I guess there shouldn't be a day when we do not pray, but one of our shepherds needs us to bring his name continually before the throne of God. Joe Wild meets with the oncologist today at 2:30 pm. Yesterday Joe did blood work and had a scan done. The prayers were felt as I received this text, "Scan was easier than last time. He's done and doing well." He will be meeting with doctors tomorrow.
On the home front: we continue to have several visitors. Some have started Bible studies. Wednesday we had a new young adult attend. This group is about to fill up their classroom. It is really exciting seeing so many young faces. But we are also covering the other end of the spectrum as some senior citizens have started coming in the last few weeks. As a preacher this excites me. The church is for all ages, backgrounds, genders, and social classes. Continue to invite others to come with you to worship or Bible classes.
Speaking of Bible classes, our study on Sunday morning, "In the Beginning...", seems to draw interests from believers and otherwise. We shouldn't be surprised as it deals with the creation of all things. God has placed within us a desire to know it's Creator. In a couple of chapters, the Spirit explains things the scientific world has spent billions of dollars, millions of hours, and countless research trying to discover. This includes dinosaurs, as we discovered this week, and we will see another one this Sunday. Genesis answers so many questions.
This Sunday will end our series on the book of I Peter, "Not of this World." Personally, I have enjoyed this letter. Some things I needed to be reminded of, other things I needed to be rebuked, while other passages encouraged me. In three weeks we will begin a new series of lessons called, "Great Jail Breaks" from the book of Acts. If you have never studied this letter you might be surprised who baked the saw into the cake (so to speak).
Don't forget about the two classes going on Wednesday nights. The auditorium continues it's study of the justice of God and the Lynn Center its singing class. Speaking of singing, I personally enjoyed the new song (at least to me) "Happiness is the Lord".
Continue to remember those who sit near you that may be missing. It is the summer and it is easy to lose track of people. Don't assume people are on vacation - make a phone call. If you see there is a need, contact the church office or alert our elders.
Have a blessed week!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Monday, June 17, 2013
Uplifting Day
Father's Day was a great day for most. It is the day each year there are more collect calls. We sort of get the shaft, so to speak, when we compare it to Mother's Day, but I don't think any fathers complain. Many of you were treated to some special gifts, cards, and a few homemade things you still haven't figured out. They are all important. Now dads, back to work.
As expected, our attendance was low, but the spirits were high. It was a great day of worship. Personally, I am enjoying our class on "In the Beginning...", which brings new light to the Almighty God in creation. We are nearing the pinnacle of His creation. I have appreciated the comments made in class. Some of you approach me afterwards with some fascinating research in these areas. God is awesome!
Sunday night was especially encouraging to me. In the Lynn Center, we went over an hour and had to cut a few things. We sang songs of praise to God, learned a couple of new ones (despite my sorry teaching ability), prayed for each other, talked about the things we are thankful for and ways God has been working in our lives this week, as well as a great lesson on "Transformation" by Bill Raikes. For me it was a great way to end my night. No tension, just an inner peace.
Jimmy Robertson came forward Sunday morning asking for prayers for personal tragedy in his life. You may not know all the details, but our Heavenly Father does. Keep his name before the throne of God this week. This also goes for others you know who are struggling. In the bulletin each week we have many who need God's help. Check on those you suspect is struggling (physically, mentally, or spiritually). Let our shepherds know if anyone in the flock needs extra care.
Keep Joel, our summer intern (Melanie), and our youth in your prayers as they are away at Impact at David Lipscomb.
Also, keep me in your prayers as well, it is a long week ahead. I'm not complaining as much of it has to do with a couple of Bible studies that I may begin. I need to stay focused on my sermon text as well as try to serve others the best I can. It will be important for me to take time to pray, study, and rely on God's Spirit to keep my mind sharp and my heart at peace. Satan always comes after me during these types of weeks. This also means I need to live on priorities, which always means someone may not get the care I would like to give because of more serious responsibilities. Thank you in advance.
As expected, our attendance was low, but the spirits were high. It was a great day of worship. Personally, I am enjoying our class on "In the Beginning...", which brings new light to the Almighty God in creation. We are nearing the pinnacle of His creation. I have appreciated the comments made in class. Some of you approach me afterwards with some fascinating research in these areas. God is awesome!
Sunday night was especially encouraging to me. In the Lynn Center, we went over an hour and had to cut a few things. We sang songs of praise to God, learned a couple of new ones (despite my sorry teaching ability), prayed for each other, talked about the things we are thankful for and ways God has been working in our lives this week, as well as a great lesson on "Transformation" by Bill Raikes. For me it was a great way to end my night. No tension, just an inner peace.
Jimmy Robertson came forward Sunday morning asking for prayers for personal tragedy in his life. You may not know all the details, but our Heavenly Father does. Keep his name before the throne of God this week. This also goes for others you know who are struggling. In the bulletin each week we have many who need God's help. Check on those you suspect is struggling (physically, mentally, or spiritually). Let our shepherds know if anyone in the flock needs extra care.
Keep Joel, our summer intern (Melanie), and our youth in your prayers as they are away at Impact at David Lipscomb.
Also, keep me in your prayers as well, it is a long week ahead. I'm not complaining as much of it has to do with a couple of Bible studies that I may begin. I need to stay focused on my sermon text as well as try to serve others the best I can. It will be important for me to take time to pray, study, and rely on God's Spirit to keep my mind sharp and my heart at peace. Satan always comes after me during these types of weeks. This also means I need to live on priorities, which always means someone may not get the care I would like to give because of more serious responsibilities. Thank you in advance.
Monday, June 10, 2013
A Spirit-Filled Day
Sunday was a Spirit-filled day. It began with our singing songs of praise to God. David lead some powerful songs and the church responded by, as Paul commanded, to "sing praise with my spirit." (I Cor. 14:15) You can see it on people's faces and hear it in their voices. Paul also said, "...be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with all your heart." (Eph. 5:18-19)
Sunday morning we also dedicated a lesson to the Holy Spirit and suffering. So many positive responses to our passage of Scripture. The Spirit, by inspiration (II Pet. 1:20-21), tells us how He is working in our lives today. A few people let me know how much this study affected them. One, Charlotte Hall, responded to the lesson with words of praise that had filled her heart. I have known Charlotte for a while and I have never seen her like this. I have never seen the joy that was overflowing from her soul as she tried to tell me something the Lord had done through her life. A Spirit-filled response in which she told me, "I just couldn't keep it in." I do not believe that any of us truly know the depths of this subject. As our first song proclaimed, "I stand in awe."
We will begin the last chapter of our series this Sunday. As this great book closes, Peter will be giving advice to our elders, then to the church, before making his closing remarks. It is some powerful words inspired by the Spirit of God.
Keep David Paladin in your prayers this week as he is in Memphis doing work for his Master's degree at Harding Graduate School. Also, let's continue to keep Peggy Stevens and Joe Wild in our daily prayers as they battle cancer. There are others who may be physically sick or spiritually weak who need our attention. Please let the elders and church office know if there are those who need special attention and prayer. Find out what you can do and how you can serve.
Sunday morning we also dedicated a lesson to the Holy Spirit and suffering. So many positive responses to our passage of Scripture. The Spirit, by inspiration (II Pet. 1:20-21), tells us how He is working in our lives today. A few people let me know how much this study affected them. One, Charlotte Hall, responded to the lesson with words of praise that had filled her heart. I have known Charlotte for a while and I have never seen her like this. I have never seen the joy that was overflowing from her soul as she tried to tell me something the Lord had done through her life. A Spirit-filled response in which she told me, "I just couldn't keep it in." I do not believe that any of us truly know the depths of this subject. As our first song proclaimed, "I stand in awe."
We will begin the last chapter of our series this Sunday. As this great book closes, Peter will be giving advice to our elders, then to the church, before making his closing remarks. It is some powerful words inspired by the Spirit of God.
Keep David Paladin in your prayers this week as he is in Memphis doing work for his Master's degree at Harding Graduate School. Also, let's continue to keep Peggy Stevens and Joe Wild in our daily prayers as they battle cancer. There are others who may be physically sick or spiritually weak who need our attention. Please let the elders and church office know if there are those who need special attention and prayer. Find out what you can do and how you can serve.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Summer Begins
Yesterday our summer program began, which usually means excitement and anticipation by the body of believers. As for the staff, it is a day of stress, glitches, and hoping people understand the purpose of what is being done. I believe we accomplished both!
I received many good comments about the material for our Sunday morning class "In the Beginning...". My goal is for people to be so awestruck by our great God that I, as the teacher, disappear into the study.
We continue to get positive comments about the duo song leading and songs, even though we had a few glitches here and there. The goal is for the church to feed off the energy, inspire praise, and encourage one another through the song service. So far this has been the overwhelming consensus. The leadership has made it known they are dedicated to acapella worship at its highest level. We are still learning, but constantly looking for ways to improve this aspect of worship. This Wednesday night is the kick off of our singing class in Lynn Center #105. We will be learning songs from the Keith Lancaster "Praise & Harmony" CD Reigning God. David Brooker is one of the best at teaching parts. I have been listening to the CD for the last week in my Jeep and my 9 year old is already singing parts from the times she has been in my vehicle. Bella also has favorites she turns on and one of those was the song we sang yesterday morning before the sermon. There is also another study in the auditorium on the justice of God, so there is another excellent choice.
Sunday night was another success, based on the comments. One person told me how much they enjoyed the "Gospel Hour" and hearing a sermon from a beloved preacher of the past. The "Summer Celebration" in the upstairs Lynn Center also went well after we worked out a few glitches with the PowerPoint. Joel Soumar did his regular great job inspiring us with a "hands on" lesson. We had moments of singing, talking about the things we are thankful for, and ways we have seen God working in our lives this past week. It was all very inspiring to those who came. Some mentioned they wanted to attend but couldn't climb the stairs. I apologize, and the leadership will look into this. If you would like to come and need help getting up the stairs or a piggy back (well, something similar), let the staff know and we will make arrangements. The goal of these two services is different. We wanted to offer the "Gospel Hour" because we understand the power of traditions of our past. Our Sunday morning worship incorporates new and older songs. We try to be respectful of the style of all ages while still offering praise to God. Sunday evening focuses on those two styles of songs. Also, there have been some great preachers in the past who have inspired many of you through the years. Some of them are responsible for leading you to King Jesus. We celebrate your past and hope these will give you a sense of comfort as you end your evening of worship. The "Summer Celebration" is also intended to inspire. There is more than one way to skin a cat and there is more than one way to inspire others to praise. This service is not for young people, but all ages who are looking for fresh ways to experience our Creator. The goal is for each person to end their day of worship refreshed by the breath of God. Both services fulfills the Biblical call to worship. Enjoy your time, whichever you choose, but may we never forget our saying, "In doctrine - unity; in opinion - liberty; but in all things love." Let go of yourself and your wants and put all that energy into the One deserving our of worship. Amen.
Wow! I have droned on long enough. That is what happens when summer begins. Pick up your Bibles today and read a portion of Scripture. Meditate on it. Let it live within you. Understand the privilege we have to come before the throne of God and spend time in prayer. Don't let the world cloud your life. Be inspired and serve someone in the name of Jesus Christ. Love your church family. Inspire the world!
I received many good comments about the material for our Sunday morning class "In the Beginning...". My goal is for people to be so awestruck by our great God that I, as the teacher, disappear into the study.
We continue to get positive comments about the duo song leading and songs, even though we had a few glitches here and there. The goal is for the church to feed off the energy, inspire praise, and encourage one another through the song service. So far this has been the overwhelming consensus. The leadership has made it known they are dedicated to acapella worship at its highest level. We are still learning, but constantly looking for ways to improve this aspect of worship. This Wednesday night is the kick off of our singing class in Lynn Center #105. We will be learning songs from the Keith Lancaster "Praise & Harmony" CD Reigning God. David Brooker is one of the best at teaching parts. I have been listening to the CD for the last week in my Jeep and my 9 year old is already singing parts from the times she has been in my vehicle. Bella also has favorites she turns on and one of those was the song we sang yesterday morning before the sermon. There is also another study in the auditorium on the justice of God, so there is another excellent choice.
Sunday night was another success, based on the comments. One person told me how much they enjoyed the "Gospel Hour" and hearing a sermon from a beloved preacher of the past. The "Summer Celebration" in the upstairs Lynn Center also went well after we worked out a few glitches with the PowerPoint. Joel Soumar did his regular great job inspiring us with a "hands on" lesson. We had moments of singing, talking about the things we are thankful for, and ways we have seen God working in our lives this past week. It was all very inspiring to those who came. Some mentioned they wanted to attend but couldn't climb the stairs. I apologize, and the leadership will look into this. If you would like to come and need help getting up the stairs or a piggy back (well, something similar), let the staff know and we will make arrangements. The goal of these two services is different. We wanted to offer the "Gospel Hour" because we understand the power of traditions of our past. Our Sunday morning worship incorporates new and older songs. We try to be respectful of the style of all ages while still offering praise to God. Sunday evening focuses on those two styles of songs. Also, there have been some great preachers in the past who have inspired many of you through the years. Some of them are responsible for leading you to King Jesus. We celebrate your past and hope these will give you a sense of comfort as you end your evening of worship. The "Summer Celebration" is also intended to inspire. There is more than one way to skin a cat and there is more than one way to inspire others to praise. This service is not for young people, but all ages who are looking for fresh ways to experience our Creator. The goal is for each person to end their day of worship refreshed by the breath of God. Both services fulfills the Biblical call to worship. Enjoy your time, whichever you choose, but may we never forget our saying, "In doctrine - unity; in opinion - liberty; but in all things love." Let go of yourself and your wants and put all that energy into the One deserving our of worship. Amen.
Wow! I have droned on long enough. That is what happens when summer begins. Pick up your Bibles today and read a portion of Scripture. Meditate on it. Let it live within you. Understand the privilege we have to come before the throne of God and spend time in prayer. Don't let the world cloud your life. Be inspired and serve someone in the name of Jesus Christ. Love your church family. Inspire the world!
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