I'm thankful for David Brooker for getting everyone warmed up for the lesson. David is really doing a good job, not to mention going to the Gifford church of Christ that afternoon for one of his singing classes, before being back for our services on Sunday night! Every Tuesday night he leads the singing and service at Horizon Bay. I know he would love for you to join them.
While we are on the topic of singing, this Sunday night is our monthly Circle-Up Singing. Every month I wonder how we top the last one, or at least be as good as the last one, but somehow it always does. Last month we tried something new by giving people an opportunity to make song requests through a survey. We will be sending another one out in the next day or two, so start thinking of songs you would like to hear. Last time we barely got in everyone's request, so if we have much more requests than last month we may have to do only one verse of several songs. We will have to see. Either way, we want you to let us know the songs you would like to hear. Having them early allows us to have them pre-loaded onto PowerPoint, which saves time and negates the need for songbooks.
Yesterday we had two ladies come forward who have been struggling in their families. Marisa Mackey is back with us and we welcome her and her children. So many of you talked with and hugged these ladies afterwards and last night. Their is nothing like that feeling of a church family loving on you. What a high!
Last night Arthur David talked about the lows of an entire nation - Liberia. He provided updates of what is going on in the country and the church. It is a terrible time. It was encouraging to learn that this church has given more money for relief than any other church he knows. Not to brag, but to know we were able to bring something positive to hurting Christians. Please continue to pray for the entire country.
Finally, we are beginning a new series called Strapped. So many people in our country would say they are strapped for money. This series is designed to help us move from paycheck to paycheck to a more stable situation. To go from working for money to your money working for you. This is an excellent series to invite friends, family and co-workers to attend.