this generation.  You will never be paid your worth, but we pray that one changed life will make up that difference.  Thank you for all you do.

Speaking of students, my house was filled with our youth group last night.  (Unfortunately I can't post pictures again.  I worked on this for a couple of hours last night and I cannot get the blog site to contact me.  I may have a new blog soon!). I love being around your young people.  Some played basketball, jumped on the trampoline, sat inside and talked, and swam.  It was a blessing to join them in the devotional.  We sang several songs and Joel delivered some good thoughts.  My favorite part was being there for Bella's first youth activity, since being promoted to the youth group last week.  She is still young enough to want to sit by me and sing.  Micah... well, he has a girlfriend.  Fortunately he doesn't deny my existence.  Missy and I are proud to report that all of our young people were well behaved.

Let's back up a few hours to talk about our worship.  One of my favorite comments came from someone visiting from out of town.  He mentioned how much better our song service is since the last time he was in town (a year ago).  When the singing is good, my sermons seem better (even if they're not).  It's a win-win.

Speaking of sermons, we ended our summer series, Amazing Jesus.  In two weeks we will begin a new series called I quit.  Here are the topics we will cover through the month of September.
  1. "I Quit Making Excuses"
  2. "I Quit Complaining"
  3. "I Quit Living in Fear"
  4. "I Quit Comparing"
This is a good series to invite others who have no church home.  You have a couple of weeks to start building it up.

As far as next Sunday, Ed Holmes will be preaching.  You may know him as the son of the Bradley's at the Gifford Church of Christ.  He is a fantastic speaker.  I only wish I could be here to take part.  Missy and I will be flying out Saturday morning for Tuscaloosa to conduct one of my personalities seminars.  I will be speaking for the Northport Church of Christ.  This is the congregation our group stayed when we helped with tornado relief a few years ago.  And no, this was not planned very well, as Alabama doesn't begin their football season until the next week.  Oh well, I know of some great eating places.

We are down to our last week of classes, which means we have some new ones beginning in September.  Steven Wilson will be teaching Being in a World Obsessed with Doing.  Our lives are filled with tasks, jobs and obligations.  They take our time, energy and focus, and end up sapping our souls of the Divine creative energy.  This class is designed to help us see through this haze and create a life that is centered, empowered and transcendent.

On Wednesday nights I will be teaching The Journey's based on the missionary journeys of Paul.  It is a great follow up from our sermon series on Jesus.  The church has begun and the Good News is being taken into the world.  There were many ups and downs but the journey is amazing.

As we finish, think about all the ways Jesus is amazing in your life.  Live in the Gospels and let them live in you.  It will change you.  It will empower you.  It will breath fresh air into everything you do.


Monday, August 17, 2015

One More Week

We are down to the last week of our Amazing Jesus sermon series.  The fact is, the death and resurrection of Christ would have been a great place to end.  The story never gets old and the longer I linger on the facts the softer my heart becomes.  The love and grace of God is just amazing!  This Sunday we will conclude with the "Amazing Restoration" of Peter (Jn. 21).  It is one of my favorite stories of Jesus.

So what's next?  Starting the first week in September, we will begin a new series called I Quit.  Next week I will give a more detailed account of our study.  (I had a really nice picture to place here, but for a second week in a row, my blog site isn't downloading my pictures.  I am in contact with the company hoping to get the problem fixed.)

Back to the news.  Everyone is doing such a good job with our new song "Shout Hallelujah."  What a great song of praise!  We are fortunate, not only to have talented song leaders, but also a group of Christians who participate in our song service.  If you ever want to learn more about singing parts or you want more singing on Sundays, David Brooker has a singing class on Sunday evenings at 4:15.  They would love to have you.

Moving on to Sunday night.  Joel Soumar did a great job giving a presentation of the youth work week.  I was fortunate enough to observe this group last week.  They worked hard and played hard.  It is encouraging, for the present and future of this church, being around them.  One week doesn't begin to define all they do in a year for others.  By the way, the starting quarterback for our high school is none other than Mike Dean.  For all you Gator fans, he reminds me of Tim Tebow.  For you FSU fans, he is built like a rock who can also throw a football and loves Jesus.

Sunday night also showcased our children's program.  The work David Paladin and his team of teachers put in every year is impressive.  And the kids... isn't it encouraging to see how much they learn?  Yesterday we had a couple visiting from out of town.  They brought their grandchild to our children's room (The Aquarium).  The lady made a sarcastic, judgmental and inappropriate remark about our kids program.  She said, "Do they just play or do they actually get a Bible lesson?"  If she could have been there Sunday night I believe she would have changed her mind (maybe).  She didn't like the look of the room, but it is an important part of the process of the kids learning.  Children get excited about coming.  As for her grandchild, I asked him later how he enjoyed class, his face lit up and he told me he loved it!  As a parent, I love it.

As for our teachers, I appreciate all of them.  We had our annual "Teacher of the Year" award and it went to Brittany Wells.  A couple of years ago she was in our youth group.  She has been so dedicated to the program.  The "Work Horse" award went to Rachel Leon, another one of our young adults.  The future is bright for this church.  I know of places where the "young adults" are in their 50's.  I hear of places that are disillusioned by their 20 somethings because they will not get involved.  We are blessed.  Yet, we have so many others, of varying ages, who help out with our children.  It is a beautiful thing to watch.  Let's keep it going.

As for our adult classes, we appreciate everyone who teaches.  This quarter we have seen everything from a young adult (Matt Woodson) to the really old (Joe Wild).  Seriously, we have had many help teach.  We appreciate them all, although I get this feeling that I may be hearing from Joe.  As far as the next quarter, beginning in September, here is the lineup.
  • Sunday morning - Being in a World Obsessed with Doing - Steven Wilson
  • Wednesday night - The Journey's (Paul's missionary journeys) - Tracy Moore
Let's finish.  Wake up each morning with an appreciation for the sacrifice of the Son of God made for our sins.  It is humbling.  Then walk the rest of your day in the resurrection of Jesus.  It is here we find the hope needed to make it through the trials and difficulties before us.  It is here we find genuine joy and inner peace of the Spirit.  I love Jesus.  I want other people to know about Him.  Isn't He amazing!?

Monday, August 10, 2015

Another Great Day

Let's begin with the big news - Kadi McFall made the decision to trust in Jesus and be baptized.  She has been talking about this for a couple of weeks and studied with her mother and grandparents.  I was privileged to be apart of this moment in her life.  I had a couple of pictures to add but my blog site isn't letting me.  Hoping I can put them in next week.

Kadi wanted Ethel Meadows and Helen Rathel to be with her in the baptistery, as well as her two church friends - Bella Moore and Blair Soop.  I love the positive influence our elderly ladies have had on our young girls.  After services Ethel and Helen took the three girls out for pizza.  They also spent the night at Ethel's house.  These two ladies are only a couple of our older generation that has reached across their age group.  It isn't always easy, but when you watch one of those kids being baptized you suddenly understand what it's all about.  We are not "a younger church" or an "older church", but one that enjoys every generation of believers working together to serve Christ.  I would hate to think we were either or.  I love this church.

Lately we have been given a crop of visitors from our community.  A few studies are in progress and some still want to view from a distance.  Either way, make sure you look for these people each week.  A simple smile, friendly greeting, and a few kind words go a long way.  Please seek me out if I haven't met someone.  I try to get around to all our guests but occasionally I will miss a couple of folks.

Sunday afternoon, about 13 of us spent a couple of hours celebrating the 56th anniversary of the Gifford Church of Christ.  I had a few pictures to share, but...  The thing that made me most proud was the church talking about the help and support they received for our congregation, especially Bob Brackett.  It was mentioned, this relationship began with us in a time race relations were bad in our country.  Praise God!

We are down to our last two weeks in our series "Amazing Jesus."  This Sunday the lesson is on the death and resurrection of Christ, what I am entitling "Just Amazing."  This is such an important part our faith.  It is here true life begins.  Please keep me in your prayers this week as I search for all the amazing aspects of these three days in history.

Last week I began thinking about what I want preach in September.  It was a let down.  Where do you go from a study of the Son of God coming to the earth?  Usually I am ready to begin a new series, especially after one has gone this long, but not this time.  With the help of the elders and ministers, I believe I know what we will study, but keep it in your prayers.

Go out today and love your enemies.  Say something kind or do something for them.  No one said it would be easy, only that it is in line with Jesus.  If you have created enemies, work them out.  If our Lord could be humble enough to wash the nasty feet of Judas, surely we can humble ourselves to apologize for wrongs we have committed toward others.  Grow and mature in the love of God.  Read and reflect on this Jesus.  Pray the Spirit would help you overcome, so your enemies can see Jesus.


Monday, August 3, 2015

A Really Good Sunday

The way my Sunday began I wasn't sure if it was going to be a good day.  My alarm clock didn't go off and I woke up a hour late.  I like routine.  When you do something the same way for many years it provides comfort, calm, and a system of making sure everything goes right.  For me, my Sunday begins with breakfast, look over Bible class, practice sermon, get ready for the office, get the sound room set up, double check PowerPoint, and finally a moment of devotion and prayer before going to the coffee shop to talk with people.  When your alarm doesn't go off... chaos.  The positive is watching the Spirit fill in all the holes.  God is good.

Most of us do like routine, which is why Sunday's sermon can be difficult.  We like to rest on the things we have always believed and been told.  We like for our Christianity to be comfortable.  That doesn't mean we are not given the peace of God, but we must continue to study and know more about this Jesus.  We have learned so much from other students of the Bible in the past, but don't place the Lord in a box built by others, rather come to the Gospels with open minds and open hearts to the text.  The life of Jesus teaches us God refuses to be placed in box.  At times He could be wild.  At times He makes us uncomfortable.  When He does so it is for a reason.  I appreciate all the kind comments from yesterday's lesson.  You never know what to expect when you preach on a subject like this, but you were very encouraging.

Speaking of our current sermon series, we only have three more weeks.  This Sunday we will deal with the "Amazing Love" of Jesus.  But be prepared, it is the most difficult love of all - the love of enemies.  The Lord didn't just command it - He also demonstrated in the most amazing ways.

Last night was a lot of fun, for what has become an annual event - Caribbean Night.  We had a GREAT turnout.  Thanks to everyone who came and sported your best flowery prints.  I'm sad to say I forgot to take pictures.  We did several things within an hour - we sang some familiar songs, we learned a new song, we sat through a boring presentation (well you sat through it, I was the one doing the boring), and then we celebrated August birthdays.  It was a great night.  By the way, the Caribbean music you heard coming in was a group called "The Conch Fritters".  One of the guys in the band is the nephew of Fran Mooney.  They are even better in person.  Also a quick shout-out to David Brooker for teaching us the new song.  I know I sometimes sound like a broken record, but I can't tell you what a blessing it is to have someone with his musical knowledge, especially when learning songs.

I want to brag on a couple of our teenagers.  Last week there was a need to find some folks to help unload a truck.  When we got the call they needed help within the hour!  I contacted Mike Dean to see if it was something he could do.  I was surprised when he told me he would do it and find a couple of guys to help him.  Mike, along with brother Nick and Gage Brackett, did the work.  It took an hour and half to complete.  Not only was Mike willing, but he took the initiative to handle getting extra help.  None of the boys complained and did a good service on short notice.  The future present is bright for the church!  Thanks guys.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT the adults begin a new video series to finish out this quarter.  I love the topic: "Jesus Throws the Best Parties" by Jonathan Storment.  This class will meet in the Hebrews Coffee Shop.  Also, my personalities class with start back up after taking a break during the men's and women's classes.  Same time - same place.

Let's wrap this thing up.  Go out today and find something to be thankful for in your life.  Put a smile on your face.  Open doors for others.  Use your extra change, for the person in front of you, so they don't have to break a dollar.  Or if you really want to do something cool, pay for the person in line ahead of you and tell them Jesus loves them.  Just be filled with joy, nothing fake, but the joy that comes out when you sit down and really focus on the Savior.  Be a light to people who may have gone through some dark times this weekend.  Pray on and off all day.  Christians have so much to offer the world.  Many in our country are frustrated.  They listen to bad, depressing news all the time.  We have Good News to share.  It begins by showing people the impact the Good News has on our lives.

Ok, I didn't have any pictures this week so I leave you with this cartoon.  Now wear that smile when you go out.