Monday, February 25, 2013

This is my first Monday Morning Report on my new computer.  Yes, finally, I have my own computer again!  There is a new learning curve, switching from a PC, to a MAC, to a totally different system known as Windows 8.  But the transition is easier than I believed, even though I couldn't figure out how to print off an email this morning.  Oh well, it will be well worth it in the end.

As far as Sunday is concerned, it was a great day.  It was nice having the teenagers back with us this week and a full house with several visitors.  The singing was great.  Our sermon series continued on through I Peter, as we dealt a challenging subject - being holy as God is holy.  As mentioned we will never be perfect or do everything right, but we should strive for it more and more every day.  Take some time to think about your life and ask what the Lord would want you to do.  Then be as "obedient children" of the Father.  If myself, the elders, or our intercessory prayer group can pray for you or with you about some things you struggle with, don't hesitate to let us know.  Live as if you are Not Of This World!

Our Coffee Connection is severely lacking support needed to bring visitors in each week, or it is the result of it being an earlier time, either way we need your help in helping to make this an outreach tool.  On the positive side, there are some Bible studies going on right now from more than a couple of people in this church.  Pray that God will move the hearts of those studying His Word.

Coming up this week: It is the last week for our current Wednesday night studies.  We will wrap up the "13" study with one of the most interesting books in the Bible - Revelation.  The parenting class will finish their study in Lynn Center #105.  Steve Hoskins appreciates everyone who has taught this quarter.  Look for an email this week regarding upcoming new classes this next quarter for Wednesdays and Sundays.

MISSION SUNDAY is this week.  Bob Brackett challenged the church with a $65,000 goal.  Bob did an excellent job providing information about each of our works.  If you were unable to get one of these packets you can pick one up Wednesday night in the foyer.  The leadership wants each of you to pray about this and determine what you can give to help spread the Good News of Christ in other places.  Also, Louis Swakkiam will be here from India to talk about his work during Sunday morning Bible class.  This is a very impressive work, with 225 baptisms this past year.  Louis is a very humble man doing the work of Christ.  Please take the opportunity to come out and hear him.  If you need some added caffeine for 9:30 in the morning, stop by the Coffee Shop before class and get a couple of cups of coffee.  We really hope to have a good turn out.

We received word this morning from Bob Brackett that Cornelius George went in for emergency surgery this morning.  We have supported the works that Cornelius and his wife Doris have been doing for many, many years so we ask that you keep him and his family in your prayers.  We will update you as more information comes in.

That is all for now.  It's going to be a busy week.  Keep praying for those hurting in the congregation and check on those you noticed were not here yesterday.

Monday, February 18, 2013

This is the new format for my Monday Morning Report.  I realize my spelling and grammar is sometimes difficult to stomach so I thought I would at least give you something more appealing to look at while you read.  Actually I'm trying to get into the 21st Century to find ways to connect.  Here are a few of the "new looks" and some of our "old" (but beneficial) stuff:

  1. Monday Morning Report.  Just as you have already discovered, my weekly report will come to you with a link to click on.  This is sort of an overall weekend report of the positive things experienced.  It will also be a way of letting you know what is coming up.  Every so often I may make a request or deal with something you may not want to air in the public assemblies with visitors.  You know the drill.
  2. Weekly Blog.  You should have received a link from A'Lana's email about my new blog.  This one is totally different than before.  It is not intended to be a long article (like I sometimes do with my Monday Morning Report), but short quips about various things, such as what's in the news; a portion of my Sunday sermon that was cut out due to time restraints; ways we need to stay relevant; and even a section on useless facts.  This is a good blog to share with others throughout our community.
  3. Twitter.  Yes, I am in the twitter world (@tracymoore1971).  I have fought it for a long time, but realize it is a great source of communication with members and those in our community.  The church also has a twitter account (@verobeachcofc).  I have started posting my sermon the day before and day of worship.  Also, I use it to talk about things like our Coffee Connection or anything positive that recently happened.  The churches twitter can be used to send out immediate announcements of things going on, such as an emergency surgery of a member or death, or whatever may need to go out.  Give us some time as we are learning more and more about it everyday.
  4. Facebook.  This is an ongoing site for the church.  A'Lana posts upcoming events and pictures.  It is also a great way for you to "share" some of these events to your own Facebook account for your "friends" to see.
  5. Website.  The churches website ( provides a lot of information.  You will find information about classes and upcoming events, as well as our various ministries, times, and a map to our facilities.  This is why I encourage you to let others in our community know about our website.  We are working toward putting podcasts of the weekly sermons on it as well, that way if you were to miss a sermon during a series you could go online and listen to it or download it to your smartphone.
These are just some of the ways we are trying to stay connected to you as well as our community.  Let us know if you have any other ideas that would help you stay more informed.  There are a lot of changes happening in the church office to allow us, as a church staff, to stay better connected to each other.

As far as this weekend went, I thought it was good considering we were missing most of our teens and adults chaperones.  We had several visitors from out of town, and a few in town, that were encouraging to see.  We still need you to bring visitors to our Coffee Connection at 9:30 am.  There are a couple of studies going on presently that I hope to report on later.  Keep praying for this ministry.

The teens made it back safe and sound.  They are tired, but all reports have been positive.  Joel did a great job planning this event.  It is the spiritual highlight of the teen ministry each year.  Thanks to so many of you who donated money to help these kids afford a trip like Winterfest.

We are only two weeks away from our Mission Sunday (March 3rd).  The goal is to raise $65,000.  I am amazed to what this congregation does every year.  Also Louis Swakkiam, our missionary from India, will be speaking that day.  Louis is much loved by this church and has continued to do a great work.  This past year they saw 225 baptisms!  Praise God!  Let's all come out to encourage him in this work.

Enough for now.  Let me know what you think of the new format.